Ok this is the never ending debate! Is it Gravy or Sauce? I grew up saying sauce, cat dad grew up sa#reelsfb #catsoftiktok #pets #foryou #fypシ #meme #foryoupage
We would adopt all of them! Fingers crossed we win the Lotto!#catlovers #viral #foryoupage #foryou #meme #catsoftiktok #reelsfb #pets #fypシ
I wouldn’t have it any other way!Also welcome to our new foster Legend! Who was rescued by @puppykittynycity from a horrible#figgy #meme #foryoupage #viral #foryou #catlovers #funnyanimals
We found our 2020 Super Bowl Predictions! Good luck to both teams- love Figgy!#figarothesurviorkitten #figisbig #figgy #thedodo
#caturday#fypシ #meow #animals #catlovers #figarothesurviorkitKayla #pets #funnycat #viral #funnyvideos #funnyanimals #funny #catsoftiktok #figgy #foryoupage #foryou #catsofinstagram #meme #cats #reelsfb #safe
Figgy for President! 🇺🇸 Happy President’s Day from Figgy and his friendss! ❤️🤍💙 #figarothesurviorki#foryou #animals #meow #foryoupage #funnyvideos #reelsfb #pets #cats #viral #figarothesurviorkitKayla #catlovers #meme #figgy #funnyanimals #funny #catsofinstagram #funnycat #fypシ #catsoftiktok #figgyfri
The video I’m sure you all have been waiting for! 🥹❤️ We are slowly letting Legend move around a bit#viral #foryou #catsofinstagram #funnyvideos #meow #figgy #figarothesurviorkitKayla #foryoupage #pets #catlovers #animals #reelsfb #funny #fypシ #funnyanimals #meme #cats #funnycat
Being a special needs pet can be hard, but it doesn’t mean you can’t live your best life! Figgy real#catlovers #animals #funnyvideos #funnyanimals #reelsfb #catsofinstagram #funny #viral #figarothesurviorkitKayla #pets #fypシ #foryou #foryoupage #meow #figgy #cats #meme
Can’t cook without this guy demanding his share! Still working on his manners! 😹 #figarothesurviorki#figgyfri #funnyvideos #catsoftiktok #foryoupage #figgy #catsofinstagram #figarothesurviorkitKayla #meow #funnyanimals #reelsfb #puppykittynycity #animals #funny #foryou #fypシ #pets #funnycat #catlovers #viral #cats #cattok
Truly wish we could save them all 🥹 #figarothesurviorkitten #figisbig #figgy #thedodo #catsofinstagram #foryoupage #figgy #funnyvideos #safe #catsoftiktok #streetrescuedcat #figarothesurviorkitKayla #meow #figgyfri #figarothesurviorkitten #catsofinstagram
Happy Friday everyone! #figarothesurviorkitten #figisbig #figgy #thedodo #catsofinstagram #figgyfri #figarothesurviorkitKayla #figgy #foryoupage #streetrescuedcat #catsoftiktok #figarothesurviorkitten #safe #meow #funnyvideos
Doesnt get cuter than these two 😻 #catsoftiktok #legendalegendarycat #figarothesurviorkitKayla Fink