You are 𝗡𝗢𝗧 broken
Your nervous system is just stuck in survival mode…. 😱
In any perceived difficult situation, your brain and nervous system responded to help you “survive” and a pattern was created.
❗️These patterns can create chronic stressors on the system that end up manifesting as things like anxiety, depression, addiction, numbing out, increased emotion or sensitivity, and or perfectionism.
These patterns affect the way we move through life and interact with ourself and others.
➡️ So, you aren’t broken … you are just stuck in nervous system dysregulation.
🤍 The good news is - we can rewire the brain to become “unstuck”.
🤍 We can rewrite for safety, love and connection
The next Somatic Breathwork class is coming up in Tempe, AZ.
Come breathe, regulate your system and get unstuck 🙌🏼