There is NO shame in questioning your relationship 😩
In 2022 I’m hoping we all come to realize that while binge drinking, coping with alcohol or using it to “calm the nerves” has become normal, it isn’t going to help you progress in your healing journey.
Can there be balance?
Yes. For some people there can be.
For others, maybe not.
It’s all about intentions & self awareness 🙏
Find what is right for you and don’t let anyone make you feel guilt or shame for your decision.
#mindfulmillennials #alcoholfree #mindfulllife #podcasthost #podcast #interviews #newpodcast #newepsiode #sobriety #soberlifestyle #torontopodcast #mindfulliving #causingfriction #aa #alcoholadvice #traumahealing
No Sunday Scaries over here 👋
Let’s make taking about finances, debt, credit score or anything money related NOT scary 😩
I am so sick of this being a taboo topic when it’s the one thing we allllllllll have in common.
We need to money to survive yes, but it can be so much more than that, money can help you thrive 🙌
If haven’t listened yet, this episode with @katcozadd is for all of you who maybe aren’t ready to talk publicly about your financial situation.
Listen to it. Begin to ask yourself the tough questions.
It’ll change your damn life 😳
#moneymindset #wealthbuilding #moneymanifestation #abundance #moneymotivated #wealthbuilding #wealthcreation #manifestingmagic
2021 taught me:
🌟burn out is R E A L
🌟everyone has a different definition of productivity
🌟tasks & to do’s aren’t the only thing that makes you productive
🌟 neglecting yourself to check off your to do list is counter productive
🌟get sh*t done & peace need to coexist
& so much more in this weeks episode!
Available on all streaming platforms
#mindfulliving #mindfulmillennials #productivityhacks #torontopodcast
The holidays are difficult because of many reasons.
But one major reason is that we are creatures of habit.
Humans thrive off of routine and when your holiday routine looks different this year due to a loss in the family, we naturally feel distraught as the date creeps closer & closer.
We don’t know how to navigate this new routine. We don’t know how we will create new memories.
Sometimes we don’t WANT to create new memories because we fear that means forgetting those we have lost.
It’s scary and painful, but you can create new routine. New memories.
And still very much honour those who are longer at the table ❤️
Link in bio for the full episode.
#griefsupport #griefjourney #mindfulmillennials #torontopodcast #griefpodcast
How can we support those who are grieving this holiday season? 🎁🎄
New episode is live! ✨✨✨
In this interview with Ariana (Registered psychotherapist) we discuss:
👏 boundaries
👏 grief is more than loss or death
👏 the 6 stages of grief are not linear
Grief is a sticky conversation. We never want to bring it up. We never want to cause more discomfort.
So what do we do?
We follow their lead.
Link in bio to listen to the full episode 👆
#griefsupport #griefpodcast #griefaroundtheholidays #howtogrieve #mindfulness #mindfulmillennials
I’m overwhelmed with the positive response to our announcement yesterday!!! 🤭🤭🤭
If you haven’t heard the news, you gotta listen to this week’s episode!
Also, how amazing is this man?
He was so nervous recording this but he KILLED it 👏
Any thoughts on determinism?
Marcus’s take on this was eye opening.
#mindfulnesspractice #torontopodcast #mindfulness #relationshipgoals #expatcouple #travelcouple #mindfulliving #mindfulmillennials #determinism
This is what my calling in life is.
This is my life purpose.
My purpose is to expand.
Physically, emotionally, creatively, spiritually 🙏
And that work, will look different each week.
What’s exciting about this is I am not planning everything down to second. I am just BEING.
I am seeing where life takes me in order to expand.
I am open to ideas. Open to love. Open to opportunity 🙏
Expansion is my calling, what is yours?
#mindfulnesspractice #torontopodcast #mindfulness #expansion #expandconsciousness #mindfulmillennials
Season 1 finale is here 🥲👏
Thank you for the support
Thank you for your vulnerability
Thank you for giving me a safe space to be unapologetically ME
I cannot even BELIEVE I made it to 1 full year of this podcast 🍾🍾🍾
This week’s episode is all about expressing gratitude, reflecting on the past year and really taking time to thank you all, be proud of myself and see where season 2 is headed
#torontopodcast #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulness #mindfulmillennials #1yearanniversary #seasonfinale #podcastanniversary
The relationship and trust between practitioner and patient is THE most important part of your session 👏
Without trusting your practitioner, you will be get what you need out of therapy.
So many people are scared to shop around, to try out a couple different professionals to find the perfect fit.
But why?
Why are we ashamed of saying “you just aren’t the right fit for me”
You need to be your own advocate because of how personal of an experience therapy is 🙏
No one else can do this for you.
Trust yourself, trust your gut.
When you find the right person to assist your healing journey, you will know ❤️❤️
#torontopodcast #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation #therapy #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #hypnotherapist #hypnosis #mindfulmillennials
Episode 36 with @hutton.hypnosis is LIVE! 🤭
Never in a million years did I consider hypnosis to assist my healing journey…
But that is the point of this podcast.
That is the point of learning, growing, expanding your mind and being open to so many amazing things we didn’t even know were possible 🙏
Link in bio to listen to the full episode or you can find us on all major streaming platforms ✨✨✨
Many people may think “I had a great childhood, I don’t need reparenting” and to that I’ll say …
It’s next to impossible for your parents, to meet every single one of your needs as a child.
They too, were going through their own healing and sometimes that meant not tending to YOUR needs.
That doesn’t make them a bad parent.
It makes them human.
Link in bio to listen to this week’s episode with @gabrielle.0livia 🙏