Fabula Florum et Gladiorum

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Fabula Florum et Gladiorum Italian witch. Student and assistant of Artifex Somni.

🇬🇧 Mind controlAs I had already mentioned in a previous post, the "mental states", or "mindset", are fundamental for a s...

🇬🇧 Mind control

As I had already mentioned in a previous post, the "mental states", or "mindset", are fundamental for a stable, precise and controlled magical practice. By "mind control" I mean the tool that is needed to be the director of your own life, avoiding being at the mercy of your own thoughts and emotions.

As explains in more detail in his video of the same name as this post (link in bio to his english YouTube channel), our brain is made to make us survive, not to make us happy.

We often tend to focus more on the negative aspects of our lives and on what could go wrong, so that we can "prepare for the worst".

To prove this, I would like to ask you, if you feel like it, to try an experiment that they had me do at psychology school: take a sheet of paper and write down all the words that come to mind that describe positive emotions or moods; now, do the same thing with words that describe negative emotions or moods.
Do you notice any difference?
The second list should be longer.

No doubt this is a necessary defence mechanism, but it should not, in my opinion, have total control over our lives. What we can do, therefore, for our own growth, be it spiritual or otherwise, is to train ourselves to be in control. We can decide our mental state, we can choose. Of course, I can only speak from my own experience, but if I can give you some advice, if you try not to focus most of the time on what is wrong, but instead focus on what you want and on your goals, the quality of your life will change for the better.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

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🇬🇧 7) The Principle of Gender"Gender is everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifes...

🇬🇧 7) The Principle of Gender

"Gender is everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes."

Before we begin to deal with the last principle, it is necessary to make a premise. In this context we are referring to the Latin etymology of "gender," which means "creation," "production." Therefore, it has nothing to do with s*x, which is only its manifestation in the physical plane of organic life. The "gender" to which the Kybalion refers is inherent in every plane of existence (taking different forms, of course) and is fundamental to physical, mental or spiritual creation. In addition, every thing and person contains both elements, in different percentages, so every feminine element contains a masculine one and vice versa.

Generally the masculine principle is understood as the active/positive one, while the feminine one is understood as the passive/negative one, but this is absolutely not to be understood with a negative meaning. The feminine is the real source of reproduction, like a container ready to receive and then give something new. The masculine principle has the role of sending a certain energy to the feminine one that, in fact, performs the work of creation.

Also in our mind are therefore present these two principles, represented by the "Me" ("the "mental womb" from which spring thoughts, emotions, feelings and ideas, therefore capable of generating any kind of mental principle") and the "I" (in which resides the "ability to project a particular energy from the I to the Me, that is the process of will that gives beginning and life to mental creation").

Once understood this, we are able to balance at best within us these two aspects, deciding when to give more space to the feminine principle and when to give space to the masculine one. It is the integration between the two that leads us to growth, not the exclusive use of one or the other.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

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🇬🇧 6) The Principle of Cause and Effect"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens accor...

🇬🇧 6) The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognised; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

To study this principle we must first understand a fundamental concept: chance does not exist.

Making a practical example, also present in Kybalion, when you throw a dice the result is not random but it depends on a number of factors, such as: impressed force, conditions of the board, the material of the dice itself, atmospheric pressure... this is not "chance", it is only something that is difficult for us to determine and understand, but every effect has its cause, as every cause has its effect.

Every thought of ours produces, in fact, thousands of consequences, both direct and indirect, which will in turn be the cause of something else.

Nevertheless, there is not to surrender to be mere pawns, because the knowledge of hermetic principles allows us to rise, within certain limits, above the normal plane of cause and effect, so as to become ourselves a causative principle. In this way our moods and our emotions will no longer be dictated by what surrounds us, but by ourselves. Although obeying the causal planes that are superior to us, we can dominate our own.

I again recommend the reading of the Kybalion for anyone interested in deepening and perfecting their hermetic knowledge.

I also remind you that, for anyone who wants to read in its entirety my writing on the Kybalion, you can find it on my blog (link in bio).

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

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🇬🇧 5) The Principle of Rhythm"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pend...

🇬🇧 5) The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

As we have seen, movement is manifested in everything and everything is complete in that it includes two poles. Between the latter there is an eternal symmetry, since for every action there is a reaction, to each oscillation in front corresponds one back, arriving more or less close to the two ends: the height reached by one side will be equivalent to that reached by the other.

This movement is manifested in the presence of alternating periods, following a law of compensation: for each thing, you lose another; in other words, you always pay a price. The process does not stop, as the movement is eternal, but it is possible to escape the effects of the principle of rhythm.

The hermetic master, in fact, is able, by force of will, to polarize himself on a point of the movement, neutralizing the rhythmic force of the pendulum. In short, he recognizes an oscillation present on two planes: one lower and one higher. The "negative" oscillation of the pendulum would be the one dictated by the unconscious, therefore by states of mind, feelings and passions. Our task, as scholars of the hermetic art, is to raise ourselves above these oscillations, depolarizing and neutralizing the influence of the pendulum. In this way we will be able to dominate ourselves, without the influence of negative moods.

I remind you that, for anyone who wants to read in its entirety my writing on the Kybalion, you can find it on my blog (link in bio).

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

Photo: Canva

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🇬🇧 4) The Principle of Polarity"Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and...

🇬🇧 4) The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

To best explain this principle, in my opinion, let me first start with the assumption that there cannot be one thing without its opposite: there could be no experience of heat without that of cold, no experience of happiness without that of sadness, etc. This is because, as they say, "every truth is only a half-truth": hot and cold are just two facets of the same thing, and any object/experience is located at a point between two opposites.

Explained in another way, there is no "white" and "black" but only gray scales: "opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree"; in fact there will be a central point where the two qualities are confused and it is difficult to distinguish them.

Once understood this, the hermeticist can move between the degrees of each scale by altering the vibration (see previous post), knowing, for example, that sadness can be transmuted into joy, as these emotions are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, mastering this principle means being able to invert one's own polarity (and that of others), provided one devotes the necessary time and study to learning this art.

Obviously, phenomena of different categories can not be transmuted between them (for example, "short" can not become more "yellow"), but it is possible to vary the polarity of those belonging to the same category.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


[🇮🇹 nei commenti]

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"Il cambiamento è inevitabile, ma la crescita personale è una scelta."                              via .app

"Il cambiamento è inevitabile, ma la crescita personale è una scelta."

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🇬🇧 3) The Principle of Vibration“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."The third principle, as well as t...

🇬🇧 3) The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

The third principle, as well as the correspondence principle taken into analysis in the previous post, has been confirmed by modern science: nothing is at rest, everything vibrates; what changes is the degree of vibration.

This also applies to the mental planes, in which phenomena are nothing but different modes of vibration. In general, on the spiritual level, the higher the vibration, the higher the position on the scale of spirituality.

The understanding of this principle enables the hermeticist to have control, first of all, over his own mental vibrations, and later, with the refinement of study, over the vibrations of others as well. The degree of vibration can be reproduced through a strong concentration of will and, in this way, the master in this art can polarize his mind to the desired degree, until he reaches total control of his mental states and emotions.

For anyone who wants to read in its entirety my writing on the Kybalion, you can find it on my blog (link in bio).

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

Photo: Canva

🇬🇧 2) The Principle of Correspondence"As above, so below; as below, so above."Everything that exists in the Universe ori...

🇬🇧 2) The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above."

Everything that exists in the Universe originated from the same source. To make a comparison to a scientifically ascertained event just think of the Big Bang. So, following this line of thought, everything is subject to the same principles. The principle of correspondence is based on the fact that through our practical experience we can understand even what happens further away from us; for example, geometric principles are also used to measure distances and movements of stars and planets, although these are only inferences, since no one has actually been on site to measure them.

Moving on to the spiritual level, different planes of existence are identified, which differ in vibratory frequency: higher vibrations are identified the closer you get to the source, lower vibrations the more you move away from it. For the second principle of Kybalion, between these planes there is "correspondence" and therefore, through the understanding of the plane in which we live, the material one, we can generalize our knowledge to understand how the higher planes work. Obviously it will be easier to understand the planes closer to ours and, the more we move away, the more difficult it will be.

For anyone who wants to read in its entirety my writing on the Kybalion, you can find it on my blog (link in bio).

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

Photo: Canva

"Non è ciò che facciamo una volta ogni tanto che dà la forma alla nostra vita. È ciò che facciamo costantemente."       ...

"Non è ciò che facciamo una volta ogni tanto che dà la forma alla nostra vita. È ciò che facciamo costantemente."

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🇬🇧 1) The Principle of Mentalism“The all is mind, the Universe is mental."[In this post I'm going to share my opinion ab...

🇬🇧 1) The Principle of Mentalism

“The all is mind, the Universe is mental."

[In this post I'm going to share my opinion about this principle.]

I want to start by expressing a concept: everything starts in the mind and everything ends in the mind.

What does it mean that "everything starts in the mind"? Everything that exists was first thought of by someone, like your phone, a chair, a piece of art, a start-up... if there was no idea first, nothing would exist. Similarly, all of our behavior also started from our mind, whether we are aware of it or not.

What does it mean that "everything ends in the mind"? Anything, to exist, also needs to be experienced, and how do we experience reality if not through our mind? For example, you are experiencing the phone in your hand through your senses, mainly touch and sight. The data collected by your receptors, in your hands and eyes, is then sent to your brain, which processes the information and provides the finished product to your conscious mind.

The reality you are experiencing has therefore started from the mind and then returned to the mind to be realized, everything exists because it exists in the mind: “The all is mind, the Universe is mental."

By first understanding this concept, through the continued study of the Kybalion, the hermeticist can learn how to use the laws of the mental universe to his or her advantage and avoid being at the mercy of them.

I also remind you that, for anyone who wants to read in its entirety my writing on the Kybalion, you can find it on my blog (link in bio).

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

Photo: Canva

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🇬🇧 Kybalion: an introductionThe Kybalion is one of the most important hermetic esoteric books, if not the most important...

🇬🇧 Kybalion: an introduction

The Kybalion is one of the most important hermetic esoteric books, if not the most important. First published in 1908, it tells about the seven main hermetic teachings attributed to Ermete Trismegisto, which are now the foundation of most of books on occultism. I personally find it fundamental, just like my Master () does, to not only understand how magick works, but also nature itself. Once you have started reading this book, I think it will be inevitable for you to find comparisons, even in the scientific field.

These teachings most likely come from far away in time: ancient Egypt. They have never been made known before only because they were taught orally only to those who were believed to be ready. Thus the opening phrase of the book: “The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of the understanding”. However, the book says: “[...] the passage of this book to those ready for the instruction will attract the attention of such as are prepared to receive the Teaching. And, likewise, when the pupil is ready to receive the truth, then will this little book come to him, or her. Such is The Law. The Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, in its aspect of The Law of Attraction, will bring lips and ear together - pupil and book in company”.

In the next posts I will briefly analyze each of the 7 principles; for anyone who wants to read in its entirety my writing on the Kybalion, you can find it on my blog (link in bio). However, I would recommend that anyone interested in the subject get a copy of the Kybalion in order to further their study.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]

Photo by me

"Ci sono più cose in cielo e in terra, Orazio, di quante ne sogni la tua filosofia."William Shakespeare

"Ci sono più cose in cielo e in terra, Orazio, di quante ne sogni la tua filosofia."
William Shakespeare

🇬🇧 GratefulnessMental states, or mindset, are fundamental for a stable, precise, and controlled magickal practice. My ma...

🇬🇧 Gratefulness

Mental states, or mindset, are fundamental for a stable, precise, and controlled magickal practice. My master is going to widely talk about this matter in his YouTube videos (link in bio), while I want to talk more specifically about gratefulness, here.

Each day of our lives we tend to give more attention to problems, to what is not working properly, etc. This happens because our brain is simply wired this way, to help us survive. What we should all do (not just those of us who are on a spiritual path) is take a few moments every day to also think about what made us happy, what we are grateful for. It could be something like “I spent time with people I love”, “I finally managed to do this thing”, “this friend of mine texted me because they wanted to catch up”, or any other little thing. Our lives are full of moments which can help us raise our vibration, we just need to learn to make an effort to give them the attention they deserve.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,

(🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti)

Photo: Canva

"Non sono ciò che mi succede, sono ciò che scelgo di essere."

"Non sono ciò che mi succede, sono ciò che scelgo di essere."

🇬🇧 Mental FiltersOne of the most important pieces of information you should keep in mind when you start working on yours...

🇬🇧 Mental Filters

One of the most important pieces of information you should keep in mind when you start working on yourself is that everything that happens to us goes through some mental “filters”. These structures are formed, in time, based on our experiences, mostly those from our childhood. Once we decide to start a personal growth path, first by taking time for ourselves (see previous posts), it is important to be able to recognize these filters in order to understand how we interpret reality, so that we can learn how to choose to live each event. Our experience comes from our interpretation of reality, and we all have power over that. Learn how to know your filters and build the person you want to be, because you have the power to do it. You only have to choose to do it.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


🇮🇹 I filtri della mente

Una delle informazioni più importanti da tenere presente quando si inizia un lavoro su di sé è che tutto ciò che ci accade passa attraverso a dei “filtri” mentali. Tali strutture si sono andate a formare col tempo in base alle nostre esperienze, soprattutto quelle della prima infanzia. Una volta che decidiamo di intraprendere un percorso di crescita personale, iniziando col prendersi del tempo per sé (vedi post precedenti), è importante cominciare anche ad individuare tali filtri per capire come tendiamo ad interpretare la realtà, per poi imparare a scegliere come vogliamo vivere ogni vicenda. La nostra esperienza è data da una nostra interpretazione della realtà e su questo ognuno di noi ha potere. Impara a conoscere i tuoi filtri e costruisci la persona che vuoi essere, perché tu hai tutto il potere di farlo. Devi solo scegliere di farlo.

Che la luce degli Dèi possa sempre guidarvi,


Photo: Canva

🇬🇧 Self acceptanceWe live in a society where appearance reigns, where we are made to believe that there is only one righ...

🇬🇧 Self acceptance

We live in a society where appearance reigns, where we are made to believe that there is only one right way of being: showing only what is pretty and those sides of us that can be appreciated by others. I’ll tell you: be true. You’re beautiful because you are complete; within you can be found both joy and sadness, calm and anger, stability and stress… feeling good about yourselves means accepting yourselves, which in turn means taking into account all your emotions and shades. Inevitably, we will have to face those things of us we don’t like, but it is only then that we can truly change, not hiding anymore that which we don’t want to see. We should learn how to communicate with the person on the other side of the mirror, because that is still us.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


🇮🇹 Accettazione di tutte le parti di sé

Viviamo in una società in cui regna l’apparenza, nella quale ci viene fatto credere che esiste un solo modo corretto di essere: quello di mostrare solo ciò che è bello e gli aspetti di noi che più possono essere apprezzati dagli altri. Quello che vi dico io è: siate veri. Siete bellissimi perché siete completi, all’interno di voi si possono trovare gioia e tristezza, calma e rabbia, stabilità e stress… stare bene con se stessi vuol dire accettarsi, accettarsi vuol dire prendere in considerazione tutte le nostre emozioni e tutte le nostre sfumature. Inevitabilmente ci troveremo così ad affrontare anche ciò che non ci piace, ma solo a quel punto potremo cambiare davvero, smettendo di nascondere sotto al tappeto o dentro all’armadio quello che non vogliamo vedere. Impariamo a comunicare con la persona dall’altra parte dello specchio, perché siamo comunque noi.

Che la luce degli Dèi possa sempre guidarvi,


Photo: Canva

"I pensieri diventano cose. Terrai fra le tue mani ciò che hai visto nella tua mente."

"I pensieri diventano cose. Terrai fra le tue mani ciò che hai visto nella tua mente."

🇬🇧 Respect for the planetIn my last post I have talked about the importance of respecting our body as it is the vessel w...

🇬🇧 Respect for the planet

In my last post I have talked about the importance of respecting our body as it is the vessel we inhabit in this life. Now I want to tell you about another wonderful world we have also chosen, and which has welcomed us: the planet Earth. The Earth’s love for us is so huge that the planet itself gives us everything we need.

The most impressive example of this is how the Earth gives life to all those fruits and vegetables which we need, during this season or the other, to assimilate all those substances our body needs the most.

We also have access to a series of materials with which to make our life better, but we are missing the obvious by not respecting the planet which takes care of us and our health. Our planet doesn’t need us, we need it. If we keep on abusing its hospitality, we will be obliterated by the one thing that has helped us by giving us everything we could possibly need, and has asked for only one thing in return: respect (something I believe should be the very foundation of our behaviour).

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


[Italiano nei commenti]

Photo: Canva

"La via per il successo è costruita agendo con determinazione."

"La via per il successo è costruita agendo con determinazione."

🇬🇧 Respect for your bodyA lesson I have learned in years of spiritual studies is the importance of not losing focus towa...

🇬🇧 Respect for your body

A lesson I have learned in years of spiritual studies is the importance of not losing focus towards our body, not only towards our spirit and our mind.

Indeed, I think of our body as the “ark” we have chosen to face this life/reincarnation.

I haven’t chosen the ark imagery randomly, as we want to keep in it only what we choose to take with us along the way. To do this in the best way possible, we will have to take care of the structure of this vessel, too. Thus I think it’s good to try and be on a healthy diet and not to have an inactive lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you should put yourself through any kind of extreme routines, just take care and respect your body by listening to it.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


🇮🇹 Rispetto per il proprio corpo

Una delle lezioni che ho imparato in anni di studi spirituali è l’importanza di non perdere il focus anche nei confronti del nostro corpo, non solo del nostro spirito e della nostra mente. Difatti, penso che il corpo sia l' “arca” che abbiamo scelto per affrontare questa nostra vita/reincarnazione.

L’immagine dell’arca non l’ho scelta a caso, in quanto al suo interno vogliamo mantenere stabilmente solo ciò che scegliamo di portare con noi lungo il percorso. Per poter fare questo nel miglior modo possibile, dovremo pertanto prenderci cura anche della struttura di questa imbarcazione. Penso che sia quindi buona cosa cercare di tenere una dieta equilibrata e di non avere una vita troppo sedentaria. Questo non significa imporsi delle privazioni o delle routine estreme, semplicemente di prendersi cura e di avere rispetto del proprio corpo, ascoltandolo.

Che la luce degli Dèi possa sempre guidarvi,


Photo: Canva

🇬🇧 Learning to be aloneRecently I spoke of the importance of taking time for ourselves, and today I want to write about ...

🇬🇧 Learning to be alone

Recently I spoke of the importance of taking time for ourselves, and today I want to write about the importance of learning to be alone.

"Alone", actually, is not the right term, since we're never truly alone. What I'm talking about is deeply related to my previous post. We are used to be always in touch with others, such that "loneliness" has started to terrorise us. Taking time for ourselves, once we get used to it, is going to slowly erase some of the filters we have built in front of our eyes, allowing us to see more clearly and to be more receptive to the messages from the other side of the veil.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


🇮🇹 Imparare a stare da soli.

Recentemente ho parlato dell'importanza di prendere del tempo per se stessi, questa volta voglio parlare di una cosa che va di pari passo con questo: l'importanza di imparare a stare da soli.

"Soli" comunque è un termine sbagliato, in quanto non siamo mai veramente soli. Quello che intendo, in realtà, è più o meno quello di cui ho parlato nell'altro post. Siamo abituati ad essere sempre in contatto con altre persone, che sia fisicamente o telematicamente, tanto che la "solitudine" ha iniziato a terrorizzarci. Il tempo per sé, una volta presa l'abitudine, ci porterà a far cadere sempre di più una serie di filtri e a vedere tutto con più chiarezza, e renderà anche più "facile" la comunicazione con gli spiriti rendendoci più ricettivi ai messaggi provenienti dall'altra parte del velo.

Che la luce degli Dèi possa sempre guidarvi,


Photo: Canva

🇬🇧 The importance of taking time for ourselves.It may seem ordinary, but, in our lives, taking time to stop and think ab...

🇬🇧 The importance of taking time for ourselves.

It may seem ordinary, but, in our lives, taking time to stop and think about ourselves it's not obvious. This was the first teaching my master () gave me: "from now on, take 5 minutes everyday for yourself and yourself only; in a week you can tell me about it."

I find the beauty in inviting myself in my room, putting some music on, offering a cigarette to myself, and then start to talk, not necessarily loud but also in my thoughts: "How was your day?", "What made you laugh?", "Why did this thing make you angry?", "Wait, I'm making coffee only for you", and so on… until you don't try, you won't know how wonderful it is to start learning to know yourself, to become friends.

May the light of the Gods always guide you,


🇮🇹 L'importanza di prendersi del tempo per se stessi.

Sembra una cosa banale, ma basta ragionarci un attimo per capire che nelle nostre vite non è così scontato fermarsi un attimo per pensare solo a sé. Questo è stato il primo insegnamento che mi è stato dato dal mio Maestro (): "da qui in avanti prenditi 5 minuti al giorno in cui pensi solo a te stessa e fra un settimana mi dirai intanto come è andata".

La bellezza che ho trovato è stata nell'"invitarmi" in camera, mettere della musica in sottofondo e offrirmi una sigaretta, per poi iniziare a parlare, ma parlare davvero, con me stessa. Non per forza ad alta voce, anche solo tramite i pensieri: "Come è andata oggi?", "Cosa ti ha fatto sorridere?", "Perché questo evento ti ha fatto arrabbiare?", "Aspetta, preparo un caffè, solo per te", e così via… fino a che non provate, non potete avere idea di quanto sia meraviglioso iniziare ad imparare a conoscersi per diventare amici di noi stessi.

Che la luce degli Dèi possa sempre guidarvi,


Photo: Canva




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