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Purpose, Peace & Profit Master your mind, energy & strategy for a life you love that brings you joy, wealth & freedom

Earlier this week I released a special episode of the Purpose, Peace & Profit™ podcast.This one's for you if you're need...

Earlier this week I released a special episode of the Purpose, Peace & Profit™ podcast.

This one's for you if you're needing to hear something positive and inspirational right now 💛

In this series of trainings, recorded live for the Purpose, Peace & Profit Facebook community I explore why economic difficulty doesn't have to mean a downturn for your business.Listen to Part 1 in...

Over the past couple of weeks, my lovely biz bestie Sarah and I have been ‘working away’... sorry…, I mean having a whal...

Over the past couple of weeks, my lovely biz bestie Sarah and I have been ‘working away’... sorry…, I mean having a whale of a time… running our first Client Manifestation Extravaganza!

And it’s been EPIC.

People have been getting more visible, more clear on their businesses and what they need to be doing, showing up with bags more positive energy and enthusiasm - oh, and they’ve been getting more clients, of course!

(Well, that was kind of the point… 🤣).

So in today’s episode of the podcast I walk you through 3 key things that our most successful participants did - and why science absolutely agrees that these are the things you NEED to do if you want to create more of anything in your life.

More clients, more money, more time, more freedom…

Yes, there IS a proven formula and it starts with these 3 basic rules.

Let’s dive in!


I know I’ve been a little quieter these past couple of weeks… and that’s because some major shifts have been happening i...

I know I’ve been a little quieter these past couple of weeks… and that’s because some major shifts have been happening in the background.

(Well, and I’ve been flying solo in the parenting stakes for a few days which is always a bit of a time thief!).

So I’ve decided to be brave, bold and do everything I encourage my clients to do.

I’m going there! I'm doing my thing - boldly stepping into ALL the places I’ve been told I shouldn’t step.

Away from a solid niche. Away from a tangible, super-structured service.

And away from declaring myself a ‘mindset coach’, ‘money coach’, ‘business coach’, ‘imposter syndrome’ coach or any kind of coach at all.

I’m simplifying. I’m expanding. I’m unleashing everything that’s been bottled up, crying to get out. And I’m stoked to share this with you.

For too long I’ve tried to squeeze my passion for helping people live their best lives into a business-shaped box. But people aren’t just business-shaped - they’re people shaped!

And while they may struggle in their businesses and find that’s where they’re most aware of their fears, doubts and limitations - it’s just because that’s where everything comes under the magnifying glass.

That’s just the pinch-point for everything that’s going on under the surface and away from the smiles, selfies and sales pitches.

Truth is, you cannot HAVE a truly successful business if it’s causing you to feel like s**t under the surface.

That isn’t success, no matter how shiny it looks.

And in coaching my entrepreneurial clients, sometimes it’s become obvious that their business has become a nightmare instead of a dream - they’re so stressed out by desperately trying to make it work and create a steady stream of income, that it’s massively overshadowing their joy, freedom and everything they set out to create in the first place.

Ironically, from that place of constant stress and overwhelm it’s almost impossible to generate the clients, income, time freedom - the amazing reality that they so desperately crave - and so it goes on, a never-ending vicious cycle of stress and desperation.

Trying to solve these kinds of problems isn’t just a question of the right strategy, or even mindset - I’ve known this all along - but it’s easier to label yourself a ‘business coach’ or ‘mindset coach’ in this world, because that’s what people think they need.

It often isn’t.

That’s because taking a problem-centred approach is like trying to put out a forest fire, one tree at a time - the minute you’ve put one fire out, it springs up somewhere else.

What really works is to dampen all the fires at once and clear the air so you can see the way forward and get out of the damn forest to safety and serenity.

That’s what I do - and it’s time to stop pretending and labelling it as anything else.

I’ve been quietly using hypnotherapy as part of my unique method (now known as The Conscious Creation Formula), pretty much forever.

But now I’ve decided it’s time to stop hiding it away, sneaking it in quietly in the background, and let the world know just how powerful this is.

Not only for fixing those struggles now - but for creating a life of incredible balance, wellbeing and abundance in the future.

True success.

True wealth.

True freedom.

I’m not hiding it any more. I’m embracing my uniqueness.

And I’m SO excited.

For me - and for everyone who has that deep knowing that they were meant for more - and that burning determination to create it.

For my kind of people.

Whoever you are - and whatever you want from this life.

I want it for you and I'm GONNA HELP YOU GET IT!

So watch out world, we’re coming for you 😉

This week’s podcast episode is all about my biz journey and how I’ve arrived at this new destination - you can check it out here.


This week I’m deep diving into the dark side of liking things done well.High standards are wonderful - but they can easi...

This week I’m deep diving into the dark side of liking things done well.

High standards are wonderful - but they can easily spill over into self-sabotage and leave you high and dry in your business.

If you find yourself:

*Feeling like your branding needs to be perfect before you can do anything else
*Thinking you can’t launch without a website
*Waiting for ‘the perfect’ idea to fall into your lap before taking action
*Getting tied in knots over niching
*Drafting and re-recording your courses time and time again…

This episode might just be exactly what you need.


If you’re a therapist, coach or wellness professional and you’re struggling to get clients at the moment - you are in EX...

If you’re a therapist, coach or wellness professional and you’re struggling to get clients at the moment - you are in EXACTLY the right place!

My cohost and business buddy Sarah has been testing our 12 Day Client Manifestation Extravaganza material - and in the past fortnight she’s booked:

👉Two discovery calls
👉2 new clients for her main programme (booked and paid)
👉A client for her lower-cost endometriosis offering
👉And 4 enquiries about her corporate health & wellbeing services

Boom! 💥

👉 Want to know more about our backgrounds in business and why we’re manifesting machines?

Listen here!


Following last week’s  journey into developing healthy habits, making peace with your body and how it can help you in yo...

Following last week’s journey into developing healthy habits, making peace with your body and how it can help you in your business, I’m delighted to welcome Greg Fearon to the show today.

Greg helps professional women overcome the struggles they face in making changes to their bodies around menopause - and gets awesome results in a completely holistic, ‘no cutting out the stuff you love’ kind of way - which I agree with and applaud wholeheartedly.

We’ll bust some big diet & nutrition myths, explore the real reasons women find it hard to change and talk about why your business needs you to look after yourself!


Q. How can your body affect your business?A. In SO many ways.Building confidence in your physical body is one of the rea...

Q. How can your body affect your business?
A. In SO many ways.

Building confidence in your physical body is one of the real keys to unlocking your confidence in business - because we can only allow ourselves to show up in all our glory (as it were) in business, when we can allow ourselves to feel comfortable in our own skin.

Not to mention the other emotional and brain-boosting benefits of letting go of all the guilt, shame & stress around how we look and what we eat!

For some, like me, making some long-overdue positive changes is the key to really unlocking that confidence.

For all of us - regardless of whether we want to stick where we are or make changes to feel healthier - moving towards acceptance and appreciation for what we have allows us to feel truly worthy, loved - and to show up with the confidence we need to live our most awesome, joyful lives.


What does it take to create a financially - and spiritually - successful business?  One that feels joyful rather than st...

What does it take to create a financially - and spiritually - successful business?

One that feels joyful rather than stressful and life-sucking?

One where you get to enjoy beautiful, happy relationships, plenty of ‘me-time’ and a wonderful inner peace that says ‘everything’s good here!’?

And how do you build enough resilience to keep going when times feel tough?

Let’s find out…


How to find your niche (and how not to). If you've ever struggled to nail down your niche or decide exactly who your ide...

How to find your niche (and how not to). If you've ever struggled to nail down your niche or decide exactly who your ideal client should be, or if you don't know which business coach to listen to when it comes to niching - this is for you.

Learn how all about the best way to niche from this podcast episode or the accompanying blog. Get listening & learn how to find your niche now!

Earlier this year I realised something pretty profound about myself - which I know is something a LOT of women in busine...

Earlier this year I realised something pretty profound about myself - which I know is something a LOT of women in business are discovering about themselves, too.

Autism and ADHD weren’t even on my radar. I didn’t in any way fit the stereotypes and had no obvious giveaway clues… but I was in for a surprise.

Now, I’m so happy to have uncovered a little bit more about who I am and why! And I’m embracing my superpowers.

I’ll be talking about how I found out, what autism actually looks like in many women, the struggles and surprising advantages - and what being ‘on the spectrum’ actually means.


POSITIVE anxiety?  Errr, no, I don’t have anxiety - I’m FINE thanks.  I’m coping really well with all the crap I’ve got ...

POSITIVE anxiety? Errr, no, I don’t have anxiety - I’m FINE thanks. I’m coping really well with all the crap I’ve got to deal with right now. I’m a very positive person…

(Ok, if that’s you, you need to listen to this my lovely).

Recording this episode of the podcast stirred up some big feelings… because this was me just a few years ago. And looking back - I realise now just how oblivious I was to the fact I really wasn’t fine at all - and I’m so grateful I had that wake-up call.

It’s a message I felt I had to share - because it’s a realisation that has literally been life-changing for me - and I think it could be for you, too.

I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE feel free to reach out if it resonates.


Do you tend to get easily distracted, overwhelmed and snowed under with a never-ending to-do list?Does business sometime...

Do you tend to get easily distracted, overwhelmed and snowed under with a never-ending to-do list?

Does business sometimes feel like a marathon where somebody’s forgotten to tell you the route - so you don’t know which direction to turn next and end up running round in circles, going nowhere?

In this episode I look at how I beat overwhelm, burnout and shiny object syndrome in my business, why done ISN’T always better than perfect and how you can instantly take control.


Making money can feel so hard, especially if you’ve been slogging away in your business for months and not seeing stunni...

Making money can feel so hard, especially if you’ve been slogging away in your business for months and not seeing stunning results.

The reality is, we get bogged down in one-track thinking and start to lose sight of the possibilities - because of the way our brain works and how it sabotages our true potential!

Find out why it’s easier than you think to make money, and how you can shift that perspective today.


Passive income is absolutely possible for any business - and I firmly believe it’s an essential ingredient to building a...

Passive income is absolutely possible for any business - and I firmly believe it’s an essential ingredient to building a business that really is strong, sustainable and able to cope with almost any eventuality.

And I’ve got something exciting to share about how you can start your passive income journey NOW!


Have you been told you have to be on social media for your business?  That you must make sure you’re posting day in, day...

Have you been told you have to be on social media for your business? That you must make sure you’re posting day in, day out - but really it makes you want to curl up and hide?

I’ve felt that way too. But social media really isn’t the be-all and end-all of marketing - you can choose to do things differently - and I’m voting for more living and less scrolling! Here’s how and why.


Your struggle really can turn out to be your superpower - in fact it usually is!Today’s episode is about one of my incre...

Your struggle really can turn out to be your superpower - in fact it usually is!
Today’s episode is about one of my incredible, inspirational clients who has turned her business around in 3 months and has made some bold steps towards overcoming her biggest personal challenge for good - with some unexpected benefits!

TIME.  Ever wish you had more?This week's blog-cast is all about just that.  Take a quick skim-read of my top 10 tips - ...

TIME. Ever wish you had more?

This week's blog-cast is all about just that.

Take a quick skim-read of my top 10 tips - or listen in full to get all the juicy details and learn how you can make the most of those 24 little hours!


Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the day? “We all have the same 24 hours in the day…”, do you feel like YOUR 24 hours are so much shorter than everyone else’s? Here are my top tips to help you regain control of the clock, take back those seconds which just seem to slip...

👉 How to convert more followers & encounters to clients. AKA two little ducks!Do you ever worry that you’re scaring off ...

👉 How to convert more followers & encounters to clients.

AKA two little ducks!

Do you ever worry that you’re scaring off prospective clients - or not doing the right things to attract them?

Here’s a simple analogy to help you understand EXACTLY how to approach getting leads in the right way. You’re not going to forget this one in a hurry!

It's short, sweet and packed with info - so perfect for your coffee break ☕
Listen in on your favourite podcast app, YouTube or Spotify!

If you find it helpful or enjoyable I would LOVE some shares on social


AKA two little ducks! Do you ever worry that you’re scaring off prospective clients - or not doing the right things to attract them? Here’s a simple analogy to help you understand EXACTLY how to approach getting leads in the right way. You’re not going to forget this one in a hurry! Click here...

Episode 13 is now out there!   Can you run your business without social media?👉  Have you ever wondered whether it's pos...

Episode 13 is now out there!

Can you run your business without social media?

👉 Have you ever wondered whether it's possible to run your business without being on social media 24/7 - or at all?

In this episode I'm taking a look into whether this is an impossible dream or more realistic than you think - and whether it's something you SHOULD consider for your business.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share on social!


EPISODE 12 IS NOW OUT THERE!   Dealing with other people’s perceptions of your business👉  "Hobby job", "Your little job"...


Dealing with other people’s perceptions of your business

👉 "Hobby job", "Your little job", "When are you going to get a proper job?" - all phrases that can raise the hackles in the blink of an eye!
Here's how to deal with those negative perceptions so they don't affect YOU or your progress in your business.

If you enjoyed this episode, please share on social!




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