Yeah... part of the slacking was not showing you the letter to the editor to Van Zant County Van Zandt News from December of last year. It was in response to an "Auditor" that graced the county... They're missing the point. There would be no auditors if the folks in power understood our rights. - No, they did not publish this...
Dear Van Zandt News Editor,
Thank you very much for the coverage and reporting on the "First Amendment Audits discussed during program at VZC Library" in this week's newspaper. Had this not been reported on, people who have and enjoy 1st Amendment rights, such as myself, would have not known that our officials are trying to further repress "we the people" right to free speech, or even freedom of the press.
I'm not surprised that there was not a "1st Amendment Auditor '' onsite to speak, but I was thoroughly disappointed that no one, who has and supports 1st Amendment rights, spoke up during the meeting? "We the People" are SUPPOSED TO ALL BE AUDITORS and it is our responsibility to be sure the government we form understands that we are a 'government by the people and for the people' and the rights that are being audited do indeed belong to every citizen "as they claim" and as reported.
While a lot of assumptions and generalizations were made about "them", the people 'auditing' this particular right, Obviously no one was there to answer the largest question that no one asked: Why are there people publicly testing the limits of their rights? I can assure you it's not for notoriety or clicks. We are testing the boundaries because the amount of ignorance that is put on full display, by a huge majority of the people in charge of protecting our constitutional rights, is absolutely frightening. Although some audits turn up officials well versed in OUR rights, most do not. The common denominator of almost every audit video, regardless of perceived motive or demeanor of the auditor, is that there is always at least one official enforcing a rule that doesn't exist and in doing so is encroaching into your 1st Amendment right. At its core, it's called Tyranny and if left unchecked, can turn into something much worse. The Auditors get away with their actions, because it's not illegal for 'them' to exercise their 1st Amendment right - YET. Although, there are a lot of higher powers that instead of understanding the lines involved with our unalienable rights, would like to further limit them as suggested by various officials at this meeting.
Instead of preparing "...to prevent some of this stuff and talk about the best ways to handle it", Officials, government employees, and anyone else in a position to violate another person's rights, should first thoroughly educate themselves on what our rights are and how the best way is to uphold and protect them. There would be no reason for anyone to conduct an audit if everyone that was in a position to violate the 1st Amendment, fully understood the violations and causes for them.
Until then and until people in higher positions fully understand our rights, to the same extent as the citizens auditing them, they should absolutely not be proposing more restrictive, and possibly illegal, restrictions on them.
Ryan Hanson