I know I’ve been a little quieter these past couple of weeks… and that’s because some major shifts have been happening in the background.
(Well, and I’ve been flying solo in the parenting stakes for a few days which is always a bit of a time thief!).
So I’ve decided to be brave, bold and do everything I encourage my clients to do.
I’m going there! I'm doing my thing - boldly stepping into ALL the places I’ve been told I shouldn’t step.
Away from a solid niche. Away from a tangible, super-structured service.
And away from declaring myself a ‘mindset coach’, ‘money coach’, ‘business coach’, ‘imposter syndrome’ coach or any kind of coach at all.
I’m simplifying. I’m expanding. I’m unleashing everything that’s been bottled up, crying to get out. And I’m stoked to share this with you.
For too long I’ve tried to squeeze my passion for helping people live their best lives into a business-shaped box. But people aren’t just business-shaped - they’re people shaped!
And while they may struggle in their businesses and find that’s where they’re most aware of their fears, doubts and limitations - it’s just because that’s where everything comes under the magnifying glass.
That’s just the pinch-point for everything that’s going on under the surface and away from the smiles, selfies and sales pitches.
Truth is, you cannot HAVE a truly successful business if it’s causing you to feel like s**t under the surface.
That isn’t success, no matter how shiny it looks.
And in coaching my entrepreneurial clients, sometimes it’s become obvious that their business has become a nightmare instead of a dream - they’re so stressed out by desperately trying to make it work and create a steady stream of income, that it’s massively overshadowing their joy, freedom and everything they set out to create in the first place.
Ironically, from that place of constant stress and overwhelm it’s almost impossible to generate the clients, income, time freedom - the amazing reality that they so desperately crave - and so it goes on, a never-ending vicious cycle of stress and desperation.
Trying to solve these kinds of problems isn’t just a question of the right strategy, or even mindset - I’ve known this all along - but it’s easier to label yourself a ‘business coach’ or ‘mindset coach’ in this world, because that’s what people think they need.
It often isn’t.
That’s because taking a problem-centred approach is like trying to put out a forest fire, one tree at a time - the minute you’ve put one fire out, it springs up somewhere else.
What really works is to dampen all the fires at once and clear the air so you can see the way forward and get out of the damn forest to safety and serenity.
That’s what I do - and it’s time to stop pretending and labelling it as anything else.
I’ve been quietly using hypnotherapy as part of my unique method (now known as The Conscious Creation Formula), pretty much forever.
But now I’ve decided it’s time to stop hiding it away, sneaking it in quietly in the background, and let the world know just how powerful this is.
Not only for fixing those struggles now - but for creating a life of incredible balance, wellbeing and abundance in the future.
True success.
True wealth.
True freedom.
I’m not hiding it any more. I’m embracing my uniqueness.
And I’m SO excited.
For me - and for everyone who has that deep knowing that they were meant for more - and that burning determination to create it.
For my kind of people.
Whoever you are - and whatever you want from this life.
I want it for you and I'm GONNA HELP YOU GET IT!
So watch out world, we’re coming for you 😉
This week’s podcast episode is all about my biz journey and how I’ve arrived at this new destination - you can check it out here.