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I am not a religious person.
But I am a believer. I cannot say exactly in what (or who) it is that I believe in so strongly but I can tell you that whatever it is, it is uniquely mine.
We are searching for a house. After selling our current home last week, we began the arduous task of finding a larger house to fit our new work-from-home lifestyle. There is nothing quite so daunting as to have a deadline of five weeks to find, negotiate, close, and move into unfamiliar surroundings. That'll either make a believer out of you or quite the opposite. :)
Living through the uncertainty of the unknown is, for me, solidly fixed on our house hunt right now, but it also occurs to me that most humans are in a state of flux most of the time. We rarely know what's coming, can't predict the future, and have faulty memories of the past. We are imperfect in every way, as it was intended, I suppose. But how we choose to manage the feelings of unrest and anxiety is really the key, right? I mean, this is the ticket to freedom, right? Allowing the present moment to be what is and trusting that all will be well seems to be the formula for feeling and finding peace.
Still, we persist in doing just the opposite.
Emotionally tumbling between our past mistakes and future screw-ups, we concoct stories in our heads that terrify and stymie us. We do that without regard or consideration for what could work far better in our favor which is to simply stay present, allow what is, and find gratitude in every step we take. There is nothing easy about simple but it is do-able. We have the ability to hone the skills to stay present and it begins with one exclusively human trait:
Imagine a life where we choose to attend and witness the present moment without judgment of self and others or fear of the unknown. Imagine that failure does not exist and life is a series of awareness(es) that leads us into a world of peace. Imagine believing that everything that happens is because we are imperfect without exception. Imagine that our only task is to be.
Our house hunt will continue.
We will find and have all that we need and want, simply because I believe in what I choose to imagine.
What will you imagine for yourself today?