Twisted Martini Podcast

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Twisted Martini Podcast Flawed Kimistri is a podcast created by Kim and Chloe.

We are two women who realized our daily conversations and musings, were interesting topics we wanted to share on a public platform.

*Taps microphone* Me me me me me meeeeee! *Is this thing on* Helloooooo *Steps proudly up on the proverbial soapbox with...

*Taps microphone* Me me me me me meeeeee! *Is this thing on* Helloooooo *Steps proudly up on the proverbial soapbox with a pair of 5-inch stilettos on, no girdle and unraveling braids, unslicked edges and sipping on my second cup of coffee today in my cute Dunkin Donuts cup.

So revisiting yesterday with a twist, because at this point, we - well some of us already know that Cam Newton and Nick Cannon are clowns in some ways - understand I said SOME ways, not all. They definitely know how to get people talking and I firmly believe that as good fathers they do - or I hope, they do, understand the impact of their actions on their children. In all honesty, it's rather selfish in my opinion on both their parts. Nevertheless, this long-winded post is not really so much about them, as it is about the terms and overly used words HIGH VALUE/LOW VALUE.

Yesterday, a guy friend of mine who is also a lawyer—y'all know we go back and forth and debate like an old married couple all the time—and I had a back-channel conversation about the Cam Newton interview and the logic behind high/low value and also high/low functioning, old school versus new school, and so on and so forth.

Well, this morning – I mean very early this morning, my girl Arneé Harrison and I were dialoguing at 6 AM! It was a similar conversation but from two female perspectives. And it wasn't about bashing Cam or Nick at all - our conversation quickly became rooted in the high-value ideology and what it TRULY means to each of us.

And here is what I said if you care to read:

The thing is, and I had this discussion with my lawyer guy friend yesterday. High value is not always equated to money with women. Men have gotten so caught up in the Kevin Samuels ideologies that they have no clue what many women see as high value. They pick and choose the womens opinion who fit into the narrative and support the belief that women equate high value to money, clothes, cars, etc., and allow it to take lead over listening to what most women are saying. Which is that all they want is a man who makes them feel secure. However no matter how much we say it, the narrative is to tell US what we want and expect because it feeds into the believe we are simple minded in that aspect.
For me – Clolita Casandra Castleberry, a HIGH VALUE MAN, yesssssssssssssssssss…….. it’s having your own s**t, because we need to match in that sense ---- for me! So miss me with that what if he….bulls**t. On my phone right now I have five different gig apps I swing between – LYFT and AMAZON FLEX (that’s partly why I have a Jeep now instead of the Camaro. “You went from a Camaro to Jeep?” – Yes, because that isssh don’t move me. I have Instacart, Doordash and Shipt, as well. So if I can get out here and hustle a full time, five gig jobs and make a few coins off my book sales, I don’t want to here no damn WHAT IFS! MATCH MY HUSTLE OR NOPE!
But you don’t have to be rich. My expectations have never been more than my offerings. Just have your own, just like I have worked since I was 15 to have mine. If I can raise a whole human alone, with ZERO help or child support for 18 years, then I don’t want to here no damn WHAT IFS! A chair should sit high on BOTH ENDS of the proverbial “TABLE”! Lately, men have wanted to know what women bring to the table, but I have not heard one man outline for me what he brings to the table, that embodies what I need in a man.

For THIS black woman, a HIGH VALUE MAN doesn't need to drive a Tesla, Porshe, Denali or Benz. He doesn't need to live in Thurgood Estates in Ellenwood, or make six figures.
For me it's about.......

Do you make me feel secure mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically? Do I feel safe in those aspects when I am with you? Do you feed into my dreams - pushing, encourage and supporting me? Can I depend on you to be there when I need you and even when I don’t? Can you understand WHY you sometimes must make me sit down when I am doing too much independent s**t because I’ve had to do it my whole life, and also understand it’s a process of unraveling damage from the past? Do you stimulate me mentally? Yeah, I need that real bad. It makes me tingle when a man talks that talk that has nothing to do with s*x but everything to do with just vibing about life. Can we ust get on the road and be within the confines of a vehicle for hours and talk about everything and nothing? Can we build TOGETHER, and both put in hard work to reach those goals? Do you have individual goals I can be your cheerleader for and help you manifest and vice versa? Are you open to receiving feedback as much as you give it? My ex and I used to have this saying, “Will you allow me to help make you BETTER”, and do you really understand that I am here for that purpose and it’s not to change you in a way that will hurt you but will instead grow you and grow US! Can you effectively communicate or at least are open to genuinely learning how to, because let’s be totally honest, more cannot effectively communicate than think they do. Most times the communication is autonomous and self serving. Can you adjust your ego and listen with an open mind and to try to understand verses just wanting to be heard.
And here is what she said that was so profound!

Arnee Harrison and I quote:
“We all value different things and have different trigger points and traumas etc. We all need to stop making blanket statements and assumptions about what each group is seeking or motivated by, and that marriage and relationships are at the forefront of everyone’s goals.”

In other words, your values are not mine and mine are not yours, so please don’t tell me what my definition is. ASK ME an take it for what it means.

Be blessed Bookies!


These folks are tearing Cam Newton UP! And I'm here for it.
That's all - that's the post.

Ladies, if you want to join my book club, please message me, and I will add you. **Sips & Chapters**, where fierce Black...

Ladies, if you want to join my book club, please message me, and I will add you.

**Sips & Chapters**, where fierce Black women come together to celebrate the beauty of sisterhood, one page at a time! Picture this: a cozy gathering where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the clink of wine glasses as we dive deep into the world of books and beyond. We're not just a book club; we're a vibe! Whether we're laughing till we cry, spilling tea (literally and figuratively), or dissecting the latest plot twist, every meeting is a blend of soul, sass, and sisterhood. So, bring your favorite mug, pour that glass of vino, and join us as we chat about life, love, and everything in between—because when we get together, it's always a story worth telling!

Wanna Know Wednesday.........

Wanna Know Wednesday.........

The time is NOW! A special shout out to the person who gently placed me in check when I started off with a mindset of fe...

The time is NOW! A special shout out to the person who gently placed me in check when I started off with a mindset of fear instead of a mindset of WE GOT THIS! Nothing but positive thoughts and energy. Let's gooooo!


“We must together. Work together. To see where we are. Where we are headed, where we are going and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment to, yes. Together, address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment.”

Future President -
Kamala Harris



I'm going to say this and walk away. Nah, I'm going to stay here for the commentary.

Men cheering on another man to get spousal support after he's repeatedly cheated on his wife is absolutely INSANE to me! Hearing men say, "Well, y'all do it all the time," as far as spousal support is concerned, is asinine when infidelity is the catalyst for our divorce. So you cheat on me, disrespect me and our vows, break my heart, and hurt me to the core, not to mention stripping our kids or having a two-parent household, and then I am supposed to REWARD you for destroying our marriage, putting our health and lives at risk by paying you monthly. Add the ones that get child support, too....and the ones who not only destroy our marriage but go on to have me pay for a house for you and your side piece you cheated with to live in.....and y'all out here SUPPORTING IT??

Yet, as men, you quickly state that—specifically, black women no longer respect you as a man. UNFUGGGINBELIEVABLE! That's the dumbest debate known to man, and I'd be a fool to keep going back and forth with you on this subject matter because the more you open your mouth, the more I see the fool I'd been to continue to even associate with you.

Some men detest women so much that any opportunity to gloat and feel like it's a WIN, regardless of how asinine the win may be, is well deserved in their eyes. I love my brothers, I swear I do (In my Color Purple Sophie voice) - But whereas I used to not be for prenups and lived in lala land when you are in love, you don't place those kinds of restrictions or "just in cases" on your love and marriage. Now, I'm liable to make a ninja sign a prenup as a thousandaire.

EVERY divorce I am seeing where the woman is being petitioned to pay spousal support is because HE CHEATED! EVERY DAMN ONE! And the brothers are all the way here for it! ***


Random Morning Commute Stuck
in Traffic Post:

I will first preface this post by stating that I am not a Beehiver! I've never aligned myself with being a go-hard fan of ANYONE until I had my baby! Not even New Edition, Michael Jackson (maybe a little over Prince, though!)

HOWEVER……As someone who spent summers and weekends in Warrenton, GA frolicking through pecan, apple, and peach orchards, trying to help my granddaddy feed the hogs, watching my grandmother milk cows, personally feeding chickens, running through the fields busting open watermelons until I found yellow meat, walking the railroad tracks, riding my granddaddy's horse Tony and getting in the way during harvesting or slaughter season, I enjoy country music.

I grew up watching the Grand Ole Opry, loving Barbara Mandrel, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn, and Kenny Rodgers. I still watch Coal Miners Daughter and Urban Cowboy every time it come on TV. Occasionally, I'll turn to Gunsmoke and Bonanza because I used to watch them with my dad.

All that being said, I did take a listen to Texas Hold Em, and because I do NOT believe in boxing people in (Don't you hate when you try to do something new and people immediately shoot it down without giving the thought a chance because they ONLY want you to do what THEY want you to do), I took the time to listen with my OWN ears and mind and was not easily swayed by the masses, I can honestly say…..I GENUINELY like the song. Her voice has always been raspy anyway, plus I believe that being from TEXAS does qualify her as being a tad bit country. I mean, when she talks, she has a Texas drawl.

How many of you have changed careers? Decided to try something new? Did you take a new path? Did you go against the grain of what everyone expected of you?

One thing I will never deny Beyonce is the fact that she is a BOSS and her body's everything she does. Every time the ones that dislike her so much go against her, she slam dunks whatever it is. Every album has been met with disdain by so many, but continues to catapult her bank account higher! Imagine if she listened to the naysayers? Are YOU listening to the naysayers about things you want to do? I know damn well I no longer am. Life is too unpredictable to give a damn about what OTHERS think or say. Do what sets your soul on fire, and give it all that is in you. Those who hate it, oh well. But you can best believe there will often be MORE who will love it. I'm learning that your biggest supporters will most often NOT be the ones you hold closest, but instead, the ones you don't or just barely even know.

When it comes to doing something that you want to do, when met with opposition...I say......fuggggg em!

Love ya, Bye.


Whew, child.....I've been holding onto this one for a very long time and debated on whether I should post. Nevertheless,...

Whew, child.....I've been holding onto this one for a very long time and debated on whether I should post. Nevertheless, I do believe that fat meat greasy and I'm too old to be that being at your own risk, and just be is NSFW! Good Night!

Dealing with the male ego is far more challenging than most want to believe. Because of this, it’s taken me some time to figure out how to write this peace. I’ve pondered over it for close to a year now. Actually, it’s been longer than that since I first wanted to speak on it in depth, but as ...

Follow Kaptured by Kween

Follow Kaptured by Kween


Will you be watching?

In our quest to get back to having diverse dialogue, this Monday, June 20, 2022, at 8:30 PM, Flawed Kimistri will be dis...

In our quest to get back to having diverse dialogue, this Monday, June 20, 2022, at 8:30 PM, Flawed Kimistri will be discussing domestic/family violence and, sadly, the sometimes fatal end results.

It is time to shine a light on something that is increasing at an alarming rate, happening more often than we care to admit, yet seems to still be somewhat of a taboo subject in the black community.

Studies have found that as many as 76 percent of teens report emotional and psychological abuse during relationships.

Growing up in a violent home is often the catalyst for violent behaviors in adults as well as acceptance from victims. People often question, why someone stays, and we are going to address that and more, so please make sure to mark your calendars and set your alarm.

If you have yet to already, please follow our page:


Mental Health and Social Media Breaks, Monique vs DL Hugley Goes Deep


Random musings from two women that love wine and conversations about everything but nothing at all.


Chile, what podcast feature other podcasters? 🤔
🗣 We do!!

Join us Wednesday at 7 pm when we feature three other podcasters!

Find out why they started, their target audience, what they discuss, dates, times, all the deets hun’nay!

It’s going to be a fabulous time with:

Flawed Kimistri
Mental Dialogue
Kimberly Fowler


Why is Valentine's Day that one day of the year that seems to have everyone all in their feelings? Some are all for Cupid, while others wish he's just disappeared forever.


Last week, Flawed Kimistri threw some random questions at the brothers surrounding dating, mental health, intimacy, and just life in general. We feel like we didn't even scratch the surface and expect to bring back different men on a different date for more open discussion seeing this needs to be a series.


Are some men intimidated by a successful/educated woman?
Is marriage just a piece of paper?

This might have to be a two, or three-part series because the aforementioned doesn't even scratch the surface. Kimistri PodKast and I have so many questions.

Make sure you tune in tomorrow at 8:30 PM to our page Flawed Kimistri as we go live and query the men because we want all the smoke! If you are not following us, please do so and also turn on the notifications, then set your alarm.


On the first broadcast of 2022 for Flawed Kimistri, we will be recapping all the happenings of 2021 including the good, the bad, and the ugly, as well as revealing our bucket lists for the year and what we will be doing differently.


We hear so much chatter about polygamy, open relationships, and adult lifestyles, and it seems that more and more, what used to be taboo is becoming more acceptable.

We want all the deets and all the smoke, and trust me, our guest is a no holds barred kind of person. We have absolutely no idea what will be said, but we are here for it. Hopefully, you'll keep one eye on the game and your ears on Flawed Kimistri.

Kim Hayes

Kim Hayes

Chloe Barksdale

Chloe Barksdale




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