Bird feeding at Algonquin Park……. #algonquinpark #birdfeeding #algonquin #ontario #ontarioparks
It’s my birthday!!! #birthdaycakes #itsmybirthday #birthdayparty
A dog and a cat go to Heaven… #fbreels #jokes #joke
These days with the different social media… #fbreels #jokes #joke
A blonde woman gets a job teaching 16-year-olds physical education… #fbreels #jokes #joke
A pirate wakes up on an island… #fbreels #jokes #joke
There was a guy in his mid 30s grocery shopping… #fbreels #jokes #joke
I was sitting at home the other evening, and my wife said… #fbreels #jokes #joke
A shy man was sitting at the bar… #fbreels #joke #jokes
Wives are very strange creatures… #fbreels #jokes #joke
I’m not a fan of spring cleaning… #fbreels #joke #jokes
An engineer dies, and reports to the pearly gates… #fbreels #joke #jokes
A wife was so angry with her husband. She packed up all of his things… #fbreels #joke #jokes
A police officer in a small town pulled over a motorist… #fbreels #joke #jokes
Jim Bob called the FBI… #fbreels #joke #jokes
A man was walking down a country road… #fbreels #joke #jokes
A woman wants cyanide from the pharmacy… #fbreels #joke #jokes
An American, a Frenchman, a Turk and a Scotsman… #fbreels #joke #jokes
A chicken farmer was commenting to his wife… #jokes #funny #humor