Samsung Galaxy F62 may soon be launched in India with a price tag of less than Rs. 25,000, as per a tipster. The South Korean tech giant is allegedly preparing to launch an F-series smartphone. The tipster further claimed that the smartphone could sport a powerful Exynos SoC. Reports say that the phone has already made it to multiple certification websites, including Bureau of India Standards (BIS) and Bluetooth SIG. The handset has allegedly been spotted on the Samsung India support page as well. Rumours suggest the phone could be called the Galaxy E62 in other markets.
As per a tweet by tipster Mukul Sharma, Samsung is preparing to launch an F-series smartphone, that could be the Galaxy F62. In the tweet, the tipster says that this phone will come equipped with a processor that has a Geekbench multi-core score of 2401 and outperforms the Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G SoC. Sharma claims that the phone will be marketed as a handset and will offer flagship-level experience. Lastly, the post also said that it could be priced less than Rs. 25,000.
As mentioned, Samsung Galaxy F62 has reportedly appeared on the Bluetooth SIG site with model number SM-E625F_DS, suggesting Bluetooth 5.0 support on the handset. The phone was spotted on Samsung's India Support Page as well and its alleged images were also leaked, showing a square-shaped module on the back.