The door-in-the-face technique | Manipulation Technique | Psychology Trick | Psychology of Money | #ManipulationPsychology
the door-in-the-face technique
#ManipulationTechnique | #PsychologyTrick | #PsychologyofMoney
#ManipulationTechnique | #PsychologyTrick | #PsychologyofMoney
#manipulationpsychology Guidance Etcetera #manipulationtechnique
Cunningham's Law.
Manipulation technique
Psychology tricks. Job Interview
গরুতে স্বাস্থ্য ঝুঁকি! #Cow #Qurabani Guidance Etcetera #
#HealthIssues #Cattlediseases #CowFarming
#DairyCows #BeefCattle #ParasiteControl #Cow #Qurabani #reels2023
Telepathic Connection
Subconscious connection
Psychic connection
Mind-to-mind communication
#Extrasensoryperception (ESP)
Interesting Psychology Hacks You Need To Know.
#Psychology #Hacks #Psychology #Psychological #Hacks #Tricks #GuidanceEtcetera
Interesting Psychology Hacks You Need To Know. Guidance Etcetera
#Psychology #Hacks #Psychology #Psychological #Hacks #Tricks GuidanceEtcetera
Mind tricks
Psychological hacks
Cognitive psychology
Human behavior
Social influence
Persuasion techniques
Cognitive biases
Body language
Emotional intelligence
Loss Aversion। Psychological Bias। Human Psychology
Loss Aversion। Psychological Bias। Human Psychology
সিদ্ধান্তহীনতার সাইকোলজি ।
Loss Aversion। Psychological Bias। Human Psychology। @Guidance Etcetera
Loss aversion refers to the tendency of individuals to strongly prefer avoiding losses over acquiring gains. In other words, people tend to feel the pain of a loss more intensely than the pleasure of an equivalent gain. This bias can lead individuals to make decisions that prioritize avoiding losses, even if it means passing up potential gains.
রিক্সাওয়ালা ভাইয়ের গল্প। Status quo bias। Psychology Bias, part - 7 । Psychology।
#Statusquobias। #PsychologyBias । #Psychology। #guidanceetcetera
জীবনের সবচেয়ে বড় সমস্যা! Sapolsky Stress। Chronic Stress। Psychology
#SapolskyStress। #ChronicStress। #Psychology #GuidanceEtcetera
"The grass is always greener on the other side" Psychological Bias
Cognitive bias Psychology
#CognitiveBias #Psychology
"The grass is always greener on the other side" is a commonly used idiom to describe a phenomenon that has been studied by social psychologists.
The phrase is often used to describe the phenomenon of people believing that others' situations are better than their own, even when this may not be the case.
Myers, D. G. (2010). Social psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Gilbert, D. T., Fiske, S. T., & Lindzey, G. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of social psychology (Vol. 1). John Wiley & Sons.
Festinger, L. (1954). A theory of social comparison processes. Human relations, 7(2), 117-140.
Tesser, A. (1988). Toward a self-evaluation maintenance model of social behavior. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 21, pp. 181-227).
Framing Effect. Psychological Bias.
Cognitive Bias.