🇬🇧 Mind control
As I had already mentioned in a previous post, the "mental states", or "mindset", are fundamental for a stable, precise and controlled magical practice. By "mind control" I mean the tool that is needed to be the director of your own life, avoiding being at the mercy of your own thoughts and emotions.
As explains in more detail in his video of the same name as this post (link in bio to his english YouTube channel), our brain is made to make us survive, not to make us happy.
We often tend to focus more on the negative aspects of our lives and on what could go wrong, so that we can "prepare for the worst".
To prove this, I would like to ask you, if you feel like it, to try an experiment that they had me do at psychology school: take a sheet of paper and write down all the words that come to mind that describe positive emotions or moods; now, do the same thing with words that describe negative emotions or moods.
Do you notice any difference?
The second list should be longer.
No doubt this is a necessary defence mechanism, but it should not, in my opinion, have total control over our lives. What we can do, therefore, for our own growth, be it spiritual or otherwise, is to train ourselves to be in control. We can decide our mental state, we can choose. Of course, I can only speak from my own experience, but if I can give you some advice, if you try not to focus most of the time on what is wrong, but instead focus on what you want and on your goals, the quality of your life will change for the better.
May the light of the Gods always guide you,
[🇮🇹 Italiano nei commenti]
Photo: Canva
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