Hey folks! At the start of next week, Yooka-Laylee will be 5 years old! Their first outing, a Kickstarter funded 3-D platformer was released on April 11th, 2017. Intended to be a spiritual successor to Banjo Kazooie, the game received a rather mixed to negative reception due to being built off the nostalgia of the Banjo games and not offering anything new. Eventually, Playtonic released a new game called Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, a 2D platformer game inspired by Donkey Kong Country, to a much better reception.
Figuring that both games will have anniversaries, I've decided to celebrate, for better or worse, the first game's 5th anniversary by doing a live stream on my gaming page! I really want see if it is that bad or if people are overblowing the negativity and find some good in this rather polarizing game! I do have the game courtesy of the Epic Games store's free game rotation, so I will be able to stream the game via Streamlabs! Hopefully I will be able to enjoy the game to a degree! See you on April Eleventy!