Stories In Sand, The Arabian Nights. Part art, part storybook. The known and secret stories from the Arabian Nights told with sand sculptures of epic scale.
This is an important book for sand art. Ten years ago I was the creative director of one of the largest sand sculpture festival ever made. Located in Kuwait, the Remal festival told the tales of the Arabian Nights in an immersive sculpture park 6 football fields in size. Together with Seventy-two of the world’s best sand sculptors, we carved 30,000 tons of sand to bring the Arabian Nights to life. My photographs of these sculptures alongside my re-written and shortened texts derived from the original tales form this book called Stories In Sand. Supporting the Kickstarter campaign is a must to make this happen! Go and click on the Notify button so you can support early when it launches in February. Early support helps the algorithm to push it. Even if you give 1$ and don't buy the book. Still helps!!!!
👉This is an important book for sand art. Ten years ago I was the creative director of one of the largest sand sculpture festival ever made. Located in Kuwait, the Remal festival told the tales of the Arabian Nights in an immersive sculpture park 6 football fields in size. Together with Seventy-two of the world’s best sand sculptors, we carved 30,000 tons of sand to bring the Arabian Nights to life. My photographs of these sculptures alongside my re-written and shortened texts derived from the original tales form this book called Stories In Sand. Supporting the Kickstarter campaign is a must to make this happen! Go and click on the Notify button so you can support early when it launches in February. Early support helps the algorithm to push it. Even if you give 1$ and don't buy the book. Still helps!!!!
🤔 If you are new to Kickstarter Here is how-to back a Kickstarter campaign.
👉Pressing the "BACK THS PROJECT" button is the fastest way to get to the "rewards" list to buy the product.
Rewards are items you will buy that help fund the product being produced. They can be the product itself or other items that help fund the project.
You "pledge" to buy.
You can add on other items to your order. Kickstarter calls these "Add-ons".
You can also give extra money just to help the project succeed. This is why they call it pledge and not just buy.
🚀Once the project is fully funded and complete you will get an email to arrange delivery details.
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Sand sculptures are fascinating in their impermanence. The artistic expertise, time, and commitment to create and build them is awe-inspiring. Imagine a sand sculpture park built in Kuwait on a massive scale (6 football fields).
Now imagine it being wiped out by a freak storm.
And built again.
My book, “Stories In Sand, The Arabian Nights,” can give some permanence to this artistic feat and provide some insight into the historic tales of the Arabian Nights. The photographs of these epic sand sculptures from this park illustrate the abridged stories that they represented from the 1001 nights including Sinbad, Aladdin and Alibaba and the 40 thieves. The Kickstarter to back this book is live until March 6, 2024.
#bookworm #aladdin #sandcastle #scheherazade #arabiannights #1001nights #sandsculptures #thearabiannights #sandsculpture #Sindbad #storybookk #sandcastles #oddlysatisfying #sand #sculpture #movingsand #sandcarving #art #beachsand #sandcastle #sandart #sandsculpture #beachlife #sandcastles #howto #construction
How to make a 52 foot tall sandcastle in 31 seconds.
Also, Back the Kickstarter campaign.
#bookworm #aladdin #sandcastle #scheherazade #arabiannights #1001nights #sandsculptures #thearabiannights #sandsculpture #Sindbad #storybookk #sandcastles #oddlysatisfying #sand #sculpture #movingsand #sandcarving #art #beachsand #sandcastle #sandart #sandsculpture #beachlife #sandcastles #howto #construction