50. Any stroke which goes back over another writing stroke.
A. natural variation
B. rhythm
C. retracing
A. shading
51. The name of a person written by him/her in a document as a sign
of acknowledgement.
A. Opinion
B. Document
C. Signature
D. Handwriting
52. A kind of document which is executed by a private person
without the intervention of a notary public, or of
competent public official, by which some disposition of
agreement is proved.
A. commercial document
B. official document
C. public document
D. private document
53. An instrument that can be legally used in comparison with a
questioned document, its origin is known and can be proven.
A. simulated document
B. forged document
C. standard document
D. compared document
54. The process of making out what is illegible or what has been
A. Comparison
B. Collation
C. Obliteration
D. Decipherment
55. A document which contains some changes either as an
addition or deletion.
A. inserted document
B. altered document
C. disputed document
D. obliterated document
56. A kind of erasure by using a rubber eraser, sharp knife, razor
blade or picking instrument.
A. mechanical erasure
B. electronic erasure
C. magnetic erasure
D. chemical erasure
57. It is the periodic increase in pressure, characterized by
widening of the ink stroke.
A. Shading
B. pen li