: First Sunday of Advent November 28, The light shining in the darkness: John 1: 1-5 https://tinyurl.com/wybohbm
Welcome to our first Advent post and to the first Sunday of Advent. Taken from the Latin word adventus which literally means “coming,” Advent is the season of patient waiting, hopeful expectation, soul-searching, and calendar-watching marked by the body of Christ around the world. It’s not just about “getting ready” but participating in the first advent, the birth of Jesus, with a renewal of our faith commitment, as well as the call to anticipate the second advent, the coming of Christ.
It is a time when we remember that God came down to earth, put on skin and lived as one of us, what we call in theological terms, the incarnation. This demonstrates the love of Christ to us all, and we are constantly invited as children of God to live out this love as we participate with him in his Kingdom.
On this first day of advent, we commence with a reading from John’s gospel, reminding us that in the beginning was the Word. The God of the universe who is the Alpha and Omega loves us so much that he came down to this world and lived as one of us, that we may have life and light.
We are reminded that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness shall not overcome it. In a world with so much pain, injustice and darkness it is comforting to be reminded that there is a greater power, a hope. May we today also walk in that light, and to be shining that light in the dark places around us. Amen.