Patch Note 16/02 [EN]
Date Posted Feb 15, 2022
Dear Challengers,
Garena AOV will get the latest update on 16 February 2022 and make some adjustments regarding arena adjustment, hero balance and bug fix to improve player experience.
Hero Balance Adjustment
1. Lumburr, The Elemental (NERFED)
Design background:
After the rework, Lumburr showed a strong performance, mainly because the knockback allows him to better protect his teammates, so we retracted a little less conspicuous attribute bonus in order to balance him. The cooldown adjustment of the second skill has also improved his explosive maneuvering, therefore we have also adjusted his movement speed accordingly.
Specific Adjustments:
Base Movement Speed: 380 -> 370
Passive: Protect
Double Defense Bonus: (80+12/lv) physical defense, and (60+9/lv) magic defense -> (60+12/lv) physical defense, and (40+9/lv) magic defense
2. Lorion, Nightmare Incarnate (NERFED)
Design background:
Lorion’s combat power in the early stage is too strong, and he can rush into the crowd without hesitation to target more than one enemy, so we are going to add some limitation to his early combat power.
Specific Adjustments:
Passive: Eternal
Single Shock Damage: 180+20/lv+0.35MP -> 155+22/lv+0.35MP
Single Shock Healing: 45+6/lv+0.15MP -> 36+6/lv+0.15MP
3. Zanis, The Dragoon (BUFFED)
Design background:
Zanis’ overall win rate is low and he relies too much on the effect of his ultimate, so we appropriately strengthen the value of his other skills to enhance his small-scale continuous confrontation performance. In addition, Zanis’ attribute growth is much lower than that of similar fighters, so we took this opportunity to adjust it at the same time.
Specific Adjustments:
Attack Growth: 12.7 -> 14.8
Skill 1: Blood Wyrm
Base Damage: 200+25/lv -> 250+30/lv
Skill 2: Tail Sweep
Base Damage: 180+30/lv+0.7AD -> 200+35/lv+0.8AD
Physical Life Steal: 10%+2%/lv -> 20%+2%/lv
4. Thorne, The Silent Dissenter (NERFED)
Design background:
Thorne’s overall winning rate is relatively high, especially in the late stage, where he can combine the high damage output with high maneuverability. It’s time to put a limitation.
Specific Adjustments:
Skill 2: Excite
REMOVED: Acceleration effect
5. Chaugnar, The Herald of the Void (BUFFED)
Design background:
After the rework, Chaugnar relies on the stacking of his second skill in order to take damage for the team, but the excessive mana cost of the second skill often limits the elephant attempts to support on the battlefield. The mana cost has been adjusted to solve the problem of insufficient mana.
Specific Adjustments:
Skill 2: Shockwave
Mana Cost: 40 -> 30
Battlefield Balance Adjustments
1. Steel Line of Defense
Design background:
At present, we found out that the distribution of the duration of the early and middle stages of the battlefield is not reasonable. The Steel Defense Line duration on the early stage is too long, and the one on the middle stage is too short. Once one side pushes down the opponent's outer tower, it is easy to continuously push down the opponent's second tower in a short period of time. Therefore, we added the means of catching up by the losing team by iterating the losing team's catchup mechanism.
Specific Adjustments:
Steel Line of Defense active time: 5 minutes -> 4 minutes
Waves of Ballistae (artillery creeps) appearance: 10th wave -> 8th wave
2. Sudden Death Prevention Mechanism
Design background:
We found that in some extreme cases, the sudden death mechanism can drag the game into endless entanglement, so we have slightly adjusted the rate of the slowdown.
Specific Adjustments:
Second Tower Slowdown: 80% for 10 seconds -> 60% for 10 seconds
3. Dark Lord Slayer
Design background:
In the current version where a game that lasts more than 15 minutes, the Dark Lord Slayer can be a little more difficult to kill, and many dominant teams are reluctant to organize an effective attack by taking down the Dark Lord Slayer. Therefore, we slightly reduced the difficulty.
Specific Adjustments:
Base Attack: 1000 -> 900
Base HP: 80000 -> 70000
Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Fixed a bug that enabled Zip's second skill to suck the Dark Lord Slayer into his stomach.
Optimized the relevant display information of the player profile homepage: Restored the display of the Seal of King on the homepage, and restored the display of the number of heroes/skins collected onto the page.