
HumanShift A bi-annual publication where culture, sport & spirituality meet.

TEA FOR COMMUNICATION 1⁄2 tablespoon marshmallow root (powdered or cut and sifted)1 teaspoon lavender flowers, dried or ...

1⁄2 tablespoon marshmallow root (powdered or cut and sifted)
1 teaspoon lavender flowers, dried or fresh

Directions: Bring a small pot of filtered water to boil.
Remove from heat and stir in herbs.
Cover and allow to steep for about 7 minutes. Strain and serve. For additional lubrication, finish with a small spoonful of raw honey.

by from ⁠
issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠

Photography Gustav Almeståhl ⁠
Set design Andreas Frienholt ⁠

Thanks to ⁠

COBALTO CALCITE - RETURN TO SELFThe most tender and soft stone, cobalt calcite is a deep emotional cleanser for the most...

The most tender and soft stone, cobalt calcite is a deep emotional cleanser for the most sensitive people. It is known to help in healing the breaches from early childhood wounds and appeasing feelings of loneliness.

📸 .lacombe
Set design by .neron - Issue 04 chakra 04
Stones from ⁠

&crystals cleanser

💚 ⁠ - On performative kindness and healing in conversation with  ⁠ The era of performative kindness has got to end ‘caus...

💚 ⁠ - On performative kindness and healing
in conversation with ⁠

The era of performative kindness has got to end ‘cause it’s getting in the way of s**t that needs to actually happen. I think that the conflict that we experience with people that we disagree with is so important because healing can’t happen without that conflict. All we’re doing otherwise is putting band-aids on top of gaping wounds that are just festering with disease. And we don’t talk about them, and they just get worse and worse. Part of the healing process has to be ripping that bandage off and letting s**t air out and experiencing the hardness of it.

Full interview A Tale of Radical Self-Love⁠
issue 04 ⁠

📸Jaylan Rhea ⁠
⁠Styling: ⁠


SOUND ON 🔈 ⁠Alanis Morrisette on⁠
CHAKRAS and Human Shift ⁠

I don't always get a chance to talk about chakras, energetics, causal, and etheric, so I was really excited to talk to you. My intention is not to freak people out, but I do care about articulating things in a way that people can understand. I've been using my knowledge of the chakras since I was eight and I love the idea of being aware of energy centers. Learning about the healing arts around the planet is the greatest rabbit hole of all time.⁠
I'm excited that Human Shift exists, that there is a magazine dedicated to the whole picture of humanity, seen and unseen. I don't think there's enough attention placed on the unseen, because awareness and consciousness has often been so co-opted by religion. How can we be soulful and have a sense of connection with humanity, despite our individuality? Being invited to participate in this with you just felt like a perfectly timed gift. I live for that, the blend of psychology and spirituality, because I want to have the whole picture of what it is to be here. I'm quite aware that I am a peon and that I'm only grokking my opinions, and that is only one one-millionth of what is possible for us. Hopefully, in this lifetime, I'll graduate from A to B and maybe C. I like to think we are all on this cycle of continued evolution, but without a destination other than realizing this is the dream, this is the play, this is the awareness. It's some subtle stuff. It can be helpful. But it's an ongoing practice of inquiry, constantly researching. Just the millions of ways that we can express ourselves is just so exciting. It's limitless.⁠

In conversation with Natalie Kuhn ⁠
Issue 05 - Chakra 05 ⁠

⁠Photography ⁠
Styling ⁠
Make up: ⁠
Hair: ⁠
⁠⁠Thanks to ⁠

⁠ ⁠

 on SOUNDSound connects us with ourselves, each other and the world around us. When you are able to tune in to subtlety,...


Sound connects us with ourselves, each other and the world around us. When you are able to tune in to subtlety, especially something as subtle and ephemeral as sound, and appreciate all that it has to offer then you get to have that experience in everything. When your inner and outer worlds harmonize, your relationships do, too.

How you listen is how you experience life.
How you listen is how you live.

SOUND MAVENS - issue 05 ⁠
in conversation with ⁠

We have somehow conned ourselves into the notion that this moment is ordinary. This now moment, in which I'm talking and...

We have somehow conned ourselves into the notion that this moment is ordinary. This now moment, in which I'm talking and you're listening, is eternity. ⁠
/Allan Watts⁠

I write all my compositions on site after they’re installed, really thinking about the context in which it will be heard...

I write all my compositions on site after they’re installed, really thinking about the context in which it will be heard. Is this a piece that frames SILENCE? Maybe I don’t want to fill the space, but rather punctuate it, accentuating the SOUNDS from the environment. How do I seed the power of these resonances into people’s lives in places that make sense and meaning for them, so they can access them on their own terms?

 on SOUND⁠ issue 05 ⁠It's so magical how our brain is always processing, what  sounds mean to us. It’s incredible that w...

on SOUND⁠ issue 05 ⁠

It's so magical how our brain is always processing, what sounds mean to us. It’s incredible that we receive so many signals through our hearing as a way to connect with the world. That was very much what I was trying to do with my book Transcendent Waves. I wanted to share with people the value of listening to the sounds existing in their lives. I wanted to show people that you can gain so many insights about yourself, about your creative practice. Part of the reason many people don't connect with sound is the fact that we don't grow up with a language around it. Being such a visual culture, from the time that you're a baby, you can identify colors, you can identify shapes and that's the foundation for a lot of how you connect with the world.

Photography by Boe Marion


SOUND ON 🔊 Figure skater
- on breaking the mold, being a voice and all things 5th chakra.

When I started to make connections between my experiences in figure skating and racism. It became my mission to break that mold, to appreciate the power that I could have in the skating community by being a voice for people who have been voiceless in this sport, or who have not been able to be part of this sport because of race. The color of my skin always made me feel like I wasn't enough and that I was never going to be enough in skating. So, I focused on supporting others’ journeys to find the courage to express themselves.

In conversation with ⁠ - issue 05 ⁠

Photo ⁠
Styling ⁠
Hair: ⁠


on Feeling EXPRESSED - SOUND ON 🔈 ⁠

The mandatory requirement for me is to feel ongoingly expressed, and it’s really just me being responsible for the current of energy that courses through me at this particular speed. We're all humans who are filters, and the current of energy that animates us runs through us all at different speeds. We just have to know the speed at which it moves. That speed can be quite overwhelming sometimes.

Alanis Morrisette in conversation with Natalie Kuhn on the 5th chakra and all things energetic
in issue 05

⁠Photography ⁠
Styling ⁠
Make up: ⁠
Hair: ⁠

⁠Thanks to ⁠

⁠ ⁠


Express yourself ⁠💙 ⁠

Photography ⁠
Hair and Make ⁠

Stylist ⁠
Nail Art .ro⁠
Set Design and ⁠

Issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠⁠



Express yourself ⁠💙 ⁠

Photography ⁠
Hair and Make ⁠

Stylist ⁠
Nail Art .ro⁠
Set Design and ⁠

Issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠⁠

By expressing our authentic truth, especially one that diverges from what is expected, we shift the relationship. No mat...

By expressing our authentic truth, especially one that diverges from what is expected, we shift the relationship. No matter the amount of preparation, a speck of unpredictability always remains. We cannot know what our authentic expression brings up in the other. Boldness is required to not bury our heads in the sand and this is what makes us grow, learn, and come alive. We may be in for a pleasant surprise, once we pluck up the courage to speak our heart.⁠

by⁠ .ganda⁠
Finding strength in uncomfortable conversations⁠
⁠issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠


Behind the scene of our cover shoot with Tarana Burke ⁠
and 📸 ⁠
Issue 05 - chakra 05
Photography ⁠
Styling ⁠
Hair: ⁠
Make Up: ⁠
Producer: &⁠
for ⁠

 on SOUND and THROAT CHAKRA surrenderWe enter the world screaming. It's completely instinctual. The more we identify wit...

on SOUND and THROAT CHAKRA surrender

We enter the world screaming. It's completely instinctual. The more we identify with our ego, the further we get from the direct connection to the creative consciousness we're born with. A big part of the throat chakra surrender is allowing the flow of consciousness to move through you. To trust your instincts and allow your expression to reflect that.

SOUND MAVENS - issue 05 ⁠
in conversation with ⁠

Photography by River Nicholas

Special thanks to

Musician, Composer and Sound Artist, ON how to deepen our listening or activate our voice.Funny, for activating one’s vo...

Musician, Composer and Sound Artist,
ON how to deepen our listening or activate our voice.

Funny, for activating one’s voice, I would say find your truth. Everyone has a unique way of experiencing the world and expressing their reflection of that experience. Find your truth, find your voice.

Listening is actually quite easy. The thing is, humans are such a noisy species and have really lost our connection to silence and the expansion that comes with it. Take some space, sit quietly and relearn the act of listening. Listen to the little details, to the spaces between, to the minutia, to the silence, the sounds of your breath and heartbeat. Listening to the sounds of nature can tell us so much about our environment. We tend to want to distract ourselves and fill in ALL the gaps.

SOUND MAVENS - issue 05 ⁠
in conversation with ⁠


 on SOUND and how she discovered that you can listen through the body -My percussion teacher at school, Ron Forbes, when...

on SOUND and how she discovered that you can listen through the body -

My percussion teacher at school, Ron Forbes, when I started percussion at the age of 12, was someone who helped me understand that. In those days, I was dependent on hearing aids, which were fairly basic compared to today's hearing aids. The hearing aids back then really boosted sound, so I was almost hearing too much sound, while the layers of sound were all just becoming one great, big blob. My teacher struck a drum and noticed the drum really resonating, so he just struck it once and waited. He asked me, “Well, if a drum can resonate, do we also resonate? Is there something that happens within our bodies? Can we connect that sound to our bodies?” He asked me to put my hands on the wall of the music room, which I did, and sure enough, the vibration just fed through my hand. It was amazing. He asked me to take my hearing aids off, so there was less sound coming through the ear and everything was coming through the body, and this was an absolute revelation, like the sun coming up over the field. It made me realize that I hadn't understood sound. I thought sound had to be created and then you either heard it or you didn't hear it. But he showed me that sound has its own natural journey. Where does that sound go? It gives us the opportunity to make a decision about how we want to connect it to another sound.

SOUND MAVENS - issue 05
in conversation with



SOUND - element - chakra 5

Our universe was created by a big bang, but some say it sounded more like a deep hum than an explosion. According to the Bible, sound was also the kickoff for God’s creative work. In the beginning, there was the word.

Sound is truly a force to be reckoned with, yet we seem to reduce sound to just the audible information we are able to take in through our ears.

The ancient Egyptians knew how to use vowel sounds to activate energy centers in the body, and Gregorian and Tibetan monks have been utilizing the high-frequency sounds of overtones for eons. It has been scientifically proven that sound can move objects and that ultra-sonics (very high pitched sounds) can be used in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine.

There are myriad ways of connecting with and benefitting from healing frequencies.

In issue 5 we present a selection of people who have dedicated their lives to making sound, vibrations, and mind altering music accessible to humankind. They guide us in the art of active listening, navigating mystical and magical connections through mantra, overtone, binaural beats, and vibroacoustics. Sometimes it’s as simple as putting down our phones, closing our eyes and really tuning into the subtle fields of vibration around us, wherever we happen to be: hearing birds singing, listening to an album from start to finish, without doing anything else, or touching a wall and feeling its vibration.

These visionary sound mavens awaken our consciousness, just like sound does. We think sound is where it’s at: the future of healing.

⁠issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠

, , , , , , , , , , ,


- On extractive industries and LIES:

⁠Growing up in Sarayaku, I had no idea about the⁠
threats of extractive industries or the government. I⁠ didn't know that we were going through such a big time⁠ of loss until companies came to my community to extract⁠ oil. My community refused this, and the government and⁠
oil companies, did not respect our decision. The government⁠
militarized the community, people were threatened⁠ and persecuted. That was the moment I remember really⁠ clearly. There was this big meeting in my community and⁠
this guy from the oil company came and talked about all⁠
the benefits that the oil industry would bring.
I knew he⁠ was lying. As a child, even though I didn't really understand⁠
Spanish and my mother was translating for me, I⁠
could feel that he was lying.⁠

In conversation with fellow conservationist and activist .v.swan⁠
Issue 05 - Chakra 05 ⁠

Photography ⁠

Production: ⁠
⁠Thanks to ⁠

Figure skater Elladj Baldé ⁠ ⁠Issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠⁠In conversation with ⁠psychiatrist, writer & educator⁠ on m...

Figure skater Elladj Baldé ⁠

Issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠

In conversation with ⁠psychiatrist, writer & educator⁠ on masculinity, the pressure of talent, and breaking out of the mold you are given to create what you want to see in the world. ⁠

Photography ⁠
Styling ⁠
Hair: ⁠

Tarana Burke  ⁠founder of the Me Too movement, author and activist.⁠Issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠⁠In conversation with ⁠activis...

Tarana Burke ⁠
founder of the Me Too movement, author and activist.⁠
Issue 05 - chakra 05 ⁠

In conversation with ⁠activist, editor and author ⁠
on accessing your voice, and what it means ⁠
to let your truth lead the way for others⁠

Photography ⁠
Styling ⁠
Hair: ⁠
Make Up: ⁠
Producer: &⁠

 ⁠on the strength of vulnerability⁠⁠I’ve never been scared to be seen as weak if I have a problem and I need to talk abo...

on the strength of vulnerability⁠

I’ve never been scared to be seen as weak if I have a problem and I need to talk about, or I have something that I’m going through and I need to express it. The truth is, I just see myself as so strong that it’s no problem for me to show something that I’m going through or share something. By me sharing that and getting advice and help, I’m only going to be stronger after that.⁠

I feel like a lot of men have this idea that they have to live up to this reputation and it has to be like this. Really and truly, you just need to be confident and be yourself.⁠

Elishama Jeshurun Beckford⁠
issue 02 ⁠
Master of Flow ⁠

Photo ⁠

While giving this year, let's choose gifts that are mindful, sustainable and a joy to give. ⁠⁠Here is our little last mi...

While giving this year, let's choose gifts that are mindful, sustainable and a joy to give. ⁠

Here is our little last minute Transformational Gift Guide, for Body, Mind and Energy.⁠

If you are feeling short on time or happen to be far away from those you would like to gift, you're in good hands: most of these gifts are digital transformative experiences that don't need any shipping or wrapping ⁠

Third one out - Transformational Gifts for ENERGY⁠

For complete gift guide and links see link in bio and⁠⁠

Less is more.⁠⁠Here is our little last minute Transformational Gift Guide, for Body, Mind and Energy.⁠⁠If you are feelin...

Less is more.⁠

Here is our little last minute Transformational Gift Guide, for Body, Mind and Energy.⁠

If you are feeling short on time or happen to be far away from those you would like to gift, you're in good hands: most of these gifts are digital transformative experiences that don't need any shipping or wrapping ⁠

Second one out - Transformational Gifts for MIND⁠

For complete gift guide and links see link in bio and⁠⁠

The season of giving.⁠⁠Here is our little last minute Transformational Gift Guide, for Body, Mind and Energy.⁠⁠If you ar...

The season of giving.⁠

Here is our little last minute Transformational Gift Guide, for Body, Mind and Energy.⁠

If you are feeling short on time or happen to be far away from those you would like to gift, you're in good hands: most of these gifts are digital transformative experiences that don't need any shipping or wrapping ⁠

First one out - Transformational Gifts for BODY⁠

For complete gift guide and links see link in bio and⁠⁠

Now accepting POETRY ⁠submissions for the upcoming theme ⁠— The 5th Chakra — ⁠⁠Themes to be explored in this issue are p...

Now accepting POETRY ⁠
submissions for the upcoming theme ⁠
— The 5th Chakra — ⁠

Themes to be explored in this issue are physically and metaphysically related to EXPRESSION, LISTENING, COMMUNICATION, VIBRATIONS, ETHER⁠
The deadline for submissions into the upcoming issue is Friday, December 31, 2021. ⁠

Email: [email protected] ⁠
for submission guidelines⁠

Patrick McKeown  ON BREATH  Breathing offers a way to access all of the body’s systems. It can be used to consciously ba...

Patrick McKeown ON BREATH Breathing offers a way to access all of the body’s systems. It can be used to consciously balance the autonomic nervous system, and to optimize functions from body oxygenation to heart health. ⁠

It offers a direct doorway to the vagus nerve, which innervates all the major organs. And it provides a tool with which we can access our full potential, top performance and best lives.⁠

The Air Benders⁠ - Chakra 4
Issue 04



Emerald improves the ability to see, like a magician standing between the forces of dark and light, at times using the darkness to access the light. This stone encourages us to live with presence, to enjoy life while creating and activating the potential of magic without fear.⁠

issue 04 - chakra 04 ⁠

Photography by .lacombe⁠
Set design by .neron⁠

Crystals and stones from ⁠

⁠ - On Devotion in Life and Partnership⁠ ⁠in conversation with  and ⁠⁠Julie said to me, “I see this person inside of you...

⁠ - On Devotion in Life and Partnership⁠ ⁠
in conversation with and ⁠

Julie said to me, “I see this person inside of you that you can’t see right now. You’re trying to fan this little flame inside of you, but it’s burning bright for me. I’m going to stand next to you and hold your hand, while you figure this out.” ⁠

She wasn’t trying to solve it for me, but she had a belief in the possibility. ⁠

I know for a fact that without that, I would have never done the things that I’ve done individually.⁠

Full interview "Born Out of Devotion"⁠
Issue 04⁠ ⁠ chakra 04 ⁠

Photography: ⁠
Styling: ⁠⁠
Grooming⁠: ⁠

⁠ ⁠

EMOTIONS - Life and Death ⁠Skogskyrkogården (The Woodland Cemetery) Sockenvägen⁠⁠The mighty architecture at the Woodland...

EMOTIONS - Life and Death ⁠
Skogskyrkogården (The Woodland Cemetery) Sockenvägen⁠

The mighty architecture at the Woodland Cemetery is like scenography executed with nature. As you move through different graveyard scenes, your inner actors, your emotions, will come into play. You become the creator-playwright and supporting actor, in the everlasting play of Life and Death. Exiting this theater, you will be unable to leave unaffected.⁠

We asked Swedish architect and sustainability specialist Elise Grosse to nominate three places in Stockholm that align with the second chakra.⁠

Photo: ⁠

Issue 02, chakra 02 ⁠




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