Episode #015!
❤️ It's a Valentine's Day Special!
It’s 1968, and a Computer Date Match service is about to create a match made in heaven. Carolyn and Kant Muchhala share their meet-cute story—more than 50 years later. It’s another Zoomed-In Moment! Here’s to everlasting love! ❤️
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It was the moment the ghostly sound of mysterious footsteps left even skeptics wondering… could the house truly be haunted by a ghost child?
In this condensed version of Episode #006, today’s Episode #013, explores eerie, unexplained events in a home built over San Francisco’s long-forgotten Odd Fellows Cemetery.
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Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon music… Wherever you get your podcasts!
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It was the moment the ghostly sound of mysterious footsteps left even skeptics wondering… could the house truly be haunted?
Episode #013 is a shorter version of Episode #006 that delves into the eerie unexplained moments lingering around a home built atop the forgotten remnants of the Odd Fellows Cemetery in San Francisco.
While you wait for Ep. #013 to drop, check out our other episodes at www.shadow-clock.com.
#Sanfrancisco #oddfellowscemetery #gardenofinnocence #DNA #matthewstewart #edithhowardcook #mirandaeve #anamariehuck #anthropology #history #humanremains #UCsantacruz
#UCDavis #mummies #genealogy #independentorderofoddfellows #podcast #podcasting #realstories #independentpodcast #mnwebfest
@kamahalic @k8cosgrove @brucescivally @gardenofinnocence @gardenofinnocenceorg @bloombuilderssf
🎉🎉"Shadow Clock" host @kamahalic discusses the show and Ep. #004 l "The Slaty Brushfinch," winner of Best Unscripted Podcast @towebfest !
📣 Direct link to the episode below:
@diegocolbirding —thank you once again for trusting us to tell your story.
@towebfest thank you for this opportunity and for recognizing the importance of Diego's story.
📣 New listeners: Find all episodes at:
www.shadow-clock.com or wherever you get your podcasts! (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon, etc.)
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When Kristen lost her father, what she wanted most was a moment from beyond...
"Shadow Clock's" guest Kristen fondly reminisces about her father, sharing three poignant moments that vividly highlight his enduring presence in her life, despite the many years since his passing.
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#fathers #dads #daughters #birds #robins #sparrows #afterdeath #fromthebeyond #ghosts #spirits #grief #lifeafterdeath #afterlife #loss #symbolism #signs #St.JohnsMilitaryAcademy #Vietnam #fathersday #veteransday #death #moments #truelife #realstories #realpeople #podcast #podcasting #independentpodcast #podcastersofinstagram #documentary
When Kristen lost her father, what she wanted most was a moment from beyond...
"Shadow Clock's" guest Kristen fondly reminisces about her father, sharing three poignant moments that vividly highlight his enduring presence in her life, despite the many years since his passing.
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#fathers #dads #daughters #birds #robins #sparrows #afterdeath #fromthebeyond #ghosts #spirits #grief #lifeafterdeath #afterlife #loss #symbolism #signs #St.JohnsMilitaryAcademy #Vietnam #fathersday #veteransday #death #moments #truelife #realstories #realpeople #podcast #podcasting #independentpodcast #podcastersofinstagram #documentary
Summery: When Kristen lost her father, what she wanted most was a moment from beyond...
"Shadow Clock's" guest Kristen fondly reminisces about her father, sharing three poignant moments that vividly highlight his enduring presence in her life, despite the many years since his passing.
Direct Link to Episode:
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#fathers #dads #daughters #birds #robins #sparrows #afterdeath #fromthebeyond #ghosts #spirits #grief #lifeafterdeath #afterlife #loss #symbolism #signs #St.JohnsMilitaryAcademy #Vietnam #fathersday #veteransday #death #moments #truelife #realstories #realpeople #podcast #podcasting #independentpodcast #podcastersofinstagram #documentary
Stay tuned!
"Shadow Clock's" guest Kristen fondly reminisces about her father, sharing three poignant moments that vividly highlight his enduring presence in her life, despite the many years since his passing.
#fathers #dads #birds #robins #lovedones #afterdeath #vetrans #ghosts #spirits #grief #lifeafterdeath #moments #truelife #realstories #realpeople #zoomedinmoments #podcast #podcasting #independentpodcast #podcastersofinstagram #documentary
A new "Zoomed In Moment" is on its way TOMORROW!
Notre Dame star and NFL alum Drew Mahalic relives his iconic 1973 Sports Illustrated cover moment.
#football #notredame #notredamefootball #DrewMahalic #fightingirish #UTK #condredgehollowaylegacy #AnthonyDavis #NotreDameFootball #ncaafootball #VOLS #RockyTop #SportsIllustrated #UniversityofTennessee #knoxville #football
Episode 09, "Emma," was particularly important to me because so many people are struggling with housing costs. I hope Amira's episode brings a little awareness to just how complicated finding safe housing is for so many. Not to mention, Amira's fighting spirit truly is inspiring.