We had the incredible opportunity to attend Wolverhampton Film Festival, and we are delighted to share that we were fortunate enough to have won two awards: BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM and BEST FIRST-TIME FILMMAKER. Award acceptance statement from Director Niall:
“I am immensely grateful for the unwavering support, trust and belief of those who stood by me during the production of my film, even in the face of battling an illness, and dealing with on set misconduct. Their dedication and genuine participation has been invaluable to the project. The making of this film required extensive planning, a passionate work ethic, and unwavering commitment in every aspect. I couldn’t be more fortunate to be a part of this fantastic film festival, where I had the opportunity to connect with talented and like-minded creatives. Their passion for self-made filmmaking has been a driving force. It is also a great honour to be recognised by the hard-working festival team, who encourage and champion the challenging nature of independent filmmaking.”
We would like to thank Arun, Gurjant, and the entire festival team for their commitment and dedication which was evident in every aspect of the event. Congratulations to all the other award winners and thank you to everyone who supported us. Cheers to independent filmmaking and the incredible journey ahead.