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Thank you so much for all the questions you asked after our last post. We'll try to answer each one in our upcoming posts. Most of you were curious about how our kids' lives and education are going on the boat. We've put together a short video to give you a better idea of the kids' life on board. This lifestyle is incredibly adventurous, full of new experiences and challenges.

Our days usually start with a breakfast, cleaning, followed by study time from 8 am. In the afternoon, the kids often meet and play with other sailing kids. We pay special attention to be near boats with children, ensuring they have company.

Regarding education, we're flexible while traveling. If we're on a crossing and the weather or ocean conditions don't allow for study, we skip it on those days. However, there are no summer/winter breaks with us, and yes, we even have 'school' on Saturdays. We usually teach them, but sometimes we have guests who help with their education.

Additionally, when we spend a longer period in a place, like in French Polynesia: the Marquesas and Bora Bora, or now in Australia, we enroll the kids in local schools. Although the language was initially a challenge in French territories, they quickly adapted, were warmly welcomed by local students, and made new friends.

Now that we've briefly returned to Hungary, they attended school here and took exams to stay on par with their classmates.

This lifestyle offers not just educational opportunities, but lifelong friendships and unique cultural experiences for our children.

English is the common language with other sailing kids. Initially, this was a challenge as they didn't speak English at all, but fortunately, they've learned it from playing with other kids, making it much easier to integrate into sailing communities. Many friendships have formed, and even though we sometimes part ways due to different sailing directions, we always do so knowing we could meet again – and we often do. We've met the same sailing families from Europe through the Caribbean and across the Pacific, and we hope to see them again soon. The girls have smartphones, making it even easier to keep in touch with their sailing friends, as well as friends and relatives back home.

Thanks again for this question. For more photos and a detailed description of the topic, check out our blog, the link to which can be found in the bio.

If you have any more questions about this subject, the video, or anything else we haven't covered yet, please write them in the comments or send us a direct message as you've been doing.

Stay with us; the next post about another one of your questions is coming soon!

More glimpses from Bora Bora…

More glimpses from Bora Bora…

After our time in the Tuamotu Islands, we set sail for Bora Bora, a destination famed for its beauty. During our six mon...

After our time in the Tuamotu Islands, we set sail for Bora Bora, a destination famed for its beauty. During our six months there, we found a perfect balance between living the dream of an island paradise and everyday life. Our children enjoyed the local school, we met wonderful people, and managed both boat work and our regular jobs. Here, the line between a tourist hotspot and a lively, welcoming community truly blurred.

Wrapping up our 2023 Tuamotu Islands flashback. This place has become a favorite part of our journey so far. Who knows? ...

Wrapping up our 2023 Tuamotu Islands flashback. This place has become a favorite part of our journey so far. Who knows? After completing our circumnavigation, the charm of Tuamotu might just be the reason we set sail again!


Continuing our 2023 rewind, we journey back to the serene Tuamotu Atolls. A dreamy escape for those seeking tranquility ...

Continuing our 2023 rewind, we journey back to the serene Tuamotu Atolls. A dreamy escape for those seeking tranquility in a breathtaking setting. It was a joy to share part of this time with our guests and . Here’s a glimpse into our peaceful days surrounded by this remote paradise.

Happy New Year Everyone! As we welcome 2024, let’s take a moment to look back at the incredible journey we had in 2023. ...

Happy New Year Everyone! As we welcome 2024, let’s take a moment to look back at the incredible journey we had in 2023. Starting the year in the remote islands of French Polynesia, we anchored in secluded spots, often without seeing another soul for weeks. We are excited to share some snapshots from the first half of January 2023 with you. From the untouched beauty of French Polynesia, we sailed to Tahiti and then to Bora Bora. By May, we continued our voyage, touching the Cook Islands, Tonga, Fiji, and Vanuatu, finally reaching Australia by year’s end. After some boat repairs and leaving our vessel in a safe marina, we flew back home to Hungary for a few weeks for the first time in nearly three years, just in time for Christmas. Stay tuned for more details of this incredible year!


Sending you this picture we took this morning. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

Sending you this picture we took this morning. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


We've left behind the southern islands of Vanuatu and are sailing toward the north. We've already seen some remote and scenic areas, but we're expecting the northern islands to be even more rugged and wild. Excited to see what's waiting for us.

🇭🇺 Elhagytuk Vanuatu déli szigeteit, és az északi rész felé vitorlázunk. Eddig is vadregényes területeken jártunk, de az északi szigetek még inkább azoknak ígérkeznek. Kíváncsian várjuk, mi vár ránk.


What an adventure we had on Tanna Island. We hiked up Mt. Yasur, one of the world’s most active volcanoes. No fences, just us and the volcano. It was loud, it was scary, and it was awe-inspiring. Check out the video to see lava in action. Can’t believe we were standing right there.

🇭🇺 Micsoda kaland volt Tanna szigetén. Felmentünk a Yasur-hegyre, az egyik legaktívabb tűzhányóra a világon. Nincsenek kerítések, csak mi és a tűzhányó. Hangos volt, félelmetes volt, és lenyűgöző. Nézzétek meg a videót, ahol láthatjátok a lávát kitörés közben. Alig hiszem el, hogy ott álltunk.


Join us on a journey to Tahaa’s Coral Garden!

(🇭🇺) Nézzük meg együtt Tahaa Korall kertjét!


Hey Guys! Our recent days have been incredibly busy, with lots of boat work successfully completed, and we're now preparing the boat for our next adventure. Today, we're excited to share with you a short video from filmed in Fakarava, the second largest atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago, a true hidden gem, known for its untouched natural beauty and vibrant marine life.

(🇭🇺) Sziasztok! Az elmúlt napjaink nagyon zsúfoltak voltak, rengeteg hajós munkát sikerült befejeznünk, készítjük fel a hajót a következő kalandra. Ma örömmel osztunk meg veletek egy rövid videót, amit Fakaraván készítettünk, a Tuamotu-szigetek második legnagyobb atollján, ami egy igazi kincs, érintetlen természeti szépség gazdag tengeri élővilággal.


Exploring Makatea island in French Polynesia
After Rangiroa, the next stop was the island of Makatea. The only one on the Tuamotus with a natural water source. A special atoll with vertical rock walls and a beautiful wooded plateau 50 meters above sea level. In the first half of the last century, a phosphate mine operated here, and 3,000 people lived on the island. Today, only the remains of the mine can be seen. In the village today approx. eighty people live in it, it's a cozy, lovely place. It was wonderful to walk in the shady forest with vanilla climbing up the trees along the way. We enjoyed our time there!

(🇭🇺) Kirándulás Makateán
Rangiroa utána a következő állomás Makatea szigete volt. Az egyetlen Tuamotuson, ahol természetes vízforrás van. Különleges atoll, függőleges sziklafalakkal és egy gyönyörű erdős fennsíkkal 50 méterrel a tengerszint fölött. A múlt század első felében foszfátbánya működött itt, 3000 ember élt a szigeten. Ma már csak a bánya maradványai láthatók. A faluban ma kb. nyolcvanan élnek, hangulatos, kedves hely. Csodás volt az árnyas erdőben sétálni, ahol az út mentén vanília kúszott fel a fákra. Élveztük az ott töltött időt!


Hirifa, Fakarava Atoll, Tuamotus, French Polynesia

As we sailed passed Birds Island, we decided we would anchor for lunch and quickly have a look around. We dropped the an...

As we sailed passed Birds Island, we decided we would anchor for lunch and quickly have a look around. We dropped the anchor and hopped in the dingy. However we quickly knew that we would need more time here, and we ended up spending the whole day & night.

Its no mystery why it is called Bird Island, walking through we witnessed many
habitats with hundreds of other birds and no trace of humans. The birds remained in their nests or on their branches as human life did not scare them. They had not had much exposure to humans as the birds from where we live. We were able to see bold details of colors along the bird’s beaks and watch the daily life interactions that birds exhibit in an undisturbed habitat. This island is a nature lover's paradise!

No named island is simply an island we do not know the name of. But any names similar to bird p**p and coral covered isl...

No named island is simply an island we do not know the name of. But any names similar to bird p**p and coral covered island would do. All that aside, the island itself was stunning with a few trees and beautiful turquoise water. For this island we set up two anchors. The main anchor being dropped behind the boat keeping us from drifting into the island and our other anchor keeping us from drifting into the channel. This island we enjoyed star watching, trips to the pink sand beach, paddling, shell collecting, coconut bowl making, and short walks around the washed up pieces of coral beaches.

Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is a small atoll called Tikehau...Some atolls can also be reached by ...

Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is a small atoll called Tikehau.
..Some atolls can also be reached by boat, but only if the pass is wide and deep enough. When entering, we always keep an eye on incoming/outgoing tides, wind direction and weather on the radar.

Tikehau is one atoll that can be reached by boat. In the lagoon, however, sailors must be careful as many pearl farm nets and buoys are dropped without warning, so it is advisable to have someone watching from the bow. There are also many coral bommies.

An atoll is formed when a volcano breaks through the surface of the ocean. At this point, a coral reef begins to develop on the edge of the volcanic island. Eventually, this volcanic rock is returned to the Earth's crust. As the center of the volcanic island sinks, the coral reef built around the volcanic rock remains; thus protecting the area of ​​an inner lagoon.
There is a strip of land that was created from an ecosystem that developed with corals and volcanic rocks. This formed land, located on the inner edge of the reef, separates the deep, untamed wild ocean from the shallower inner turquoise waters of the lagoon. There are also some small islands within the lagoon that have developed from the different pieces of coral.

(🇭🇺) Valahol a Csendes-óceán közepén létezik egy Tikehau nevű kis atoll.

…Egyes atollok hajóval is megközelíthetőek, de csak akkor, ha a korallgyűrű bejárata elég széles és mély. Behajózáskor mindig figyelni kell a bejövő/ kimenő vizet; az árapályt, a szélirányt és az esetleges viharokat a radaron.

Tikehau az egyik ilyen atoll, amely hajóval is megközelíthető. A lagúnában azonban óvatosnak kell lennünk, mivel sok elhagyott gyöngyfarm hálót és bóját jelölés nélkül otthagytak a víz alatt. Emellett tele van koralltömbbel is a lagúna belseje. Valakinek érdemes mindig a hajó orrából figyelni a vizet.


Az atollok víz alatti vulkánokkal, úgynevezett tengeri hegyekkel együtt fejlődnek. Először a vulkán kitör, lávát halmozva fel a tengerfenéken. Ahogy a vulkán továbbra is kitör, a tengerhegy magassága egyre magasabbra nő, és végül megtöri a víz felszínét. A vulkán teteje óceáni szigetté válik.
Ekkor egy korallzátony kezd kialakulni a vulkáni eredetű sziget szélén. Ahogy a vulkanikus sziget közepe lassan elsüllyed, a vulkanikus kőzet köré épülő korallzátony megmarad; így egy belső lagúna alakul ki.
Van egy földsáv, amely a korallokkal és a vulkáni kőzetekkel együtt fejlődő ökoszisztémából jött létre. Ez a kialakult szárazföld, amely a zátony belső peremén helyezkedik el, elválasztja a mély, szelídítetlen vad óceánt a lagúna sekélyebb belső türkiz vizétől. A lagúnán belül van néhány kis sziget is, amelyek a különböző koralldarabokból fejlődtek ki.

What happens if a main sail rips mid passage?This week we were (somewhat of smooth) sailing upwind on a day two voyage f...

What happens if a main sail rips mid passage?
This week we were (somewhat of smooth) sailing upwind on a day two voyage from Society Islands, Moorea to the more remote island, Tikehau Atoll. Mid passage we heard a loud sound and noticed the main sail was flopping around, we looked and saw that it had ripped down the middle.

I don’t know what normally happens, this was the first time it has happened to me.
I just was thinking of the safest and easiest option.
My first idea was to furl it in, but with that option the
remains of the main sail would be stuck.
So the other solution, with the waves and wind conditions around us, was to tie it down and switch to sailing solely with the Genoa sail. Then make altercations once we anchor.

We had to make a few adjustments . Only using the Genoa sail slowed us down a few knots, so we had to start the engine along with the sail so we could arrive before dark to be able to see the pass and safely navigate through the coral bommies to a place with some protection, where we could anchor.

Ending 2022 in our (possibly) favorite anchorage of the year! This year has been quite an adventure. Last January, we we...

Ending 2022 in our (possibly) favorite anchorage of the year! This year has been quite an adventure. Last January, we were in the Pearl Islands in Panama. Following this we sailed from the Galapagos to the Marquesas Islands (Our first pacific crossing🥳). The last few months we have explored many of the Society Islands. Now we are in the Tuamotus!

Anyway- we are incredibly thankful for all of the people we have crossed paths with this past year, as well as the friends, family, and all of the support/ feedback we have received in 2022!

Wishing everyone a happy New Year & a great year!

Maintenance is a large part of the cruising lifestyle that may not always be shown, but is very important. As mentioned ...

Maintenance is a large part of the cruising lifestyle that may not always be shown, but is very important. As mentioned in our story a few days ago, we hauled out the boat/ spent a few days in the Raieta Boatyard cleaning and fixing things that can only be done when the boat is entirely out of water. After a (luckily fast) four days we were able to set back off in the South Pacific Ocean with a clean hull, fresh paint, and some new valves and other jobs done!

(🇭🇺) A hajós életmód egy nagy részét a karbantartás jellemzi, ez nem mindig látszik, de nagyon fontos. Amint azt a néhány nappal ezelőtti történetünkben említettük, kidaruztuk a hajót, és néhány napot a Raieta Hajógyárban töltöttünk. Olyan dolgokat javítottunk és tisztítottunk ki, amelyeket csak akkor lehet elvégezni, ha a hajót teljesen kiemeljük a vízből. Négy szerencsés nap után tiszta hajótesttel, friss festékkel, valamint néhány új szeleppel újra vízre kerültünk.

No two grocery trips ever look the same for us. Today, our grocery trip consisted of a journey to the local Papeete Sund...

No two grocery trips ever look the same for us. Today, our grocery trip consisted of a journey to the local Papeete Sunday market. This market is open from 4am-7am so we set our alarms and made plans to rise with the sun. The market is just a few blocks from the marina so we were able to see some city life on the way. When we turned the corner into the market our senses lit up! There were so many colorful fish, sweer flower scents, and warm smiling faces calling out “yarana”. We were able to find everything we needed from fresh fish to coconut milk coffee. Can’t wait to see where our next grocery shopping trip takes us. 😜✨🥥



We have really enjoyed the past few months in Bora Bora. One of our favorite activities was snorkeling with the healthy population of black-tip reef sharks. French Polynesia has created the largest shark sanctuary… and it shows! We hope to see more of these amazing beings as our itinerary takes us to other islands. We potentially plan to return to Bora Bora in the upcoming months, however; we will see… 🤞🦈🦈

(🇭🇺) Nagyon élveztük az elmúlt hónapokat Bora Borán. Az egyik kedvencünk a fekete uszonyú szirti cápákkal való úszás volt. Francia Polinézia létrehozta az egyik legnagyobb cáparezervátumot… ez látszik is! Most már a gyerekek is biztonsággal úsznak a közelükben, nem úgy, mint pár hónappal korábban. Reméljük, hogy még többet láthatunk ezekből a csodálatos élőlényekből, miközben más szigetekre vitorlázunk. Terveink szerint azonban még visszatérünk Bora Borára 🦈

Katalin jumping into the weekend       📷

Katalin jumping into the weekend



Stingrays hide in the sand to avoid predators or while they rest. Once predators have safely passed, the stingrays lift off from the sand and gracefully propel their cartilage sides- to create a motion that allows them to fly through the ocean. This survival technique is how stingrays earned a symbol of protection in Polynesian cultures.

(🇭🇺) A ráják a homokba bújnak, hogy elkerüljék a ragadozókat, vagy hogy pihenjenek. Ha biztonságban érzik magukat, felemelkednek a homokból, és kecsesen meghajtják a porcos oldalukat – olyan mozgást hozva létre, amely lehetővé teszi számukra, hogy átrepüljenek az óceánon. Ezzel a túlélési technikával a ráják a védelem szimbólumává váltak a polinéz kultúrákban.

The more time we spend exploring the French Polynesian Islands the more we fall in love…here are some mooring areas we h...

The more time we spend exploring the French Polynesian Islands the more we fall in love…here are some mooring areas we have stayed along the trip in Bora Bora.
1- Taurere Bay
2- The Yacht Club
3- To’opua

(🇭🇺) Minél több időt töltünk a Francia Polinéz-szigetek felfedezésével, annál jobban beleszeretünk… íme néhány Bora Bora-i horgonyzóhely, ezek voltak itt a kedvenceink:
1- Taurere-öböl
2- A Yacht Club
3- To’opua
Pár nap múlva indulunk tovább.


that’s how I like to start the day

(🇭🇺) így szeretem kezdeni a napot


Can someone guess what’s going on here?

(🇭🇺) Kitalálja valaki, hogy mi folyik itt?

Total lunar eclipse November 8, 2022View from Bora Bora

Total lunar eclipse
November 8, 2022
View from Bora Bora


We like to go out to the windward side of the coral reef and look for the most beautiful shells. It’s also an opportunity to collect plastic waste washed away by the wind and waves. Our friends from Sailing Swift joined the trip.
Viktoria, thanks for the video!

(🇭🇺) Szeretünk kimenni a korallzátony szeles oldalára és szemezgetni a szebnél szebb kagylókból. Ez egyben lehetőség is a szél és a hullámok által kisodort műanyag hulladék összegyűjtésére. A Sailing Swift legénysége is csatlakozott a kiránduláshoz.
Viktoria, köszönjük a videót!



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