
QAnon+ Patriots WWG1WGA


Lets Go NEVADA!!!


All large companies will go bankrupt. A total of 1,700 companies in general
They will go bankrupt in the next 1-2 years. Rakuten, Softbank, NTT Docomo, as well as
zaibatsu-affiliated companies, such as Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Sumitomo and Yasuda, as well as
Toyota, Honda and others.
From now on, instead of companies, wealthy people will support the economy at
through currency revaluation. Citizens will receive a UBI (Basic Income
Universal: Minimum Income Guarantee System) of 245,000 yen per person per month,
but in Japan, this amount is around 30 quintillion trillion, so there is no
-> more HERE!
o Under the direction of the US military, 120 million Q phones were
manufactured by a Japanese manufacturer (SHARP). Distribution will be carried out by services
postcards. In the future, a QVs (Quantum Voting System) free of
fraud using Q. phones and will also include information on the use of
Medbed. The only connection to Starlink is AU, and KDDI has a contract with SpaceX. NTT
He sold his own radio tower for 100 billion yen and began to transform his
business in areas such as real estate.
-> Read more HERE!
For banks, QFS (Quantum Financial System) is only connected to Japan Post
Bank and Mizuho Bank. The rest of the financial institutions will remain under its control.
competence. However, about half of them will be eliminated. HE
They will transfer personal account books from other banks. The virtual currency that is
source of funds for the cabal, like Bitcoin, will disappear after the collapse.
Regarding medical care, hospitals will no longer be necessary after use
by Medbed. However, DNA specialists,
rehabilitation, masseuses, acupuncturists, etc. What we won't need are hospitals.
doctors and nurses.
- The Med Bed Revolution: Transform your age with the replicator_y
ADNI restorer
OAt the end of November, Trump will sign GESARA in Switzerland. GESARA is led by the
BRICS. Over time, the United States joined and Japan has already joined. The main holder
of US debt is China, followed by Japan. From now on, I will sell
I will criticize. Shoichi Nakagawa was drugged for his comments on bond sales
Americans and was excluded after a press conference in a state of
drunkenness. With GESARA, debts will be canceled and most taxes will be
abolished and refunded.


BOOM! QFS Exposing the Deep State’s Machinations! The Great Money Laundering Scheme -Taxpayer Money Laundered Through Privately Owned Tax Offices

In a world defined by corruption, secrecy, and lies, it’s easy to lose hope. Financial systems, once considered sacred foundations of economic growth, have been infiltrated and manipulated beyond recognition. Fake money, fraud, and stimulus scams run rampant, while honest taxpayers are left in the dust, their hard-earned dollars funneled into obscure, privately-owned tax offices.

In the midst of this chaos, a beacon of truth emerges: the Quantum Financial System (QFS). A system that promises to dismantle the entrenched, fraudulent practices of the Deep State, it is both a symbol of hope and a catalyst for change.


The Total Collapse is coming.

Banks are collapsing, the dollar is quickly diminishing and the elites plan is coming to fruition.

Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck are all warning about the upcoming devestation however, as you know, higher powers are silencing their voices.

“Our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard,” Trump warned.

“We just saw the 2nd biggest bank failure in the history of this country. What we have here is a 1929 style bank run,” Tucker Carlson said before getting banned from TV. “It may be time to buy GOLD and SILVER

“A collapse is coming that will change everything… We need to wake up…

Over the past couple months, America has experienced the 2nd, 3rd and 4th largest bank collapses in our nation’s history and it will only get worse and will digitize the U.S. dollar to have total control of you and your finances.

And a lot of patriotic citizens has started moving their money into the recommended quantum financial system for safety. I’ll assist as many as I can on how to move your Assets/ Funds into the recommended ledger.


THE banks are fast crashing , likewise most credit unions, so anything cash you have in there is considered “AIR” because you might wake up one morning and notice that the banks are no more. You have to act quickly and take out everything in your credit unions and then quickly convert them into the recommended iso gold backed currencies XLM and XRP


⛔ ATTENTION !!! Get all your cash out of the bank now and any source you're holding your cash!!! all banking systems will crash down as the crash hits the bank...all fiat exchanges FX and some other source of holding your assets. Are gonna crash along with the bank ⛔ convert all your cash in the bank to the recommended ISO coins XLM/XRP which are those coins that are backed up by tangible assets (Gold and silver) and they're also known as the GENERATIONAL WEALTH.

The Reset is taking place Sooner than expected, maybe today, tomorrow or next , we don't know the exact date but sooner than expected.


54 Banks Closed/Scheduled To Close👀Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing ...

54 Banks Closed/Scheduled To Close👀

Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number of Americans without access to basic financial services.

Bank of America axed 21 branches in the first week of October, according to a bulletin published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on Friday.

Wells Fargo shuttered 15, while US Bank and Chase reported closing 9 and 3 respectively.

In total, some 54 locations had either closed or were scheduled to close between October 1 and October 7. Of the overall closures, 3 were in Louisville in Kentucky. Eight of the 21 Bank of America closures were in California.

Major US banks are continuing to close branches across the US, leaving an increasing number of Americans without access to basic financial services.

Chinese Bitcoin mine in Wyoming sparks security fears over proximity to nuclear missile base and Microsoft data center -...

Chinese Bitcoin mine in Wyoming sparks security fears over proximity to nuclear missile base and Microsoft data center - as defense experts warn of threat to power grid from similar operations across the US

In an August 2022 report to the Committee on Foreign Investment, Microsoft warned the mine could allow the Chinese to 'pursue full-spectrum intelligence collection operations.'

Sacrificed for the cause: why no Arab countries are coming forward to provide safe haven to Gaza's civilian populationTh...

Sacrificed for the cause: why no Arab countries are coming forward to provide safe haven to Gaza's civilian population

The people of Gaza, according to their ostensible advocates, are not families and individuals, but pawns for a greater struggle, so they must be made into martyrs.

The people of Gaza, according to their ostensible advocates, are not families and individuals, but pawns for a greater struggle, so they must be made into martyrs.

If you religiously take your dog to the vet for annual jabs, I hope you will read this first. If your dog, cat, horse or pet gets sick after being vaccinated, it's been poisoned!

Vaccine manufacturers hide behind descriptions like “trade secret” or “proprietary” when they report what’s in the vaccines.

AOC-backed Starbucks union representing 9,000 baristas sparks fury by tweeting 'solidarity with Palestine!' after Hamas ...

AOC-backed Starbucks union representing 9,000 baristas sparks fury by tweeting 'solidarity with Palestine!' after Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis

Starbucks Workers United tweeted: 'Solidarity with Palestine!' The message has been deleted, but has sparked widespread anger. Starbucks issued a statement condemning the social media post.

IT BEGINS. Muslims Riot in the Street of France after Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal Designates Friday a “Day of Jihad” Afte...

IT BEGINS. Muslims Riot in the Street of France after Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal Designates Friday a “Day of Jihad” After Slaughtering 1,000 Jews

As The Gateway Pundit first reported, Khaled Mashal, the former leader and founding member of Hamas, has called for a global Muslim uprising in support of Palestine.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Issues Executive Order to Rescue 20,000 Americans from Israel for FREE, Including 1,000 Fl...

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Issues Executive Order to Rescue 20,000 Americans from Israel for FREE, Including 1,000 Floridians, Amid Ongoing Conflict

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an executive order Thursday to bring home more than 20,000 Americans stranded in Israel due to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran-backed Hamas terrorists.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is overseeing 5.7 million migrants in the US — who could soon be provided free...

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is overseeing 5.7 million migrants in the US — who could soon be provided free medical services, food and even housing by the Biden administration, The Post has learned.

The record number of non-detained migrants being monitored by the federal agency — 2.4 million more than before Biden became president — was buried in paperwork detailing its “Release and Reporting Management” (RRM) program.

The plan is for private companies to take over ICE’s monitoring of migrants through ankle monitors, phone apps and in-person check ins as well as providing a range of other perks to the non-c…


DNA Contaminants in COVID Shots Can Trigger Cancer and Alter Human Genome, Concludes Expert Panel

Summary of Findings:

#1 - Bacterial DNA (plasmids) has been found in mRNA vaccine vials.

#2 - A cancer-promoting genetic sequence—SV40—has been found in the Covid-19 vaccines. This was not present in the vials used for the approval studies but has been found in all vials of the BioNTech vials disseminated for public use.

#3 - These discoveries have been confirmed in several independent laboratories worldwide.

#4 - The discovery was originally made in April 2023 by Kevin McKernan at which point regulatory bodies were contacted. No official reply has been received.

#5 - Multiple mechanisms exist in which this genetic information might be integrated into the human genome.

#6 - This DNA could instruct our bodies to produce mRNA and foreign proteins for an unknown period with potential implications for subsequent generations.

#7 - There is no constructive purpose identified for the undeclared SV40 promotor sequence, which in addition to its cancer risk, enhances the capacity to incorporate the other foreign genetic material into the recipients’ own chromosomes potentially rendering them (and possibly even their offspring) permanently genetically modified.

#8 - There are multiple completely undeclared genetic sequences in both Moderna and Pfizer vials with the SV40 sequence found only in the Pfizer vials. However, latent SV40 infections in a significant portion of the population could present the same SV40 risk to Moderna recipients.

#9 - Even in the absence of chromosomal integration, the DNA plasmids could generate mRNA for the spike protein toxin and other harmful proteins for prolonged and unpredictable periods of time.

#10 - Integration of foreign DNA into the human genome disrupts existing natural genetic sequences; this carries further risk of disease including cancer.

Sources: World Council for Health and Children's Health Defense


You’re already seeing this - it started in March and we already have more bank failures by dollar in 2023 (~$600 billion) than 2008 (~$548 billion). You’re also now seeing massive cyber attacks around the world. At a certain point (IMO not much longer) the whole house of cards comes down. Treasury Notes crash, causing banks, stocks, bonds and the dollar to crash and quickly. In a matter of a few days. The way our system works, EVERYTHING stops. Paychecks, bank withdrawals, commerce, credit cards, fuel pumps - everything. At that point, it’s only a matter of hours or a day for riots to ensue. This is not “fear porn” folks. This is economics and history.


Think about a market collapse for a minute, if you're not fully grasping this, go to August 1929 and study up. Millionaires , went to bed and woke up broke. Fast forward to now.
It. Happens and history repeats. Blackouts are also here which means no atms , no banks , no exchanges.
No Electricity At all. Scary right? Now xrp and xlm's price rising while this happening because they are priming it to restore the economy when we go digital. This disables the ideas of people "being shaken out" due to no way of utilizing an exchange.


Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Feds, Rederal Reserve are shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.

Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara Gesara is growing! ✨

QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested. The Global/Galactic Alliance are still working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the DS cabal — currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The Great Awakening journey will be more intense & get more turbulent.

Earth & humanity are under construction while business is still open. The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks.

Satanic energies can not hide anymore as it is prevalent for all to see throughout the matrix society.

True colors are being revealed. Much more ugly truths shall be revealed to the public.


The Dollar collapse is happening NOW" The Storm is coming sooner than expected. All financial systems controlled by the corrupt government will collapse sooner than expected.
This isn’t a blip or a flash in the pan, this is the future, and it’s exploding in front of us. The question is: are you prepared to ride this wave, or will you let the surge of this financial revolution pass you by? The stage is set, the die is cast, and the gears of change are in motion. We stand at the threshold of a new era, an era where QFS will redefine the fabric of our financial lives. Will you be a mere spectator or will you seize the chance and become an active participant in this historic transformation? The choice is yours, but remember, in the world of finance, timing is everything.

If you still drink that 💩

If you still drink that 💩

Starbucks Workers United tweeted “Solidarity with Palestine!” after Hamas ambushed Israel on Saturday, triggering calls to “boycott Starbucks.”


What if this is an alternative?

A Political Whirlwind: The Reascension of Trump

November 2023: The nation watches in awe as Donald Trump is elected Speaker of the House of Representatives (SOTH). Pundits from both sides of the aisle are quick to debate the implications of this unprecedented move.

Following the appointment, the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) tries to fast-track Trump's trials in an apparent attempt to neutralize any potential influence he might have as SOTH. However, due to legal complications and procedural mishaps, the DOJ’s attempts fail.

In a bold power play, Trump puts forth a motion for the impeachment of both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The House votes in favor of impeachment, and the Senate gears up for an impeachment trial immediately after the Christmas holidays.

As Congress adjourns for the winter session, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The nation is divided, with protests and demonstrations being a common sight in major cities.

In early 2024, Trump leverages his position as SOTH to reopen investigations into January 6, the 2020 Election, and alleged weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, and FISA court.

The Senate, in a controversial trial, begins to evaluate the merits of the impeachment case against Biden. Before any decision can be made, Kamala Harris takes the dramatic step of invoking the 25th Amendment, arguing that Biden is unfit to hold office. This move results in Biden's removal from the presidency.

Harris is swiftly inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States. Trump's trials begin in earnest in March. During this tumultuous period, the vice-presidential slot is filled by a former cabinet member of the Biden/Harris administration, giving Harris a stalwart ally in the process.

Yet, Trump, relentless in his pursuit of power and vindication, moves once again to impeach – this time, targeting the Harris administration. He cites ongoing investigations in the House regarding alleged 2020 election fraud. Furthermore, he brings up issues related to Harris's birthright, evoking memories of the Obama birther conspiracy. Bolstered by evidence brought forth during his trials, the House votes in favor of impeachment.
By April 2024, the Senate conducts the impeachment trial of Harris. In a historic decision, Harris and her Vice President are found guilty of fraud, conspiracy, bribery, blackmail, among other charges. They are formally removed from office.

May 2024: Amidst a whirlwind of political upheaval, Donald J. Trump is once again sworn in as the 45th, and now the 47th, President of the United States. The nation is left to grapple with the ramifications of these unprecedented events.

May 2024: With his reascension to the highest office, President Trump embarks on an ambitious mission to redefine the American political and economic landscape.

Government Overhaul: Trump initiates a thorough audit of all governmental agencies, rooting out corruption, nepotism, and inefficiencies. He establishes a new commission, the Transparency and Accountability Board, to oversee this monumental task. Thousands of bureaucrats, suspected of colluding with what many refer to as the "deep state", find themselves under scrutiny. A significant number are removed from their positions, replaced by individuals selected through a rigorous vetting process.

Financial Reforms: In a move that shocks Wall Street, Trump takes on the banking cartels. The Federal Reserve is overhauled, its activities made transparent to the public. Regulations are put in place to dismantle banking monopolies and promote competition. This move, while initially met with resistance, eventually results in a more stable, decentralized financial system.

Healthcare Revolution: Big Pharma finds itself in Trump's crosshairs next. Trump introduces reforms aimed at reducing the cost of medications and promoting holistic, preventative health. Pharmaceutical cartels, long criticized for their monopolistic practices and price gouging, are broken up.

US national debt has been growing faster than GDP for nearly 10 years.However, US national debt is now growing faster th...

US national debt has been growing faster than GDP for nearly 10 years.

However, US national debt is now growing faster than GDP by its largest margin in history.

As of 2 weeks ago, national debt crossed $33 trillion, nearly 124 times as big as it was 70 years ago.

Over the last 2 weeks alone, we have added an additional ~$450 billion to national debt.

Currently, the Debt-to-GDP ratio sits at 120%, just below its 135% peak in 2020.

Truly mind-blowing numbers.

I’d love to see Trump become Speaker just to see the absolute meltdown the losers over at Rolling Stone would have.They’...

I’d love to see Trump become Speaker just to see the absolute meltdown the losers over at Rolling Stone would have.

They’re losing their minds just at the thought of it 😂

Laurence Fox arrested on suspicion of 'conspiring to damage ULEZ cameras' after uploading video of police searching his ...

Laurence Fox arrested on suspicion of 'conspiring to damage ULEZ cameras' after uploading video of police searching his home while he smokes a cigar

Fox had appeared on Maajid Nawaz's Warrior Creed podcast a day earlier where hes aid he would encourage a group of anti-ULEZ activists who call themselves 'Blade Runners'.

HAHA! Hakeem Jeffries Staffers Cleaned Out Pelosi’s Office, Hauled Away Her Belongings in Bags As Room Was Re-Keyed

HAHA! Hakeem Jeffries Staffers Cleaned Out Pelosi’s Office, Hauled Away Her Belongings in Bags As Room Was Re-Keyed

Pelosi’s office being cleaned out Tuesday night: Photo: Politico This just keeps getting better!


The evil government’s are planning to rip all our hard earned money that’s why, 2nd largest Bank collapse in American history! After a 30 billion investment from 11 banks a month ago now and you still regard it as a joke right!
Don't wait to fall victim to the crash, Don't be deceive the banks aren't happy we are doing this because people are converting all their money every day to XRP and XLM, the bank might tell you it's a fraud because they don’t want to go bankrupt, don’t leave your money with them no matter what Patriots, QFS is the future
Message me private for your guidance W.H. Grampa Freedom




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