Today marks two years of the podcast (our first proto episode was released today)! Thanks to all of the Lodgers and Birches who have resonated with what we're doing! We hope to continue long into the future (and if our ideas document is any indication, the world is stuck with us for a few years yet. She is long 😅)
New Episode! Part 2 of our 3-part discussion about the relationship between Eowyn and Faramir. This time, the focus is on Tolkien's 'author insert' character, Faramir, and the nuances of his presentation of masculinity. How does Faramir's softer, non-toxic masculinity compare against that of his father Denethor and brother Boromir? Where does Faramir fall on the gender spectrum? And next time, the conclusion diving into the q***r aspects of Eowyn and Faramir as a couple!
Hello to our dear lodgers and birches! Thank you all for sticking with us during an unscheduled, extended hiatus. We'd like to share that we recently hit the studio for our triumphant return episode! (Which will likely be a series of 2-3 episodes because we recorded for nearly 4 hours 😅) We've been threatening y'all with this one for a long time, so gird up in the coming weeks as we finally tackle...