A happy late St. Patricks day!!
The story of St. Patrick is one filled with much documented truth! And legend! But how do we know what is the truth and what is not?
How often do we hear things like Patrick "driving the snakes out of Ireland" and think, yeah! Of course thats not real!....but why not? What if i were to tell you, they were not snakes?...what if in the legend, they were more accurately dragons!? And even more accurately...Demons!
And why is this a far stretch? Eve was tempted by a serpent?(Gen3) Which is better translated as...dragon!
There have been sightings of "Dragons" all over the known world! And even the unknown. Not saying that they are good mind you! But it has been a peculiar thing, that as the Gospel goes forth into and throughout the world (Mathew 28) the sightings of dragons have passed all but into legend. Except, for the places that the Gospel is not as prevalent! Where Demonic power is still very much in control.
What was Ireland when St. Patrick began his ministry? Was it Christian?...no! No no no! It was thoroughly pagen! Now thats not to say that there were not Christians there already doing the Lords work. But when Patrick came and took the helm of the ministry of Ireland to the Irish people, things really began to move! Demonic power and the foot hold they had began to pass away.
And the pictures we see of St. Patrick "driving"?....( I prefer the word "Casting out") the snakes, serpents, dragons...Demons! They were real! The dragons that the Irish peoples were worshiping had been defeated by a faithfull man of God. Through much toil and heartache, pain and sacrifice did Patrick succeed.
So. What are we supposed to do with this? What are we supposed to do as Christians on St. Patricks day? Well. All i can tell you is what myself and my family do.
We Celebrate!! As a day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. We Celebrate as a day that the Lord through Patrick Conquered a whole nation for His name! But. We also pray!! We pray for the people of Ireland, that they would turn back to their first love Christ! And the works that St. Patrick did, would not be in vain.
That is what the day is for. Celebrate! But dont lose sight of what it is for.
Rooted in Logos will be back! Forgive the absence, and absolutely lack of content. We are, through much prayer! Making a comeback!