I spend half of my time in Europe and the other half in North America, and I can attest that work cultures are completely different.
Not saying one is better than the other... But the difference is significant.
North America is all about the Go Go Go, Hustle culture. Where as Europe is definitely laid back and relaxed.
Where working 10+ hours a day on your business in North America is the norm and almost celebrated. Europe on the other hand is a lot slower paced. Every day as soon 5pm hits you can be sure that the pubs are packed with tech bros and corporate workers.
And the vibe is not like the north american happy hour, where you are trying to rub elbows with the right people and network. People in europe geniuenly want to relax after work and have a laugh.
Now when it comes to productivity and getting s**t done... North america definitely has the edge here, but there is a cost. Constant burnout.
So many of my friends and peers that are north american go through cycles of intense focus and then darastic burnouts. Sure this does produce good work but the cost is also high.
So in the long run, what is the right approach? Im not sure? What are your thoughts?