The Human Saga

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The Human Saga The Human Saga is the page dedicated to the stories of common people . it aims to inspire and aspire people around..

I am Akshika Aggarwal, an ordinary girl who loves to make friends and be surrounded by my loved ones and stay connected ...

I am Akshika Aggarwal, an ordinary girl who loves to make friends and be surrounded by my loved ones and stay connected with everyone I know. I want to create my own identity and try hard to be something from nothing.

I am a writer or a poet since 14years of my age. My life is not simple since birth. I have since birth due to which I am wheelchair-bound. My health is declining every 3months which is a huge challenge. I live with my parents and my brother. I have one younger sister too who is recently married. My family me a lot. Every 3rd I witness a change in me as my health declines I have to give birth to a new Akshika who have to be strong to face all the odds of life.

The happiest day of my life was when I performed for ignite an event by .me were more than 3000 people witnessed me performing.

The most successful day of my life was when I completed my MA In English literature by myself without any teaching guidance or help. I faced many problems while doing my post-graduation but I never give up on my dreams I faced so many health problems, faced problems in getting a writer in exams, submitting my tutorials and the top of it I lost my loviñg Nani on the final day of exam but still I went to the Centre for exam so I could complete my post-graduation. Never stop dreaming is the life mantra

My hard-hitting lesson is to stay happy in what u have at present. You never know when life will take it away from you as I am Losing my ability every 3 months. This thing has changed me forever as I have to be strong enough to accept the changes within me now and then.

(2/2) Divya SinghRecently, I published my first book "Girl with Wings on Fire" which is a true story based on my life an...

(2/2) Divya Singh
Recently, I published my first book "Girl with Wings on Fire" which is a true story based on my life and it has received accolades through papers and media. It will encourage those who are lost or are suffering their battles. Remember when it's dark, we can appreciate the stars!
I am a dreamer who still believes in the magic of life and sees the positive aspect of every ugly scenario. Yes! We all fail and that's a norm, what matters is that we keep moving on. I was not a but yes definitely a courageous one to pull off the bench and set a mark.

My gave me wings to fly and limitations couldn't stop me from manifesting my dreams and aspirations.
There was more to my awakening when I learned to stay happy without blaming or comparing myself to the able ones. I am perhaps far more capable and stronger than one can imagine.

My profession has a great sense of contentment that brings me a reason to believe that I was a doctor have a lot to do for the people and society. Treating ailing with knowledge and
care is a noble way of living. Being in a wheelchair couldn't hold me back from my passion to work and contribute to humanity. I was no less or more than an ordinary person when the tough challenge questioned me.

There were two options, either to give up and perish or to collect all the broken pieces of me and create a masterpiece never seen before. It was always easy to crib and not do anything, but I chose to give it a chance and let the struggle begin to see what all you can do and how I will succeed. I was judged, pitted and ignored by the way society runs and the people around me.
Nonetheless, I am a that could fly with broken wings and measure the sky with no limits. Let the world clap for your perseverance and deeds and you are worth the story to be recited in golden words.

Be a seed that withstands odds, thrashed upon with harsh weather and buried deep. It finds a way to grow and bloom in cherishing every bit of its and welcomes life with vitality and optimism

(1/2) Divya SinghLife is a sermon that teaches you a lot. A learner who grew through challenges only to find a new me wh...

(1/2) Divya Singh
Life is a sermon that teaches you a lot. A learner who grew through challenges only to find a new me who is more beyond a survivor but a warrior.

Hi, I am Dr , a by profession, uniquely a doctor working in a wheelchair. Let me take you to my past, an ambitious young girl with lots of dreams and aspirations, when life was bliss and everything felt so right till date when a tragic accident shaped a different story for me.
It was December 16, 2013 I met with a terrible accident breaking my bones, multiple injuries, cuts and bleeds. Most dreaded was my which collapsed and led to complete of my entire body. My cervical and thoracic vertebrae had fractured and my spine was compressed.

Stitches and surgery with a complicated spine surgery to implant and support my vertebrae and 6 months of hospital stay, it was too much pain to bear.

I went through a painful transformation to accept myself with paralysis and adjust to the new of living.

My life has been the best teacher to teach me that wisdom that one may not find in any books but gain through experiencing it.
I was not ready to give up, not now for there was much at stake, most important my identity. I wasn't ready to be called a dependent and doomed by people.

I learned gradually to live with my and make the best out of it.
So the first thing was to work again as a doctor and treat my patients with the same enthusiasm and mark my victory over my limitations.

I have been keen on art since childhood, so I began painting more and more and it helped me with soulful healing. I started penning my thoughts and discovered the beauty of writing and expressing myself.
Meanwhile, I got many encouraging friends and a wonderful family to support me throughout my struggles and failures.
I have been depicted as a "woman of courage" and "aparajita" through various organisations and media. Also been felicitated for my work with lions clubs for helping and treating the poor and needy children. I was happy to be honoured on international women's day for being a warrior and inspiring many women in this journey.


My parents named me  , which means the one who enlightens the path of darkness, and I’m trying to stand by my name.I was...

My parents named me , which means the one who enlightens the path of darkness, and I’m trying to stand by my name.

I was a healthy child but contracted polio when I was 18-months. Interestingly, the poliovirus attacked me after getting the vaccination, and I was paralyzed neck down.

After months of treatments, I started using my hands and learned to sit. Despite the never-ending visits to doctors, I was a happy child who was too keen to study, and books were my first love!

No one gets their love easy, and I was no exception. I wanted to study, and my parents were more focused on making me walk. I convinced my parents and got to school with callipers in both legs and a walking stick. I would say I was lucky in this regard – no school denied me admission, and I was never bullied for my disability and loved by all the teachers. But, the happy school years did not last long.

I met a road accident when I was in 8th standard, and I was back to the square, where I could not even stand. I could no longer go to school, so I had to do self-study at home, and correspondence facilities like NIOS and IGNOU proved a boon for me. After being confined to the four walls of my house, my biggest concern was my career, and I never wanted to stay dependent on my parents financially. Though I was giving tuition at home, that was not enough.

Thanks to technological advancements like computers and the internet, I got earning opportunities sitting at the comfort of my home. I’m working as a professional content writer and translator for five years now, and I'm trying to spread awareness about disability and disability rights through our website WeCapable ( .
I’m working as a professional content writer and translator for 5 years now.
Apart from this, I love writing poetry and stories, which I occasionally share through my YouTube channel and other social media handles.

I aspire to become an author.

(1/3)....Sai KaustuvWhenever people hear my name, they get inspired instantly. That's the power of Sai and Sai’s Smile.Y...

(1/3)....Sai Kaustuv

Whenever people hear my name, they get inspired instantly. That's the power of Sai and Sai’s Smile.

Years after the series of happenings and occurrences that made me who I am, today when I look back, I can hear someone saying, “Miracle happens in your life when you allow it to happen.” And I guess, not only did I allow, but I found one too. At 3.5 months old, my first fracture appeared. Within a year, I had fractured three more bones. The doctor after having a series of tests explained to my parents that I suffered from .. It was not easy for a hyperactive child like me who loved dancing and singing, and I often blamed my falls and broken bones on my clumsiness. I saw that the other children were healthier, so I just thought I needed to pay more attention to my step - until at age ten when I fell and broke both my legs. I never thought I could not stand again.

Having a rare and going through more than 50 fractures, it is not so easy to cope up with 3-4 fractures a year. I had numerous fractures to date, but after 50, I have stopped counting as I was feeling my bones are brittle but I will not allow the disease to break my heart. Society, my relatives, and all other people used to define me as a being of suffering as there was no awareness of the situation I was going through. I had grown up differently but I used to feel a strong urge from within to showcase my rather than my disability. When you start including your abilities in your life, you actually create inclusion around you. Inclusion starts from your home and the first step to adopting it is to allow your mind to be open and wide.

I still remember I was bullied for sitting with girls as I couldn’t play with the class boys. But that never really bothered me. But what did, was the things parents of others told them about me, the most common being, " Don't go near Kaustuv too often", or "Stay away from him as it may cause a fracture again". I still feel those moments were very strong as I would have answered those on their faces. But...

My name is Heena sharma  and I work with a TechM company in Delhi. Being a postgraduate from CCS University, I always ha...

My name is Heena sharma and I work with a TechM company in Delhi. Being a postgraduate from CCS University, I always had a passion to study and do something where I can be recognized for my hard work despite the limitations I carry from birth. As I say, I am a person with a Locomotive disability but that doesn’t stop me to be the person I am today

I am a person filled with Dreams and my family calls me a fighter as I fight to achieve them. I love singing, dancing and that’s where my passion lies. I have been wheelchair-bound but that didn’t stop me from participating in vivid events. Music has always been my best friend. My love for music was from my Schooldays where I used to sing bhajans wholeheartedly. This talent was sensed by my family and they were the ones to polish me and brush my talent and help me learn music and instruments. They have been my support and today I am because of them.

The breakthrough in my life was when I sang song which was a project by the Asman Foundation and got retweeted by Amitabh Bachchan and many known celebrities. I have also got an opportunity to perform for Ignite and Singing Star which boosted my confidence to the next level.

With this, I am talking social media as my ladder to promote my skills and today I am an active user on Instagram where I sing, I represent many Brands and promote them with my videos. Singing and Modeling came in by chance and I am now making full use of it and soon will be one of the known influencers.

I believe the sky is the limit and we all should follow our dream to become independent. I am against people who show sympathy and plead my community not to be vulnerable. Go Fly and don’t let anything stop you.

This is Me, Heena Sharma flying Away to achieve my dreams!

LoveActuallyme Amitabh Bachchan

Since I was 3, I had mobility issues and living bedridden life, and I am immobilized by rapidly growing degenerative cha...

Since I was 3, I had mobility issues and living bedridden life, and I am immobilized by rapidly growing degenerative changes.

Hi all, I am Aastha, born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a genetic disorder that affects bone density and the vascular system the fragility and deformity increase gradually. I had multiple surgeries, my bones are losing their density and getting porous, also causing heart complications.

When I was 9 years and struggling with depression, my only support system, my mother was separated from me. I never went for schooling or played with other kids, and, thus I felt worthless and a burden to others.

I have always struggled for my existence and acceptance, and my relationship with my father never blossomed but turned more traumatic with time. I asked myself - Is there's an end to this fight? and decided to write my destiny and be the reason for bringing happiness and hope in someone's life beyond specism for all living beings.

I am fully confident about who I am and where I want to be, and it doesn't matter how hard I have to try, and I will fall but won't stop trying.
Normal is what you want to define it to be, but it's never the same for everyone, Now nothing can stop me from being the best version of me. Challenges are the universal sign of manoeuvrability of life, and I believe in striding my way to define it and keep myself positive.

I've been working on feeding, treatment of homeless animals for the last five years. I wish to help disabled children, and poor kids with their education and, create awareness for the child's disability with parents, and work on child abuse.
I am successfully running ALKC Foundation which talks about my mission and vision.

I would humbly request to all parents "Your children are no pressure cooker of your choice of food, please let them what they want to be"


The name is Mukund, Chaitanya Mukund.  I am an author who created India’s first of its kind superhero and a disabled sup...

The name is Mukund, Chaitanya Mukund. I am an author who created India’s first of its kind superhero and a disabled supermodel who made the modelling debut at a Guinness Book of World Records fashion event.
I am a freelance writer and an aspiring voice-over artist along with a blogger who writes his blog by the name: Memoirs of a Special Child, which talks about my journey as a disabled and the various issues faced by the PWD community. I am an ardent Mahadev devotee who believes in marvels and manifestations. The world says that I have Cerebral Palsy, but trust me, NEVER go by the word of the world and always believe in yourself, and disability is just a mindset.

Not only one, but there are so many moments that changed my life, which is either traumatic or too personal to share. The change was not too sudden but gradual, and I am still changing, with each passing day because change is always constant.

One thing which I cherish the most is my own life because humans are the most advanced species of the cosmos. One can achieve anything, and everything one desires. Absolutely nothing is impossible.

The saddest moments of my life are the ones where my physical limitations make their presence felt in my life every then and now while trying their level best to stop me from doing what is necessary for me as well as my family’s wellbeing. But as I said earlier, nothing is impossible, and overcoming one’s limitation is not a big deal. Just believe in yourself, and the world will be yours!

Although there are many happy moments in my life, the most notables are:

Gifting a purse to mom on her birthday from my first ever salary.
Release of my first Book: Shivay- The Wonder Boy, and the creation of India’s first of its kind Superhero!
Interacting with my favourite voice artists.

I want to serve my PWD community and make Bharat ‘Sugamaya’ in a true sense.

Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, I am Anjali Gulatii hailing from Chandigarh,born into a Punjabi family my parents never m...

Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, I am Anjali Gulatii hailing from Chandigarh,born into a Punjabi family my parents never made me feel that I was different from other siblings or cousins. My family is my superpower.

I was fond of studying, and thanks to the effort of my friends and family, I had a regular student life, and that helped me achieve my educational dream and made me a learned individual.

Initially, many schools rejected my admission on the grounds of my disability but, my parents did not lose hope. Post some struggle, I enrolled in Harkrishan Model School and completed my schooling. Today, I can proudly boast about my double masters, MSc IT and MCA.

The turning point of my life was when my friend Vaibhav Padhye introduced me to LoveActuallyMe .

Being an introvert, I had inhibitions in meeting new people, striking a conversation or voicing out my opinions. I observed that Loveactuallyme is an inclusive community, with able and disabled members work together to get the best out of each other and create a level playing field.

I met Tanushree and Rajneesh, founders of Loveactuallyme and did share my suggestion to start city-based chapters, and they immediately agreed I was made city head of Chandigarh.

I successfully executed small meetups that gave a push to my confidence to the next level. Today, I am one of the core team members of Loveactuallyme and founders are more than a family than friends or colleagues. I have the liberty to take action pertaining community and enhance my skills.

I look forward to meeting new people and learning from all as Loveactuallyme teaches you to help and be a ladder to others.

Written by: Rajneesh Sharma

Playing with colours gave a different meaning to my life and solidify my belief that you can communicate emotions throug...

Playing with colours gave a different meaning to my life and solidify my belief that you can communicate emotions through your canvas.
Hello guys, I am Aayush Kundal from Badwa, Indore and blessed with two beautiful siblings and parents who are my biggest support system.

I am a strong person but I guess God had other plans for me. I am born with Palsy which doesn't allow my hands and legs to work like an abled person. I don't call myself disabled because of some limitations, but I call myself a strong-headed person with capabilities. Even though, I face challenges every day as I am restricted to the bed and cannot do any of personal and house chores by myself. I need someone to help me with my daily routine. But, that doesn't stop me from following my dream and my passion for painting.

I make Paintings with my feet. I was lucky and blessed that passion has been noticed by Amitabh Bachan. But, when I had a chance to meet PM Shri Narendra Modi and presented the painting I made with my feet was a proud moment and I knew am growing and making a mark for myself. Saying that I do wish to make my parents proud and with my efforts, I wish to get an invitation to KBC and sit in front of Amitabh Bachan and present him painting.

Lastly, I am confident with my passion and hard work, I can buy my own house and influence the community to become independent as nothing is impossible if given the right direction and family to stand beside you.

Written by : Rajneesh Sharma

Narendra Modi Amitabh Bachchan Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Disability is all in the mind. I realized early in my life, that something is missing and I may not be as strong as I sh...

Disability is all in the mind. I realized early in my life, that something is missing and I may not be as strong as I should be. I could not determine my strength till an incident when I was in 10th class, my class teacher denied to give me the final exam. He told my mother, "your daughter is incompetent to sit for the 10th board examination and you should take her home as she is disabled".

I was listening to the conversation between my teacher and mother and was breaking from inside. But, my mother told the teacher, you are no one to decide my daughter's future, she will give this examination and will do good. she is my honour and pride, I will never let her down just because of her disability give me her hall ticket". These words from my mother made me realise that disability cannot define who I am and make me feel pitiful and helpless, and since that day I never say I'm disabled.

After schooling, when I was pursuing a law degree everyone questioned if I chose the right career, they used to say "why you are doing law? This field is for able people not for the disabled". At the start of my career, I hesitated to face the courtroom, but I recalled my mother's word and started entering with confidence in the court. There was one seasoned legal professional, who came to me and told me, "I want to appreciate the hard work you did so, you could stand in this court as a lawyer". That was the biggest compliment I ever received and was elated to prove we disabled individuals are not less, give us

♥ 💯


I am Swapna , a girl with big dreams born in a family to amazing parents, who grew up being fond of languages, an occasional poet, blogger, and a teacher by profession.

I have Spina bifida mylomeningocele, but I would say my disability has turned me to be the person I am, headstrong, independent, a fighter, and always up to something creative and adventurous.

Waking up one day and realizing my brain and body are not functioning in tandem. I was unable to deliver 100% of my abilities, and the emotion of failing was eating me.

I like kids and had been good at handling them, but I never dreamt of becoming a teacher. There are two cherishable moments of my life. I am thankful to my parents for pushing me to go to Germany alone and be independent, and the second settling as a teacher

When my primary school teacher proudly introduces, me as one who wasn't able to walk as a kid and now she's a teacher in our school, and when my students tell me that, I inspire them is the moment you live forever.

I wish to be the source of inspiration for anyone and everyone who needs that one spark of the boost to live a fulfilling life.

Written by : tanu


I am @ doctor Rupinder Kaur, a physician working as an ayurvedic medical officer in Ludhiana for a decade. I have had po...

I am @ doctor Rupinder Kaur,
a physician working as an ayurvedic medical officer in Ludhiana for a decade. I have had poliomyelitis since childhood, but it did not deter me from chasing my dreams. I belong to a big Punjabi family with two sisters and one brother, and thanks to my family, I have never felt left out of my disability.

I am happy to go lucky, but being from the medical fraternity serving patients is scary, and when the patients who come for the treatment look at me and comment she can't walk without a stick, how is she going to treat us, is heartbreaking.

During the high covid period, I used to work for 20 hours shift with 4 hours of rest time, and no one noticed that, but my disability was the focal point. Nobody can imagine the mental and physical fatigue I went through, seeing patients dying and working being unemotional to work and save other lives.

One of the best days of my life was 19th Feb 2017, when I bought a car with my hard-earned money and drove it, and boosted my confidence, and gave me the independence to travel freely.

I want to live every moment of my life smiling as I am proud of my work what I do.

Disabled individuals will have some limitations, but we expect able people to be unbiased, and let's sit together and think of a solution rather than cornering us.

Written by : tanu

💪🏾 💯💯




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