Judaism Demystified: A Podcast for the Perplexed

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Judaism Demystified: A Podcast for the Perplexed "You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes." — Maimonides



In this episode, we engage with the profound insights of Rabbi Chaim Eisen on the complex topic of free will in the cont...

In this episode, we engage with the profound insights of Rabbi Chaim Eisen on the complex topic of free will in the context of modern science and Jewish philosophy.

Our discussion opens with a look at the consensus in contemporary science, as popularized by figures like Sam Harris and Robert Sapolsky, which suggests that our actions are largely determined by physiological and environmental factors.

Rabbi Eisen's insights prompt us to consider whether there is a clear demarcation or a more subtle interplay between these moments of choice and predetermined paths.

The conversation also covers the role of yeshiva education in addressing the theological, philosophical, and spiritual challenges of contemporary society. We briefly discuss Rabbi Eisen's views on the current state of yeshiva education and the crucial topics that students should be familiar with.

Lastly, we explore the fascinating intersection of quantum mechanics and Jewish thought, particularly in relation to Maimonides' teachings on divine providence and the nature of God's interaction with the world. The indeterminacy and non-locality observed in quantum physics present an intriguing backdrop for discussing traditional views on God's providence and the laws of nature.

Join us as we navigate these complex ideas with thoroughness and care.

(Co-hosted by friend-of-the-podcast Dovidchai Abramchayev)

Episode  # 93 with Rabbi Chaim EisenJEWISH PHILOSOPHY MATTERSAvailable next week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podc...

Episode # 93 with Rabbi Chaim Eisen
Available next week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

In this enlightening episode, we sit down with renowned philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig to navigate th...

In this enlightening episode, we sit down with renowned philosopher and theologian Dr. William Lane Craig to navigate the intricate intersections of faith, science, and philosophy.

Our conversation opens with Dr. Craig elucidating his stance on 'Creation Ex Nihilo,' integrating theological doctrine with contemporary scientific understanding, particularly in relation to the Big Bang theory.

He explains why 'Creation Ex Deo' is in direct opposition to the biblical narrative, challenging the notion that the universe emerged from God and is inherently united with his own being. Dr. Craig makes a case that aligns with the Maimonidean worldview, showcasing why panentheism and pantheism contradict the core tenets of our respective faiths.

The conversation takes a philosophical turn as Dr. Craig discusses his agreement with the Kalam cosmological argument, a perspective shared across Jewish and Islamic traditions, highlighting the universal quest for understanding the origins of the universe.

Addressing criticisms from atheistic circles, Dr. Craig confronts the "God of the gaps" argument and the counter notion of a "science of the gaps," particularly in relation to the Multiverse Theory and the complexity of DNA. He presents a compelling case for theism, challenging the atheistic critiques with reasoned arguments and evidence.

Our dialogue also ventures into the realms of mathematical harmony and the laws of nature, with Dr. Craig articulating how these elements inherently point to a Creator, offering a profound reflection on the order and intelligibility of our world.

Dr. Craig also addresses the challenges posed by skeptics of evolution, such as Dr. David Berlinski, and defends the scientific validity of an evolutionary perspective within a theistic framework.

Lastly, Dr. Craig addresses the topic of the universe's age, which has been a point of contention among our respective correligionists. This fascinating interview will not disappoint.

(Co-hosted by friend-of-the-podcast Zev Gotkin )


Episode  # 92 with Dr. William Lane Craig RATIONAL ARGUMENTS FOR GOD'S EXISTENCEAvailable this week on YouTube (video), ...

Episode # 92 with Dr. William Lane Craig
Available this week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

"Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead (Story as Told to Jody M. Roy, Ph.D.)" is a gripping narrative of Frank Meeink's...

"Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead (Story as Told to Jody M. Roy, Ph.D.)" is a gripping narrative of Frank Meeink's journey into the depths of the neo-Nazi underworld in America, and his subsequent emergence from a life filled with hatred and substance abuse. Growing up in a violent environment in South Philadelphia set Frank on a path towards hatred, and his struggles with addiction left him vulnerable to the influence of a few skinhead gang recruiters. By the age of 16, he had risen to prominence as a leading figure among skinhead gangs on the East Coast, and by 18, he was serving a lengthy prison sentence. Inside prison, his interactions with minorities led him to question his long-held prejudices. Tune in to discover what led him to renounce his neo-Nazi group and eventually embrace Judaism. Frank's story is as powerful an example of personal redemption and teshuva (returning/repentance) that you're ever going to hear.

ABOUT OUR GUESTFrank Meeink is a former white supremacist skinhead gang member in the United States. After prison, he le...


Frank Meeink is a former white supremacist skinhead gang member in the United States. After prison, he left the racist skinhead movement and now lectures against it. His journey helped him to discover and embrace his Jewish heritage. Many believe his story influenced Edward Norton's character in 'American History X.'

Episode  # 91 with Frank Meeink ()CHRONICLES OF A RECOVERING SKINHEADAvailable this week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Ap...

Episode # 91 with Frank Meeink ()
Available this week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

In this episode, we're honored to have Dr. Daniel Matt discuss his book "Becoming Elijah." He explores Elijah's evolving...

In this episode, we're honored to have Dr. Daniel Matt discuss his book "Becoming Elijah." He explores Elijah's evolving role through history, focusing on his transformative character from Tanakh to Talmud to Kabbalah and beyond. Dr. Matt delves into the significance of Elijah's name, his unique encounter with God on Mount Sinai compared to Moses', and the profound meaning of the qol demamah daqqah, "a sound of sheer stillness." He also examines Elijah's supposed immortality, his foretold return as a harbinger of the Messiah based on Malakhi, and his intriguing ability to shape-shift, which influenced rabbinical teachings and stories.

Dr. Matt further illuminates Elijah's crucial role in Kabbalah, drawing parallels between Elijah and Moses, and discusses the kabbalists' perspectives on "Gilui Eliyahu." He sheds light on Hasidic interpretations of Elijah's presence, his pivotal role in Jewish rituals like the Passover Seder, Havdalah, and the Brit Milah, and his significant role in Christianity and Islam, underscoring his universal impact across religious traditions.

The conversation concludes with insights into Dr. Matt's translation of the Zohar, highlighting the need for a fresh perspective despite existing translations and the revolutionary (sometimes controversial) ideas it introduced.

1 Kings 19:11

1 Kings 19:11

Episode  # 90 with Professor Daniel MattBECOMING ELIJAHAvailable next week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (...

Episode # 90 with Professor Daniel Matt
Available next week on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

[Artwork and text generated by A.I.]In Kabbalah and Hassidut, Eliyahu is a central figure symbolizing the esoteric aspec...

[Artwork and text generated by A.I.]

In Kabbalah and Hassidut, Eliyahu is a central figure symbolizing the esoteric aspects of Judaism. Believed to be the harbinger of redemption and the messianic age, he is said to personally guide mystics via revelation. Kabbalistic texts elaborate on his role in revealing the deeper meanings of the Torah and the secrets of the universe, bridging the gap between the divine and the earthly realms.

Discover the development of his character in Jewish literature in our upcoming podcast interview with Prof. Daniel Matt. You don't want to miss it!

[Artwork and text generated by A.I.]In the Talmud, Eliyahu takes on a different role, often appearing as a teacher and g...

[Artwork and text generated by A.I.]

In the Talmud, Eliyahu takes on a different role, often appearing as a teacher and guide to the rabbis, offering insights and guidance to the Sages. He is portrayed as an immortal being who visits scholars and pious individuals to dispel doubts, resolve halakhic (legal) disputes, and reveal divine truths. The Talmudic narratives frequently depict him in a more approachable light, revealing a more understanding and balanced side than his Biblical persona.

Discover the development of his character in Jewish literature in our upcoming podcast interview with Prof. Daniel Matt. You don't want to miss it!

[Artwork and text generated by A.I.]In the Nevi'im (Prophets), Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) is depicted as a zeal...

[Artwork and text generated by A.I.]

In the Nevi'im (Prophets), Eliyahu HaNavi (Elijah the Prophet) is depicted as a zealous defender of monotheism against the widespread worship of Baal during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in the northern kingdom of Israel. Known for his miracles, such as reviving a dying or dead child and calling down fire from heaven to prove God's supremacy, his character is marked by his overzealous commitment to God and his law, and can be viewed as both a hero and a cautionary tale.

Discover the development of his character in Jewish literature in our upcoming podcast interview with Prof. Daniel Matt. You don't want to miss it!

In this premiere episode of Judaism Demystified's "Getting to Know the Rishonim" series, we dive into the life and legac...

In this premiere episode of Judaism Demystified's "Getting to Know the Rishonim" series, we dive into the life and legacy of Rabbi Levi ben Gershon, also known as RaLBaG or Gersonides, a prominent medieval French Jewish philosopher, Talmudist, mathematician, physician and astronomer/astrologer. We uncover who Ralbag was, shedding light on his immense contributions not just to Jewish thought but also to the realms of science and philosophy.

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss and Rabbi Dovid Campbell share their personal journeys of discovering Ralbag's work, with Rabbi Campbell delving into Ralbag's scientific and philosophical achievements, and Rabbi Schneeweiss focusing on the structure and depth of Ralbag's Tanakh commentary.

The conversation then zooms in on Ralbag's unique interpretation of Akedat Yitzhak (The Binding of Isaac), particularly his novel approach to the concept of "nisayon" or "Divine test." Rabbi Campbell takes the reins to explain how this ties into Ralbag's sophisticated understanding of Divine knowledge. As Rabbi Schneeweiss navigates through Ralbag's commentary, Rabbi Campbell interjects with insights into Ralbag's views on human perfection and prophecy, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of Ralbag's philosophical underpinnings.

Rabbi Schneeweiss rounds off the discussion on the Akedah, exploring the practical outcomes and lessons derived from the narrative, known as "toalot" in Ralbag's framework. He also introduces listeners to the Maaliot Edition, providing a teaser for the rich, multifaceted nature of Ralbag's commentary. This episode not only offers an in-depth look at Ralbag's approach to one of Judaism's pivotal narratives but also invites listeners into the broader, intricate tapestry of Jewish scholastic heritage through the lens of one of its most profound thinkers.

Who is the Ralbag?Levi ben Gershon (Ralbag) was a Provencal philosopher, physician, mathematician, astronomer, talmudic ...

Who is the Ralbag?

Levi ben Gershon (Ralbag) was a Provencal philosopher, physician, mathematician, astronomer, talmudic commentator, and Torah commentator. He seems to never have accepted a rabbinic post, and little is known about his life – even the place and date of his death is unclear. Ralbag was a strict Aristotelian, and in his great philosophical work, Milhamot Hashem, he critiques Rambam on some points where he deviates from Aristotelian teaching. He was also a fervent believer in astrology, and astrological determinism pervades his philosophical work. Though he did maintain the notion of human free will. His philosophical views lead to opposition to his works in some circles. His mathematical works were sophisticated, influential, and ground-breaking, and he is noted for his work in combinatorics and early use of the principle of mathematical induction. Some of his works were translated into Latin at the request of Christian scholars. Ralbag was credited for inventing the "Jacob's staff," an astronomical device. Finally, he is perhaps best known today for his commentary on Tanakh, which displays his wide learning and interweaves halakhic matters and rulings. He wrote several talmudic works, most of which have been lost.


Episode  # 89 with Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss & Rabbi Dovid Campbell GETTING TO KNOW RALBAGAirs this Wednesday on YouTube (v...

Episode # 89 with Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss & Rabbi Dovid Campbell
Airs this Wednesday on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

In this highly anticipated interview with Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, an esteemed expert in Dead Sea Scrolls studie...

In this highly anticipated interview with Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, an esteemed expert in Dead Sea Scrolls studies, we explore the profound significance of these ancient manuscripts in understanding ancient Judaism and Christianity. Dr. Schiffman provides a comprehensive overview of the Dead Sea Scrolls offer invaluable insights into the religious, social, and political dynamics of the Second Temple period, shedding light on the beliefs, practices, and historical context of this pivotal era.

We discuss how the discovery of the scrolls in the mid-20th century transformed our understanding of Jewish history and Second Temple Judaism.
He shares what got him interested in this topic and how it had a positive effect on his religious beliefs and observance.

He explains how the scrolls inform our understanding of sectarianism within Jewish society in the Second Temple period, where the Halakhic texts within the scrolls align with or diverge from Rabbinic Judaism as we know it today, how the variants in these texts compare and contrast with the Masoretic Text, and what it tells us about the development of the biblical canon.

Lastly, he delves into the apocalyptic and messianic texts that seem to reflect the beliefs and expectations of the Qumran community and how these beliefs compare with other Jewish and early Christian messianic expectations of the time.

Episode  # 88 with Prof. Lawrence H. SchiffmanTHE DEAD SEA SCROLLS UNEARTHEDComing soon to YouTube (video), Spotify, App...

Episode # 88 with Prof. Lawrence H. Schiffman
Coming soon to YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

Interview coming soon...In this engaging episode, we welcome Dr. Lenn E. Goodman, who introduces his new translation of ...

Interview coming soon...

In this engaging episode, we welcome Dr. Lenn E. Goodman, who introduces his new translation of the Guide to the Perplexed, a task previously undertaken by Moshe Friedlander and notably by Shlomo Pines. Dr. Goodman explains what inspired him to reinterpret this seminal work, why the project was necessary, and details his intentions to bring fresh perspectives and clarity to Maimonides' complex ideas.

The discussion then turns to the inherent challenges in comprehending the Guide, stemming from its medieval philosophical context and the contradictions and ambiguities Maimonides himself noted. Dr. Goodman shares his method for navigating these issues in his forthcoming translation, potentially offering new interpretations of this pivotal text.

The key part of the conversation focuses on Maimonides' theological and cosmological system, particularly how it aligns with contemporary scientific understanding. Dr. Goodman addresses the dilemma of reconciling Maimonides' geocentric universe with modern cosmology and explores how this impacts the interpretation of divine providence, prophecy, revelation, and miracles. He evaluates various scholarly responses to this issue (as well as how to understand Rambam's understanding of the Active Intellect) and offers his insight into this complex theological challenge.

New Book Alert!The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation (Translated and with Commentary by Lenn E. Goodman and Phil...

New Book Alert!

The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation (Translated and with Commentary by Lenn E. Goodman and Philip J. Lieberman) — available by pre-order on Amazon


"Goodman and Lieberman's translation and commentary sets a new standard for the study of Maimonides. No book presents his masterpiece in a clearer or more thorough manner. Scholarly discussions of Maimonides will be referring to Goodman and Lieberman's contribution for years to come."―Kenneth Seeskin, Northwestern University

"Goodman and Lieberman's work is a lifetime accomplishment. Had Maimonides himself composed his essay in modern English, he would probably have chosen the style of this version."―Aharon Maman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

"Combining mastery of Arabic and Hebrew with their intimate knowledge of Medieval Jewish and Islamic philosophy, Goodman and Lieberman have produced a fresh, accurate, and readable translation of the original Arabic of Maimonides' masterpiece. This will be a major contribution to Maimonidean scholarship and an indispensable tool for students of the field."―Paul B. Fenton, Université Paris-Sorbonne

About the Author

Lenn E. Goodman is Professor of Philosophy and Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Vanderbilt University. Phillip I. Lieberman is Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Law, Classical and Mediterranean Studies, and Religious Studies at Vanderbilt University.

Episode  # 87 with Prof. Lenn E. GoodmanDEPOPULATING THE HEAVENSComing very soon to YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podc...

Episode # 87 with Prof. Lenn E. Goodman
Coming very soon to YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!

J.J. Kimche joins us once again, this time to present an overview and two critiques of the Gush Tanakh method, which has...

J.J. Kimche joins us once again, this time to present an overview and two critiques of the Gush Tanakh method, which has taken the Torah learning world by storm in recent years. The method, developed at Yeshivat Har Etzion (commonly known as the Gush), is a comprehensive approach to studying the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. It is rooted in the belief that the text of the Tanakh is multi-layered, containing profound meanings that can be revealed through careful analysis of its language, grammar, syntax, literary style, chiastic structures, intertextuality, and historical context.

The Gush promotes critical thinking and intellectual rigor, as its students are encouraged to ask probing questions, challenge assumptions, and explore alternative interpretations of the text. Kimche, a Gush alum, utilizes these very tools to give an honest assessment of its pros and cons.

Overall, the practitioners of the Gush approach strive to uncover the timeless wisdom and relevance of the Tanakh for the contemporary reader, and while there is no perfect system, this method has invigorated a new generation of wisdom seekers.

We highly recommend getting this entire set by   ! We own each one and have interviewed a few of the authors of this ser...

We highly recommend getting this entire set by ! We own each one and have interviewed a few of the authors of this series, with the hope of interviewing many more!

The Maggid Studies in Tanakh is a collection of works by a cadre of master Bible scholars who explore the concepts, themes, literary artistry, and historical context of individual books in the Bible. Each volume in the series utilizes a trailblazing interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Biblical text that fuses both traditional and scholarly tools to understand the Biblical text and its religious meaning. As a whole, the Maggid Studies in Tanakhseries offers readers an indispensable resource that reveals the depth and relevance of our most foundational sacred text.

Tune in for our upcoming podcast (2/22/24) with Yeshivat Har Etzion alum, JJ Kimche, as he joins us yet again — this time to discuss the Gush Tanakh Method: An Overview and Two Critiques.

Episode  # 86 with JJ KimcheASSESSING THE GUSH TANAKH METHODTune in Thursday 2/21 at 9pm EST — available on YouTube (vid...

Episode # 86 with JJ Kimche
Tune in Thursday 2/21 at 9pm EST — available on YouTube (video), Spotify, Apple Podcasts (audio), and all major platforms!



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