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I'm not Mad, I'm Hurt, there's a Difference

The Great Mufasa  Poet will be on stage this FRIDAY.Rigister now and meet the King doing that thing Live!Registerion lin...

The Great Mufasa Poet will be on stage this FRIDAY.
Rigister now and meet the King doing that thing Live!
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SPEAK NOW - Splash - Friday, November 5, 2021


"A SINNER'S PLEA" by La-ki OwendeLa-ki OwendeLa-ki Owende


Just a young dreamer from Kisumu city with a dream to be the best the world ever had and now the Grammy just recognized and gave audience to my new EP oh what a time to be alive...

This is my independent grind and as an independent artist I have always wanted to win a Grammy and this to me is a win already so now let's focus and make sure one day I bring this home coz we are definitely going to win a Grammy one day 🙏

Respect independent artists! Support independent artists! Breaking News Daniel "Churchill" Ndambuki aka Mwalimu King'ang'i Robert Alai Kahawa Tungu Spm Buzz Ghafla Kenya Mpasho News Mungai Eve BTG News Pulse Live Kenya DJ Joe Mfalme millard ayo Sam Misago Presenter Ali Nairobi News Rayvanny Jalango Mwenyewe Massawe Japanni MCA Tricky BETTY KYALLO Boniface Mwangi


You love to make me smile,
Every time I've been sad for a while.
The feelings are growing.
And they are showing.



"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.020: Amos Omindo
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

My entry in this week's challenge on the topic of corruption:
Adam and Eve were alone in Eden
they allowed their heads to harden
not to heed God in Heaven
but ate the 'goods' forbidden
compromised they got chased from the garden
corruption is an evil to avoid

Corruption dims construction
and brings destruction to a nation
a shoddy road an end to connection
contructors give kick backs all over
but travellers sadly kicks the bucket
corruption is an evil to abhor

Corruption is a bitter pill to swallow
Med agencies in fake tenders wallow
procurement the cog in the wheelbarrow
thievery deprives us of our tomorrow
Corruption an horror must End.

Thank you


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.019: Unique Julius Toluwalase
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

The cankerworm of Corruption

It bites deeply to the root
Causing a damage to the stem
Bringing down the branches.

It came in like a visitor
Living and dining with us
On a table of confidence
With it kleptomaniac finger
It draws away our fortune

Alas! The cankerworm is here
Killing the body system of a sound man
Destroy the home
Raiding us of our fortune

Agony of corruption
Has put us into everlasting regret
It has terminated the hard earned reputation of our nation.

Who will redeem us
From the nurture of toxicity
Who shall we run to
The saviour is also in the mess

I ran to the king
The Queen, and the chiefs, the warriors and strong men
To deliver us from the cold arm of corruption
They are all laid in the stream of the mess
What a pity!

I looked into the sky as if I can see the future
I looked through the moon to see tomorrow
But there i find the sword
To kill the cankerworm

Individual mindset will do
I made up my mind to stay away from the locust of the worm
I crucify the heart of the wicked one
I stood against the defaulters
I stand for the right

I pray unto God
That I may conquer the spirit
That which beset us
Then, we can win together.

Ogundele Abiola Toluwalase


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.018: Sumon Zaman
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

A lot of corruption,
I also do a lot of bad things
Maybe I was a collaborator
It is also that corruption.

It was my fault
Saves such mistakes
I came into this life,
Virtue's diary is zero.

In it, full of sins, mistakes
I can see that, ignited,
Forgive me,
I'm back from that path

I have committed corruption
To my own
I'm far from being true
Forget you.

I have been lying
I'm back
I understand all the mistakes
The only forgiver.

©Sumon Zaman


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.015: Olatubosun David
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

Title: A Pest of Grief
Name: Olatubosun David
Country: Nigeria 🇳🇬

Corruption, we know,
Made abode within the heart of the heads,
Where the kleptos and vultures sit,
By the pot of broth.

Every home and street turned sour
For the flow of wealth that got stuck
Among the vulturous middlemen.

Disguised in the garb of a loyal sympathizer
Ready to succour our miserable fate
They came -masters of selfish ambition-
Singing lullabies of doom,
To lure our hungry souls to sleep.

Truly, a deep sleep, in no time, overwhelms all and sundry
And corruption, like a reptile, crept at once,
Into the heart of every home.
At its single bite,
The parents turned preachers of woe
Parents, teaching their wards
To speculate and peculate
In order to succor, to banish the inconvenience at home.
And realizing its victory over the homes
Corruption crept also in the dark, to the holy of holies
When fire has burned out on the altar.
The hungry clergies, bless gift givers without scrutiny
The biggest gift givers, get the biggest clerical blessing
And thus, corruption, from homes traversed
Into every nook and cranny of the nation
Eating deep to the very root of its commonwealth.

If we must win this war
Must our charity begins at home
Must we, as well, admit our laxity
And see ourselves as culprits
For corruption is no corruption
Until it works against us.

Let our charity begins at home
But let it not end at home
Let us guide our hearts
With the shield of integrity
And mend the our broken walls
Against greed and grief
For corruption is a pest of grief
When allowed to feast upon our hearts.


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.014: Rex Reuben
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment


Talking about corruption
In my nation
Propelled by motions
So devastating

Wouldn't want to speak in rhymes,
But corruption has become a rhythm in the ears of men.
So disturbing, but a multivation to many.

It is damn tough bringing the corrupts to book,
For their seeds have spread across the world so swift on a fertile land.
With no regrets they operates profoundly

If killing the corrupt is the only solution, then thousands would be killed,
Because the seed of corruption is captivating, that a fertile land wouldn't ignore.
And mute are the Just.

It is now a game
Accepted for fame
Recommended as a gate way to wealth

The prayer of the righteous was meant to uphold the nation
But whence cometh the sting of sin
Making the prayers of men unanswerable

If only those who are called by my name will humble themselves,
turn from their evil ways,
Then I will hear from heaven and heal their land (GOD)

Adhering to this word isn't that easy,
But by His grace we are whom we are!
And by faith we shall overcome!


"Best Poet Of The Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.013: ChizzuPee Merit
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

I'm Corruption"

I am the almighty corruption
I rest on everyone's mind at will
Always ready with every intention
Of exploiting the availables in a way of ill.

Doubt me not for I am in you
I'm invisible and unfold
Not as whole but intangible too
Always unseen till you are told

Occupying the heart,mind and soul
I arise actively with a great deed
When my bearer is called to serve the whole
And all he does relies on my daily creed

Whether innate or planted
Totally corruption can't be wiped out
Rather can be reduced if intended
By every bearer without doubt.



"Best Poet Of The Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.012: Billy Thepoet
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

Corruption And Its Claws.
By Billy Nyaga

NO! NO! No more!
I will keep quiet no longer!
No longer will I hide the truth,

The truth!
Disguises as a virus,
A virus!
Spreading widely and fiercely,
Like the forest fires!
Consuming us,
Little by little, one by one.
Putting us in the darkest of paths,
With no torch nor sunlight!
Sending us to oblivion.

Evolving day after day,
From a vice to a norm!

Big Man Eddie,
Mayor of Bungham,
With his round bottomless belly,
And his broad wrinkled face,
Rhyming with his expensive stink,
He is infected with the virus!
That began as a tiny symptom,
With public funds at his disposal,
“Fuel for the car,” he said.
Now, he’s all over the health insurance funds,
Causing Martin’s death!
Was his cold, dry and tough skin.
Eyes wide open,
And in them pain,
Pain! Not from Cancer but-
From a wider darker truth.
His insurance cover was insufficient,
Yet, poor Martins,
Had paid all his bills!

Bobby Mabishara,
Business man in Bungham,
He’s infected with the virus!
Sipping citizens’ funds from his bank.
Like a calf sips milk from its mother.
And the bank collapses!
Teddy, Annie’s son hasn’t eaten for days,
He has malnutrition.
She cannot access her bank account,
Finally, Teddy dies in agony.

Peter Jacobs,
Priest of Bungham church,
Received donations,
And kept a couple of gobs,
“For the gospel,” he says.
While the orphans in Bungham,
Die of hunger and cold!

​Even sad stories have an end,
And it is up to you and me,
To end this menace,
To fill the streets,
To cry for our lives!
We are on the verge of death,
Verge of extinction!


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.011: Ekemini Ntuen
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

How as it stretch forth hands
That we held it tight
Succumbed to its touch
Our honesty been crush

The land of my birth
As been caught in its web
The ones on the throne
Care not about the future, But the present -
Maybe they do care,
Only for theirs
While those without throne
Bear the brunt of their choice.

Shall we continue to bow To corruption; that our desires be served?
If the creator, was us
The world would have been blank Corruption hinders growth
Growth when not seen
Leave us in the past
For the future of our dreams to manifest
Personally corruption should be thrown in the trash.


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.010: Mach Tit John Deng
How to vote: Like page,like this POST, comment

Poem; corruption
Title; oxygen removal

Every government exists;
For a reason of free delivery,
Nations are so nationalist when
My mom and dad share the same bread
Should I believe that we don't have Nations?
I lives in country where court is contrary
Where society is secetarism

What we eat is what destroy us;
Christian say forbidden fruit,
But world that has many denominations;
Accepted it, that's Corona virus our corruption
Nations stands when neutrality is the sovereignty
Corruption you have colonised us again

My beautiful mom shall receive it nostrils
From Good accountability for good accommodation, allocation
I don't want my budget be bribe
I believe in your disappear sir;
For you are sad to society.


"Best Poet Of The Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
VOTE ent.009: Kobia Kobia
How to vote: Like page, like this POST,comment


You have stayed with me without an option
For you, tirelessly, I haven't found a solution
Mathematically, we have tried to solve this equation
Consistently, we did, but there's no conclusion

We have elected leaders, after 5 years, you just turn us into mere campaign's post readers
Too many promises they had made, the only fulfilled one was unsaid: ' if you vote me in, you'll be my remains scavengers'
During their tenure, instead of passing bills in favour of their constituents, they receive 'tokens' to favor their employers
Taxes get high, we are left to suffer, oh poor helpless tax payers

Hey corruption, you are ruthless even to the less fortunate
The situation has gotten worse, poverty can't allow them to graduate
The government educates 'ghost students', poor parents, their sons, they can't congratulate
Billions of shillings end up in pockets of wealthy business magnate

Poor roads these politicians build us
Just to convince us to let them keep their slots on the political bus
Tenders they give to those with the ability to stay in their vicinity, when the deal is do ne, they get to enjoy some cups of beer, cheers!
Due to incompetence, in vain we watch as the bridges collapse down to the grass

As citizens we have suffered
We shouldn't fall into their traps, we are tired
Wrong leadership is the cause of our suffering, we have observed
Not again will we be deceived
From the hands of you corruption we shall be revived


"Best Poet Of The Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.008: Otitoju Moses
How to vote: Like page, Like this POST, comment

Oh greatest friendly poisonous seed,
Where did you begin journey from?
From the pit of hell or Eden's garden?
Juicey are your fruits with brutal strikes.
The rich you enrich richer as your victims are the church rats.
Oh tasty are your flesh like death's sting.

On the palm of the greeder you caress warmly,
A mockery of shame you make of the helpless watcher.
Temptous you are than the serpent.
"The world is in my pocket"
You peacock yourself as Lord.
But faster than the claw of death
Your victim the masses thier hearts
Joyfully you thorn bleed in grief.

Why kill thy victim when death awaits us all?
A warning to your ear I must ring,
Louder it just sound again I said.
Bringer of violence,
Promoter of tears
Seed of discord...
That gross misconduct are known for.
If thou fear not man God thou must fear please.
The tongues of the wounded,
Curse you beyond misfortune.

Tell your unholy gospel speeders ,
A new leaf they must turn,
If not a fate worse than death awaits them.
Tell them it's better to be the late than be late.
Tell them death is the leveller of all.
Tell them God loves them than we do.
Tell them like a bunch of broom against corruption we must fight.
For violence violates our fundamental human rights.
We die in silence if we all give in to corruption.
Say no to corruption and everlasting peace will be birthed.


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
Vote ent.007: Mawut Achiek Jnr
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

Title: Pot of corruption

All the right has drain into pot of corruption
Eating food was miraculous to human
Death was the daily food

Streets was blown up with violent crying voice of innocent children
Whose mothers were killed in the tribal wars.

The bones are countless every where,
The bone are of building material of Innocent soul.

River Nile had been flooded with bloody water
Country were her own resource are of no important to her citizen.

Citizen are valueless than foreign citizen in all form of right.

Corruption can come to halt when we learn to choice right leaders to right public service offices.

Strength of unity is much greater then individual corrupt so when public resources are channels to right direction then corruption will had no room to inhale or exhale it might strengths.

© Mawut Achiek Jnr
Blesstip's write


"Best Poet of the Month" ( Public Opinion Challenge)
VOTE ent.006: CM Ajunyia
How to vote: Like page, like this POST, comment

Name:Churchil ajunyia

The preacher

he preaches
from the scriptures
his words so electronic
to the ears of the congregation
lucky are those with epilepsy
to be miraculously healed of leprosy
he will never miss to cast a glance
and pull a strange stance
where the offering basket is
when the offering basket is full
he digs deep
deeper when the harvest is good
and always kind enough
to thank the arms givers.


"Best Poet of the Month" (Public Opinion Challenge)
VOTE ent. 004: Kennedy Ochieng
How to vote: Like page, like this post, comment

Theme: Corruption

A monster swallowing all our sheep,
A virus contaminating our software,
This poison is killing us,
We are dying in their hands,
They don't care more about us.

Wolves in sheep clothing,
Representative who are presenting us,
Their tongues spitting fires and lies,
They've milked us dry,
Day by day, they belly grow huge.

Liberators who turned to be dictators,
My continent Afrika is finished,
Seek power to grab small we have,
Our saviours are enslavers,
Our stomach can't stop laughing loud.

Livestock dying from drought,
Children malnourished and hungry,
No food, no nothing,
No water they promised,
Fake promises that turned nightmares.

Battle between mouth and hand,
Eyes can't stop admiring,
Legs shouting. Loot! Loot! Grab,
All burden levied on our back,
We are donkeys, only death will free us from them.

© Wanda's Ink Pen
®Wanda The Poet ✍️

Name: Amb Kennedy Ochieng
Country Kenya 🇰🇪




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