JIB FLARE launch event
Join the presenter of JIB FLARE and the moderator of JIB SMART and VEDEN as we launch the first episode of JIB FLARE for this season!
JIIS Virtual Recognition - 3rd Term 2021-2022
LIVE: Virtual Recognition Ceremonies of the Joji Ilagan International Schools for 3rd Trimester S:Y 2020-2021
LIVE: Tourism for Inclusive Growth Webinar in celebration of World Tourism Day 2021: "Tourism for Inclusive Growth", organized by the Joji Ilagan International Schools and Voluptuaria, in cooperation with the Faculty of Management of Prince of Songkla University.
WTD 2021 Launching
Catch us LIVE as we officially launch and welcome you to this year's World Tourism Day 2021 with the theme, "Tourism for Inclusive Growth"!
With our JIBians of the day, Ms. Carmen Grace Altizo, the two-time Voluptuaria President, and Ms. Janine Karla Galvez, the overall event chair.
Interview the New Mr & Ms JIIS Icon 2021
Get to know more about our newly crowned Mr. and Ms. JIIS Icons 2021. Catch them now on Facebook Live on their first social media exposure.
This is JIBian: Now and Beyond!
Senior High School Virtual Fair
Join us LIVE as we introduce our Senior High School TVL Track!
#JIBinternationalschools #proudlyJIB #oneJIB #JIBmoments #JIBtakesPRIDE #JIBgoesSOCIAL #trulyinternational #trulyglobal
JIB Global Skills 2021 - Day 1 (AM)
Join us LIVE for our event, Global Skills 2021, with the theme “Rebooting Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Skills on Screen: Today’s Response, Tomorrow’s Success!”.
#GS2021 #GlobalSkills2021 #JIBinternationalschools #JIBcollege #ICHEF #proudlyJIB #oneJIB #proudlyICHEF #JIBmoments #JIBtakesPRIDE #JIBgoesSOCIAL #trulyinternational #trulyglobal