Today is day 26 of the challenge on
Today’s focus is …the blessing of giving.
Acts chapter 20 verse 35 says, it is more blessed to give than to recieve. Giving not only feels good, it literally puts you in position to BE blessed as well.
In fact you’re already blessed! Although we often desire more, when we look around..from our closets, to our pantries. From our furniture to our finances, the truth of the matter is, we are blessed to have more than we need.
We throw away things all the time that, in truth, others around us could benefit from.
As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s a good time to take inventory of what we have around us that we aren’t using and instead of asking God for more…we could be GIVING something that could be the answer to someone else’s prayers
Whether it’s a shelter, a group home, a family member, friend in need, or a loved one..you are SO blessed so that you can Be a blessing.
So today’s mission..if you choose to accept it is to identify AT LEAST one thing that you can donate or give away. Take a picture or video of it and make plans to be a blessing to someone else!
Don’t forgot to use the hashtags and and tag us at
It’s day 26!
A great day to give…you ready?
Let’s go!