Paul Zabala

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Okay, confession time – I've always been the giver.  The one who always shows up, offers support, spots the good in ever...

Okay, confession time – I've always been the giver. The one who always shows up, offers support, spots the good in everyone. It's kinda my thing. 😊

But honestly? It hasn't always felt balanced. Sometimes it seemed like I was GIVING and GIVING, and it wasn't flowing back the same way. I'm not gonna lie, that stung a bit.

I started to get this whole "fill your own cup" message everywhere. At first, I was a little cynical about it...sounded too self-focused to me. But then I realized, when you're always pouring out, it's revolutionary to actually think about yourself sometimes!

**Trying something new here, folks.**Saying 'no' occasionally. Carving out tiny bits of time for those things that recharge me. It's not perfect, and I'm not suddenly some kind of self-care guru. That's not me.

I'm still the kind of person who'll always give generously. It's who I am. But now I get that it's not a flaw. There's a different kind of strength in having a big, warm heart. Yeah, I've stumbled, but I'm grateful for this part of myself. ❤️

Anyone else a chronic giver? Remember, your warmth is amazing! Don't ever be afraid to shine. But it's okay to sometimes make space for YOU and expect a little love in return. We end up giving the best of ourselves when we're feeling good too. 😉

🌟 A Haven for the Heart and Mind 🌟In the labyrinth of life, where every turn is fraught with the chaos of the unsaid and...

🌟 A Haven for the Heart and Mind 🌟

In the labyrinth of life, where every turn is fraught with the chaos of the unsaid and the unheard, I've discovered something truly extraordinary – a safe haven, a sanctuary for the most delicate piece of ourselves: our unspoken feelings. 💭

We all crave that one special connection, don't we? The kind that transcends mere banter and reaches deep into the cradle of understanding. I've found that with someone remarkable, and it feels like a secret superpower in this tumultuous world. 🌍✨

When I talk to this friend, it's not just a conversation; it's an exchange of souls. There's a sublime comfort that comes from being heard by someone who genuinely gets you, especially when the road ahead seems shrouded in fog. It's a light in the mist, a clear voice when all others are whispers. 🌫️🗣️

This friend, this confidant, never shows annoyance, never deems any concern as too small or any thought as too trivial. They have an extraordinary talent – the gift of listening without the intent to reply but to truly understand. There's no sigh of impatience, no glazing over of eyes; instead, each word is met with the warmth of their attention, unwavering and pure. 🎁💖

In their company, it feels like I've found not just a friend but a partner for my thoughts – someone who provides a comforting rhythm to the often erratic beats of my heart. It's not about advice or solutions, but the simple, powerful act of sharing space and holding it for each other. 🤝🌸

This connection we've cultivated has become the bedrock of trust and support, and it astounds me how vital such a bond can be. It's a reminder that we're not islands, but rather part of an intricate tapestry of human experience, where each thread is essential and valued. 🌐🤗

To have a friend who acts as a comforting partner for our thoughts is a rare and beautiful gift. If you're lucky enough to have someone like this in your life, cherish them. If you're still searching, know they're out there, maybe just a conversation away. And if ever you find yourself being that person for someone else, remember the magic you're weaving into their life. 💫

In a world that never stops talking, let's be the ones who listen, who pause, who understand. Let's be the shelter in the storm for the ones we hold dear. 🌈🏠

To my dear friend, thank you for making the cloudy days clearer and the journey through uncertainty a little less daunting. You are my tranquil oasis in the desert of clamor. To everyone out there, may you find your own special person, and may you be that for someone else.

Here's to the comforters, the listeners, the heart-holders – you are the unsung heroes of our narratives. 🌟❤️

🌟🌀 The Happiness Paradox: Why Chasing Joy Can Leave Us Feeling Empty 🌀🌟Hey friends, fam, and fellow journeyers on this w...

🌟🌀 The Happiness Paradox: Why Chasing Joy Can Leave Us Feeling Empty 🌀🌟

Hey friends, fam, and fellow journeyers on this wild ride called life.

I've been doing some deep thinking and wanted to share a little midnight reflection with you all. Ever feel like you're on a never-ending quest for happiness? Chasing down every positive experience with the hope it'll be the one to finally fill up that happiness meter for good? I've been there too, more times than I'd like to admit. 🏃‍♀️💨

Here's the truth bomb that recently exploded in my mind: The pursuit of positive experience is, paradoxically, a negative experience. 🤯

You read that right. It's a bit like trying to grasp water—the harder you squeeze, the less you hold. Alan Watts called it "the backwards law," the idea that the more you pursue feeling happy, the less satisfied you become because you're reinforcing the idea that you're not already content.

Have you ever noticed that when you're genuinely joyous, you're not chasing anything? You're just... there, soaking in the moment, whether it's a belly laugh with friends or that perfect sip of coffee on a quiet morning. Real talk: happiness isn't a trophy to win. It's not a destination. It's the view along the hike, the breeze in your face, the company you keep. 💫

Now, I'm not saying we should just give up on trying to improve our lives. Goals and dreams fuel our growth. But what if we redefined our relationship with our desires? Imagine if we allowed ourselves to feel the now fully—savoring the good, learning from the bad, and finding the courage to keep walking our path, not because we need to prove anything, but simply because it's our path. 🛤️

We're constantly bombarded with messages to be happier, prettier, richer... But what if I told you that the key to a deeper satisfaction lies in letting go of the chase? It's about embracing the imperfect, the messy, and the real. Leaning into the tough times makes the joyous ones that much sweeter. It's the contrast that paints the masterpiece of our existence. 🖌️🎨

So, here's to living a life rich with meaning, one that appreciates the beauty of now and understands that both the light and dark weave the tapestry of our lives. Let's learn to be comfortable with not always being comfortable, because maybe, just maybe, that's where real growth happens. 🌱

To all of you out there reading this, I hope you find a moment today to just be. Inhale. Exhale. And find peace in knowing that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to simply stand still and take it all in.

Peace, love, and all the good vibes, Paul✌️❤️🌌

Find solace in your own shelter, wherever or whatever that may be. Take this time to heal, to restore, and to prepare fo...

Find solace in your own shelter, wherever or whatever that may be. Take this time to heal, to restore, and to prepare for a new day. Because even if today's storm leaves a few scars, the sun's promise to rise again remains unbroken.

And when you're ready, when the rain has finally stopped, walk on. But do so with care, with love for yourself, and with the understanding that life isn't about rushing through the storms—it's about learning to dance in the rain and walk through what comes after.

So, to anyone who needs to hear this: It's okay to rest. It's okay to take shelter. It's okay to not be okay. You are not weak, you are human. And every storm that comes also goes, leaving behind a clearer sky and a stronger you.

Stay safe, stay hopeful, and remember that after every storm comes a rainbow. 🌈 Let's promise each other to look for it, shall we?

🌿✨ It's okay to experience your emotions. Truly, it's okay. ✨🌿At times, we're struck with challenges that leave us quiet...

🌿✨ It's okay to experience your emotions. Truly, it's okay. ✨🌿

At times, we're struck with challenges that leave us quietly sobbing and finding solace in the thought, "This too shall pass...". Whether it's out in the open or tucked away in the recesses of our being, pain can be an uninvited guest. Yet, allow me to offer a gentle nudge – your emotions are warranted, and it's perfectly normal to feel downcast.

We're often compelled to maintain a facade of resilience, to act as though all is well when it isn't. But let's set aside any façade here. This is a space for authenticity. It's a place where it's not just acceptable but encouraged to acknowledge, "It's okay. I'm hurting from this pain."

Those of us leaning on our faith understand that life isn't one smooth journey. Scripture doesn't shy away from tales of anguish and lament. However, it also speaks of a peace and solace that transcends earthly understanding. Reflect on the words from John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

I'm convinced that the struggles we endure today are the canvas for the hope and endurance of our future. "JUST TRUST, OKAY? KEEP GOING." Cling to the conviction that the trials you face today are the foundation of the testimonies you'll proudly share tomorrow.

So, for those feeling isolated in their journey, whose pain seems to go unnoticed – I recognize you. While I might not grasp the full extent of your strife, I acknowledge its existence. Remember, each step taken in pain is a stride toward a breakthrough. Your whispered prayers, your unwavering faith during trials, they are seen.

Let's embrace this period with patience and trust. After all, don't the darkest nights produce the brightest stars? The hardships you endure now will one day serve as a stark contrast to a future filled with light – "Tomorrow or the day after, this will be your testimony."

Stay steadfast, my friends. Let's uplift one another through these challenging times, knowing that pain does not define our end. Instead, it's a chapter that enhances the triumph to come.

With love and belief, always. 🙏💖

🗨️✨ The Little Conversations That Mend Us ✨🗨️Hello, beautiful people!In a time where our feeds are filled with grand ges...

🗨️✨ The Little Conversations That Mend Us ✨🗨️

Hello, beautiful people!

In a time where our feeds are filled with grand gestures and life-changing revelations, I want to take a moment to highlight something far more subtle, yet incredibly powerful — the art of small talk. You know, those little exchanges we often brush off as inconsequential? It turns out they might just have the power to heal more than we give them credit for. 🌟

We've all been there, haven't we? Those days when we're feeling a bit off, disconnected, or even at odds with someone. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, a casual chat by the water cooler, a "How's your day going?" from a neighbor, or a shared joke with a stranger on the bus sprinkles a bit of magic into our day. Just like that, our mood is lifted. 🚌😊

I've been reflecting on how these instances of small talk are like tiny stitches sewing the fabric of our daily life together. They're the "hellos" and "take cares" that might not seem like much but can mean everything in the right moment. 🧵💖

And when it comes to mending bridges, why do we often think we need to construct elaborate walkways when sometimes a simple "hello" can be the first step towards reconciliation? Even when relationships are strained, those little moments of kindness can be the balm that starts the healing process. 🌉🕊️

Think about the friendships and relationships in your life. Didn't most of them start with some form of small talk? A shared observation, a mutual laugh — these are the humble beginnings of connections that can last a lifetime. 🌱

But there's something even more beautiful happening during these brief dialogues. Each time we engage in small talk, we're practicing empathy. We're reading the subtle cues, listening to the silent pleas for recognition, and acknowledging each other’s existence. It's a practice ground for seeing and appreciating one another on a deeper level. 👀💞

I believe that every "Good morning," every "How was your weekend?" holds the potential for connection, understanding, and sometimes, the path to repair what's been broken. It's amazing how certain words, however brief, can stay with us, propelling us forward when we feel like we're stuck in place. 🌅🚀

So let’s make a pact, you and I. Let's not underestimate the power of small talk. Let’s be the ones who ask the barista how their day is going, who give a genuine compliment to a coworker, who check in with an old friend with a simple text. Our worlds are built on these interactions, and you never know how much a few words can mean to someone. 📱💬

Here's to the small talks that patch the holes in our spirits, bridge the gaps between us, and start the ripple of kindness in our communities. May we never be too busy to say the little things that can mean a whole lot. 🌍💬

Sending you all a virtual "hello" and hoping it adds a little light to your day! 🌟

With warmth and smiles, Paul

P.S. Have you had a small talk today that made a big impact? Share your story in the comments! Let's celebrate the little things together.

🪑✨ The Seat We Save ✨🪑There's this habit I have, and maybe some of you can relate — I save a seat. Not literally, but in...

🪑✨ The Seat We Save ✨🪑

There's this habit I have, and maybe some of you can relate — I save a seat. Not literally, but in my heart and in my memories. It's for those people who've come into my life and, for a season or a reason, have moved on.

I've come to realize, as I've grown and time has etched its wisdom into my days, that it's not the grand gestures or the monumental achievements that make life sparkle. It’s the simplest things — the shared smiles, the spontaneous conversations, the light in someone's eyes when they truly "get" you. Those moments are the ones I treasure the most. 💖

Life gets hectic, doesn't it? It sweeps us up in a current of to-dos and must-sees, and sometimes, the people we care about drift away in the turbulence. Even if it seems like they've forgotten the times we shared, I still save them a seat.🌪️💼

Maybe it's about holding onto those slivers of time that gave my life so much joy. Or perhaps it's more about gratitude. In a world that's always rushing, where people come and go, I'm thankful for those who stopped to stay awhile, to laugh with me, to truly know me.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🤝

This empty chair isn't about clinging to the past or refusing to move forward. It’s a symbol of openness, a placeholder for possibility, and an expression of hope. It's my way of saying, "You mattered to me, and should the moment come, you're always welcome back." 🙏🔄

To everyone who's ever taken the time to sit for a chat, to offer a smile, to walk a mile beside me — thank you. You've made my journey unforgettable. And even if our paths have diverged, I carry a bit of your spirit with me. 🛤️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

And so, the next time you look around and see an empty space, where someone who meant the world to you used to be, remember the good. Remember the laughter, the late-night talks, the understanding silences. And know that it's okay to save them a seat, just in case life brings them back your way.

Here’s to the seats we save, the memories we cherish, and the hope for more beautiful moments to come. May your table be full of love and your chair of memories a comforting reminder that once, someone wonderful was there.

Much love, Paul

P.S. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, consider this me saving you a seat. My door's always open. 🚪💺❤️

🌟💫 A Reflection on Friendship as We Grow 💫🌟I've been doing a lot of thinking about friendships lately, and I feel the ne...

🌟💫 A Reflection on Friendship as We Grow 💫🌟

I've been doing a lot of thinking about friendships lately, and I feel the need to share some heartfelt musings with you all. You know, there’s something profound that happens as we get older. Our view of friendships transforms; we start to understand that it's not about who's been in our lives the longest, but who's made our lives feel fuller, more complete.

👫👭 As kids, our friends are the ones who live next door, or the ones we spend our days with in school. Shared experiences create bonds, and that's wonderful. But fast forward a few years (or decades), and it becomes clear that the truest friends — the gold in the sea of silver — are the ones who truly get us. Those precious few who make us feel seen, heard, understood, appreciated, supported, and loved.❤️

💡 It's an epiphany that many of us have as we rack up the birthdays: real friendship is about depth, not duration. It’s about the friend who may not have known you your entire life but seems to understand you in ways that someone with years of history could not. 👁️‍🗨️

I'm talking about those friends who respect the journey you're on, even when they aren't physically with you on that path. They're the ones who make you laugh, hold you when you need to cry, and always seem to call at exactly the right time. 📞😊

Friendship is about reciprocity too. It's that beautiful balance between supporting and being supported, giving and receiving. It’s a dance of sorts, and when it's right, it feels effortless. 💃🕺 It’s not about keeping score; it's about lifting each other up, always and in all ways.

And what about love? Not the romantic kind, but that deep, platonic love that feels like it can move mountains. It's unselfish. It's not about finding friends who love you when it's easy, but those who love you when it's hard. Those who love you not for what you achieve or what you can give them, but purely for who you are. 🏔️💗

So here’s what I'm saying: As we collect more years, as we grow and change, let's take a moment to really appreciate those true friends in our lives. Let's not measure our friendships in years but in the moments that take our breath away, the laughter that leaves us in stitches, the silence that says everything. 🤗🌅

To everyone who has been that friend to me — thank you. You are my gold. And to all of you searching for that kind of connection, don’t lose hope. These friends can come into our lives at any time. Keep your heart open, your judgment at bay, and your spirit willing to accept new people for who they are. 🌱

Let's cherish the friends who make us feel like we belong, no matter where we are in our journey. Because in the end, those are the friendships that truly stand the test of time.

With love and gratitude, Paul🌟✨

P.S. Tag a friend who has made a difference in your life, no matter how long they've been a part of your story!

🌟 The Unspoken Journey of Seeking Solace in SharingI've never been the kind of person to let others in easily or spill m...

🌟 The Unspoken Journey of Seeking Solace in Sharing

I've never been the kind of person to let others in easily or spill my secrets. I've always believed in carrying my own weight, dealing with my problems behind the scenes, quietly and independently.

I've prided myself on this strength, this ability to handle everything life throws at me. But the truth is, there are days when this strength feels more like a burden. Days when the problems pile up so high that I can no longer see the sky, let alone reach it.

The moment I choose to open up to you is not a moment of weakness. No, it's the exact opposite. It's a moment where I've fought with every fiber of my being to keep going and finally realized that I can't do it alone anymore. I'm tired, truly tired, and that's when I need you the most.

Opening up is not easy for me. It feels foreign, like I'm speaking a language I never learned. But it's necessary. Because as much as I want to be that island, steadfast and solitary, I am reminded time and again that islands can succumb to the sea.

So here I am, reaching out. Not for answers or solutions, but for your hand to hold, for your presence to soothe the storm inside me. I need someone who can stand with me in my chaos, who won't shy away from my broken pieces.

When I let you in, it's not a cry for rescue but a whisper of trust, a sign that I believe in the strength of your shoulders and the warmth of your heart. I'm not asking you to fix anything—I'm asking you to just be by my side.

To those of you who feel like you have to face everything on your own, know that it's perfectly fine to seek a friend, a confidant, a shoulder to lean on. It doesn't make you weak; it makes you human. And to those who have been there for someone, know that your support does wonders, often more than words can express.

Life's journey is twisted and complex, and sometimes the bravest thing we can do is reach out and let someone walk with us. So here I am, putting down my armor, and asking for your company on this journey.

Let's be there for each other, not because we have to, but because we choose to. After all, isn't connection what makes this whole human experience so wonderfully profound?

Thank you for listening, and more importantly, for being there. 💖


"Stay curious. Keep growing. The journey of self-discovery never ends."


"Living with purpose creates meaning. Make your unique impact."


"Listen to your inner wisdom. Let your intuition guide you."


"Pain provides lessons. See setbacks as opportunities to improve."


"Kindness starts from within. Serve others through your gifts."


"Know your strengths. Lead with your authentic self."


Fun fact: Delayed gratification can boost your confidence. Every time you resist immediate gratification, you prove to yourself that you have what it takes to achieve your goals.


"The comfort zone limits your growth. Progress requires stepping out."


"Your past does not define you. Take control and unlock your true potential."


Tip: A good habit to practice delayed gratification is to regularly monitor your progress. Celebrate small victories to stay motivated!


"The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." - Charles Kingsleigh. Believe in your ability to reach your goals!

January 29, 2024:"Your sins are forgiven, and you are no longer guilty." - Isaiah 6:7In the profound encounter between t...

January 29, 2024:

"Your sins are forgiven, and you are no longer guilty." - Isaiah 6:7

In the profound encounter between the prophet Isaiah and the God, we find a call to embrace vulnerability before God. To seek healing, we must uncover our wounds and trust in the transformative power of His touch. It may be painful, like a searing coal, but it purifies and prepares us for His service. Let us not hide our flaws, for in God's hands, our deepest scars can be turned into wellsprings of new life.


Our New Menu 🙂
Original Coffee in Bold

Keep on hustlin’


"Goals without plans are just dreams. Back your vision with action."


Following me is an investment in your future. Stick around for more tips and motivation to help you on your journey to success!


"Passion breeds perseverance. Pursue what sets your soul on fire."


"Motivation drives you forward. Ignite your inner fire."


Truth Statement: Learning to delay gratification is learning to take care of your future self. Remember, your future self will thank you for the decisions you make today.


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