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Recount Your Lucky Stars CYLS History Buffs Unite!

PLEASE FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS. Audio/social links via linksCYLS 026: football, etc."The Draft"Release date: 2/...

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CYLS 026: football, etc."The Draft"
Release date: 2/8/2011
Format: 12"/Digital
Pressing Info:
First Pressing:
150 Black
350 Bone White

Second Pressing:
200 Baby Pink
300 Coke Bottle Green

Co-Release with strictly no capital letters

Alright, we're back from a week off! I'm feeling refreshed and rearing to go, besides the fact that my computer froze while I was writing this and I had to start all over again. Lame! It felt good to take a week off, so expect another one of those every few weeks to keep me fresh.

We return today with Football, etc.'s debut LP, "The Draft". Before we go anything further, we need to take a minute to acknowledge the loss of an incredible talent that was instrumental to this album and to the Houston music scene.

Last year, James Lyon Vehslage passed away. His was an extremely talented and creative drummer. He tackled every endeavor with energy and passion. He also built and ran a wonderful all-ages DIY venue called The Summit where countless bands played fantastic shows, including my own. RIP James, you are missed.

This album came out shortly after our label partner Conor left, and there were so many things that he did that I had no clue how to do. One of them was graphic art. There was an issue where the art was saved to the low-res template and the art became pixelated/very poor quality. Somehow, through the entire chain, this mistake was not caught. As a result, the jackets came out looking somewhat less than desirable. We fixed this in the second pressing with a little assist from our buddy, Jeff Ramirez. Thanks, Jeff!

This album has my favorite Football song of all time, and if you know this band, you can probably guess what song this is. That's right, we are talking about track number 3, "Safety"- a jam that slays for days. Don't get me wrong, every song is good, but Safety belongs in the top ten of the genre.

Watch a Violitionist Sessions with of three songs live from 2011 that is The Draft-era specific. There's a neat interview you can read too:

Football,etc. is criminally underappreciated it- it's not too late to change that, people.

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CYLS 020: Boyfriends "Boyfriends"
Release date: 1/18/2011
Format: 7"/Digital
Pressing Info: 500 Translucent Green/500 Translucent Orange

Co-release with Slow Growth Records.

CYLS Store:
Apple Music:

Boyfriends was a PA super-group with members of Snowing and 1994 with an exclamation point. They had the quintessential punk/emo band life cycle- a smattering of miscellaneous releases that totaled a bunch of great songs. 18 in total!

Fun fact: when they started out, they called themselves Barf Academy. They changed their name in the same year (2009) to Boyfriends. Boyfriends is a good band name, but there are a lot bands called that, so it makes for a hard time finding out more information. It's a shame, because this band was really good. This is another gem that didn't get enough love and I fear will never be fully appreciated.

What I remember most about this was the art issues we had. The pictures the band sent over were grainy but most of the text was nice and crisp. We thought that that was they were going for. I actually still like it, but I absolutely get where they were coming from. There were a few people helping out with the art, and I think it was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen and the quality control got lost. I didn't know all that much about graphic art at the time, so a check from me wouldn't have meant much anyway.

We did this as a co-release with another label called Slow Growth Records. Between the time we sent the art to the printer and the time it got back, the label underwent a name change. The original name was Ticklebutt Records, haha. They already had two releases under their old moniker, a boysandsex EP and an incredible compilation tape called 75:24 (named after the run-time of the release). The comp featured Algernon Cadwallader, Snowing, APE UP!, Hightide Hotel, Hop Along, 1994!, We Were Skeletons, and more. you can find more info on that release here:

Slowgrowth decided to take the label more seriously, so when they changed the name and the band was kinda bummed about the low-resolution, everyone decided to make a new cover. The owner of Slowgrowth, Daniel, also ran or had connections with a print shop, so he screen-printed new jackets for the records. They were all hand-numbered, all the way up to 1000.

File this under a great band you missed- but it's never too late to appreciate a lost classic! Stop what you are doing and go listen to this!

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CYLS 018: football, etc. "Football, Etc"
Release date: 8/2/2010
Format: 7"/Digital (out of print)
Pressing Info: 1000 Black Records

Co-release with strictly no capital letters and Keep It Together Records.

These two songs were originally going to be on the first length. The band was recording what would supposed to be "The Draft" when their drummer Brandon left the band. These two songs were already recorded and the band had a tour coming up with in the summer of 2010 with P.S. Eliot (featuring the Crutchfield sisters who would go on to form Waxahatchee and Swearin').

In order to have something for tour, Football, etc. decided to ask us if we could get these two songs out on a 7". We did this on the cheap- it was only available on black and the art was black and white with no insert. We split the release with our friends and at sncl and KIT and the band itself.

Spoiler alert: the band did not get the records for this tour. By the time everything got finished, we missed the narrow window, but we did end up getting another cool Football, etc. release out of it!



CYLS 017: Into It. Over It./Pswingset Split
Release date: 8/17/2010
Format: 7"/Digital (out of print)
Pressing Info:
100 Black
150 Root Beer
250 Yellow

Apple Music:

The only person I know who has more of a problem with splits is the one and only Evan Weiss. empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) had a total of 12 splits (1 shared!). Evan puts us to shame with IIOI, clocking in at 13. There might be some he counts as splits that aren't on the Wikipedia page too (Wikipeida is missing two splits from Empire). That's easily another full length in those splits, and all good songs.

We were both raised in the same era, influenced by bands like Braid, Mineral, Jimmy Eat World, etc. Those bands also put out a lot of splits. It was the cool thing to do then, so of course we wanted to do it. CYLS did that in spades, lol. Unasked for financial advice for other record labels: you are better off burning your money, lol.

This is one of the 6 splits Into It. Over It. did for a project called 12 Towns. 12 Towns featured 12 songs about 12 different towns in america where our troubadour hero had 12 adventures. The flip-sides of these splits were Empire! Empire!, Bob Nanna & Lauren LoPiccolo, Everyone Everywhere, SUCH GOLD, Cstvt and Pswingset.

Which brings me to other side of this split- Pswingset! They were named after one of my favorite underrated Michigan bands, Rescue (seriously so good- listen here: A few of them lived in a what feels like must be the longest running DIY/house venue of all time, It's A Kling Thing! House. Members of Annabel lived there too. Famous scene photographer Andrew Wells (Young Hearts Creative) too! It's still a venue, people still book shows there. It's like the Dread Pirate Wesley of DIY house venues.

Empire! played our first show of many there when they were booking it and we quickly bonded over their namesake and other bands. Pswingset took the more angular path of the mid-90s emo revival. They were one of the few, which is such a shame.

They later moved to Austin, Texas and went though a few member changes before releasing their only LP on Topshelf Records. Check that one out, it's great. Maybe they doomed themselves in naming their band after an underrated gem because that is the territory Pswingset firmly falls into as well.

Count Your Lucky Stars Records 017. PLEASE FOLLOW US ON ALL OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS:Facebook:


CYLS 016: Joie De Vivre "The North End"
Release date: 5/11/2010
Format: 12"/CD/Digital (out of print)
Pressing Info: 1000 CDs

First Pressing:
150 Black
350 Halloween Orange

Second Pressing:
150 P**s Yellow
350 Milky Clear

Vinyl co-release with strictly no capital letters.

Apple Music:

2010 was a year things were starting to coalesce for CYLS . We were starting to put out a lot of records and gain some notoriety for what we were doing. Joie De Vivre was one of our flagship bands, and this was their first full length. If you have never seen Joie De Vivre play "Salt" live to a full house (maybe a literal house, lol), it's quite a sight. The audience will sing out the horn part and then the band comes crashing in.

A funny production error (only funny in hindsight,really) from the CD production plant caused the bottom part of the cover of the booklet to have a solid black rectangle that filled the entire white part and title of the album. I can't quite remember how many were printed this way, but I want to say around 100? Maybe that's not funny at all, lol.

My band empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) and Joie went on a tour in the summer of 2010 to promote this album. We all went in one 12-passenger van, and it was a tight fit. Brandon filled in on bass for Empire. Cathy couldn't get work off for the entire tour, so Chris played guitar after the first three shows when Cathy went back home. We brought a trailer that Joie borrowed from one of their friend's dad's band. That band was Cheap Trick, lol. We treated it like it was our own baby, Cheap Trick!

Joie brought their friend along Matt Youngblood who was an aspiring filmmaker. Before tour, Matt and a few Joie members decided to make a mockumentary of the trip. I think they got a good 9 days in, but the rest was never finished. Think of it like your favorite show being canceled (hello Great News) before a satisfactory end. It's still worth watching and it's really funny.

I think we played a lot of shows with some of now classic midwest emo revival bands, so you might spot a lot of cool people from those bands if you look. Print up a bingo card and play along. The scene with Jon (our drummer) trying to back out of Algernon Cadwallader's amazing warehouse with a giant trailer in a giant van is really funny in particular. View the entire series, starting here:

TW: Violence, death. Do not keep reading if you have any sensitivities to these subjects.

Let's end this one on a downer though. We played a house show on 6/18 in Richmond, Virginia. We were really excited to get to this show because the host told us they were going to barbecue us all hamburgers and hot dogs, pop, chips- the whole nine yards. We got there very early, but everyone there had already ate all the food. There was a like one or two burgers left to split with the 9 people on tour.

It was a really sh*tty part of town, so we decided to just walk around, but there wasn't anything close so we did a lot of walking around and finding nothing and went back. I want to say we drove to an Arby's after that? We were pretty low on funds, so it was dollar menu time!

The host kept drinking the rest of the day, so by the time the show happened, they were pretty far gone. A lot of DIY shows have the pass-the-bucket around for donations/payment for the touring bands. As people starting arriving, the host did not collect money. They played a set where they complained about the acoustic guitar cutting their fingers and played a very long time. They continued to not collect money.

Joie set up and played and then it was Empire's turn. Jon starting clicking his sticks for us to come in and before we played a single note, we saw the flashing lights of a cop. Playing a lot of house shows, you tend not to want to play last. Not only because people leave early, but especially because a lot of shows get shut down by the police.

Naturally, that's what we thought was happening. The general protocol once you see those lights is everybody freezes- like that famous theater acting exercise. If the cops pound on the door, the host open the door a crack and talks to the cops. Sometimes they are cool and let us finish and just tell everyone to turn it down. Sometimes the show is over. It reminded me of that scene from Cant hardly wait with the band that you've been waiting to hear from all movie is finally about to play, and then the cops break up the party. This scene:

In this case, however, they did not come to the house we were playing. They had stopped at a house down the block. We all waited to see if the cops were going to leave, and eventually someone scouted the scene and it turned out someone was murdered. The show stopping is actually on footage in the mockmentary series from that day.

There are these larger-than-life moments that happen every now and again, and it's obvious that this was one of those. If you allow me to preach for a second: violence doesn't solve problems. It only makes things worse and someone lost their life because of that. There is always a better way to handle things and once a life is lost, it is lost forever.

Ok, off my soapbox. For a lot of DIY bands, it is really common to stay the night at the house where the show took place, and that was the original offer. Given the way things turned out, we decided to just bail. It didn't feel safe, so we decided to leave. The host rushed outside and apologized for not collecting any money. They tried to give us something to the tune of $5 in change. We told them to keep it in less-than-nice-words and drove off.

Members of Joie De Vivre that filled in for Empire: 6

Over the years, Brandon played bass, Chris played guitar, Warren played guitar and sang (and was, at the end, an official member of Empire!), Stewart played drums, and Mark and Paul played trumpet.

Total CYLS fill-in count: 14

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CYLS 015: Boris Smile "Rockets EP"
Release date: 3/16/2010
Format: CD/Digital
Pressing Info: 1000 CDs

CYLS Store:
Apple Music:

This is the second Boris Smile release on CYLS. On "Rockets", you can really hear how the sound and recording quality are improving as the band evolved. The sound was expansive and had a feeling of openness to it. Since this EP was a concept piece about space, this really played to their strengths.

One thing I always thought was interesting was that Wes liked to revisit songs and make alternate versions of older works. You can find that here with the song "Adventures with Rockets (Revisited)", which originally appears on in their debut release "Chapter 1" in 2007.

The last song clocks in at 12 minutes and 20 seconds. The reason the track is so long is because we were still in the era of "hidden tracks" and there were two songs after the formal final song. Going along with the theme of revisiting songs, the band revisits "Apollo" as part of the last track- a song from earlier in the record. At first, we weren't sure how to handle that insofar as the digital medium, and decided to just include it all as one track, as it appears that way on the CD.

One thing I'd like to talk about that was super unfortunate for both us and Boris Smile was the fact that the Japanese sludge/doom band Boris had released an album in 2008 called "Smile". The odds of this has to be astronomically, infinitesimally small, but this is the timeline we are all on, so here we are. Boris and Boris Smile are pretty far apart in terms of the musical spectrum. I can't tell you how many times that I had to explain that Boris Smile was a band before Boris named their album that. It also made searing for reviews or anybody talking about them substantially harder.

I do think it would have been amazing for the two bands to have done a split where they cover each other's songs. How epic would that be?

Recount Your Lucky Stars 015. PLEASE FOLLOW US ON ALL OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS:Facebook:


CYLS 014: empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate)/football, etc.split
Release date: 12/15/2009
Format: 7"/Digital
Pressing Info: 1000 mixed color vinyl records

Co-release with strictly no capital letters

Apple Music:

Our earliest partner-in-crime was Andy Malcolm, who runs a record label called strictly no capital letters. In fact, our very first release was a co-release with him.

At this point in our label, we were already starting to cultivate a home for that "throwback feel" of emo. I remember describing it at that as time as "the next logical sound of emo" if that whole 2000s mall emo hadn't happened.

I can't remember how we found out about Football, etc. or even if they found us, but I was a fan of a band Lindsay and Mercy were in before that called Tin Kitchen when they were living in New Jersey. Tin Kitchen's other member was also in Hop Along.

I think we commented on each other's MySpace pages or messaged each other, then I let Andy know that there was a band that existed now that reminded me of Rainer Maria. We all talked and decided to do a split together.. An interesting bit of trivia I uncovered while searing for emails from that time period that I totally forgot about is that we originally weren't going to release this and had tried to pass it onto a new label started by our friends who ran a media company called Look Again Media.

We had taken on too many projects too quickly and this was another big cost and our then-label partner Conor was rightfully worried about how we were going to pay for it. The other label fell through though, so it was in danger of not being released unless we stepped up. So onto the credit card it went, lol.

Around that time, we found a really good special for 1000 mixed vinyl records from United Record Pressing, a vinyl pressing plant in Tennessee. It was for basically their leftover vinyl that was otherwise going to go to waste. The colors you got were all different because they cobbled all the random leftover bits together- you know, like a hot dog. Most of them were brownish swirls, lol. It still looked beautiful.

For the Empire! side of the split, this was one of two songs that included the lineup of me, Cathy, DJ, and Jon. The same lineup also did the first CYLS Split Series with Annabel, Joie De Vivre, and The Reptilian. Our song was recorded with Marc Jacob Hudson in my hometown of Fenton, MI while his new studio was being built. Marc also recorded my high school band called Said the Girl. His studio is cool, if you are ever so included: Rancho Recordo.

The Football side featured Lindsay, Mercy, and their drummer at the time, Brandon.

The artwork was an existing piece by Priscilla Wilson that she then reworked and tailor-made for the release. She also designed a bunch of shirts for Empire! Empire!.

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CYLS 013- Moving Mountains "Pneuma"
Release date: 05/25/10
Format: 2x12" Vinyl (Out of Print)
Pressing Info:
500 Translucent Blue
500 Translucent Green

Limited license from Deep Elm.

My band, empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) played a show with Moving Mountains on one of their tour dates in Michigan at a place called The Factory on July 8th, 2009 in Rochester, MI. I used to have a perfect show history on MySpace, but one day they just wiped it from every band on the entire site. I was able to recover some of it via flyers, the Wayback Machine, etc., but there are definitely a bunch of shows we played that are missing from the list. It made me very sad to lose that.

In those days, there really weren't many bands doing the whole mid-90s emo throwback sound, and this band sounded to me like a modern The Appleseed Cast. I love The Appleseed Cast and Moving Mountains were really good in their own right. They were also nice when we met at the show so this one was probably too easy of a sell to me.

This was the second of two releases we licensed from Deep Elm. The label owner actually approached us about it since we were handling the Benton Falls "Fighting Starlight" release too. I don't know if you know much about pressing vinyl, but it is very expensive. We were a new label and eager to put out a lot of releases, but in retrospect adding this one was probably not a great idea. Not because it isn't an amazing album (it really is!), but at that point we were in the process of pressing not one, not two, but THREE double LPs. This meant we were paying for 5000 actual records on less than a shoestring budget (Empire!'s "What It Takes to Move Forward" was the third one). We also did full color gate-fold art for both this and the Empire! one, which just added to the costs.

Running a record label is mostly all upfront costs, so you need the capital long before you are going to recover any of it and hopefully make enough to keep going and put out new releases after that. I was in grad school at the time, and every semester I took out the max amount in student loans so I would have capital for the record label. This is not an advisable strategy, although it is better than just plopping it on a credit card in terms of interest.

Running a record label is probably not the most financially sound idea anyway and in those days especially, I had a shoot-first-apologize-later/future-Keith-can-figure-it-out later that finally caught up to us around 2014 when I took a break from the label being my main thing and I rejoined the workforce as a librarian.

I don't regret doing this release even still. In addition to it being good, it also opened up our label to another audience and helped us get more distribution throughout the world.

Our good friends at Topshelf Records reissued this in 2015 when the rights revered back to the band.



CYLS-CVC 001: Benton Falls "Fighting Starlight"
Release date: 10/27//09
Format: 2x12" Vinyl (Out of Print)
Pressing Info:
250 Transparent Red
250 White

Limited license from Deep Elm

In high school, I had a 90s emo band IN THE NINETIES! WHAT?! That makes me old, lol. I was really young at the tail end of the original emo movement. But when I found it, it was instantly my favorite genre, and as you can plainly see, I made it into my life. It wasn't as easy to find out about underground music then. It's a convoluted story of how I ended up liking this style of music, but here is the abbreviated version.

My brother, his then-girl friend (now wife), my girlfriend (now wife), and my best friend (original bassist of empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate), still one of my best friends) all went to see Fuel in concert (the radio-rock band, not the hardcore band with the same name). This was during the time they were breaking out with "Shimmer", it was probably 1998 and I would have been 16 at the time. "Shimmer" still rules, btw.

Samiam opened up for them, and my brother and I really enjoyed the show, so we each bought a CD of their most recent album there, "You are Freaking Me Out". I found out that their guitarist, Sergie Loobkoff was also in a band called knapsack and THAT album was what brought me into everything. I got into Mineral, Death Cab for Cutie, Jimmy Eat World, etc, from there.

I was just learning guitar at the time, and I started trying to play music like that. I started a band called Said the Girl. We started playing around town and in nearby Flint at a wonderful venue called the Flint Local 432. It still exists today! Empire! played our last show ever there! Please support it!

There were a few locals bands also doing that same style at that time that were amazing, chiefly Kid Brother Collective and Dead By Sunday. Members of Dead By Sunday even started a band with members of Benton Falls later!

The Local had a lot of different styles of music that they hosted and they tried to match appropriate genres for each show. That's how it came to be that my band played a show at the local with Kid Brother Collective, an amazing band called Counterfit and Benton Falls. This was probably in 2001, I want to say?

Benton Falls was incredible, and I think everyone in my band bought a CD that night. The show is still on of most favorite bills I've been a part of.

When we started a label, we tried to think of some amazing albums that never made it to vinyl and decided this one would be our first in the line of what would be many. We even decided to give the series a new release designation- the Classic Vinyl Collection- or CVC. This was CYLS-CVC 001. We later scrapped that designation, so this one is the only one with such a unique catalog number.

One year for my birthday, Cathy bought me all the Emo Diaries from Deep Elm and I kept up with for a while as they came out. The one that featured Benton Falls included a song called "Tell Him" that became one of my favorites. It's also how I found out about Penfold, Pop Unknown, and a lot of other great bands.

Since this release was licensed from Deep Elm and they had also released the Emo Diaries, we were able to include it on the vinyl, along with another unreleased track, "Occupied For Now". This record is now out of print, but you can find their music in all the usual places.

CONTEST DETAILS: Each day, you have TWO ways to win!

1) If you have the release of the day, take a selfie with it and reply to this post with a picture in your comments.

2) You can recreate the album cover of the album of the day. You can draw it, use Photoshop, MS Paint, whatever! Just get creative! You don't have to be a pro to win, we just want everyone to have some fun. Leave it as a comment under the daily post.

YOU HAVE EXACTLY ONE WEEK FOR EACH ALBUM. That is to say, you can enter for this album for up to an entire week before we hold our drawing for the winner. That means you have 7 days! Good luck!

The only version of this we released was the vinyl, but we will still accept CDs as part of the selfie portion of the contest! ❤️

Count Your Lucky Stars Records CONTEST INFO ON HOW TO WIN CYLS STORE CREDIT AT THE END OF POST.CYLS 012: empire! empire!...


CYLS 012: empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate)​ "What It Takes to Move Forward"
Release date: 9/29/09
Format: 2x12" Vinyl/CD/Digital/Cassette (Out of Print)
Pressing Info:

200 Smokey Clear

First Press: 1000
Second Press: 1000

First Press:
500 Marble Gray
500 Marble Pink

Second Press:
400 180-Gram Black
400 Ultra Clear with Gray Splatter (Disc A/B), Ultra Clear with Pink Splatter (Disc C/D)
200 Tour Press with Hand-numbered Limited Edition Screen Printed Jacket (100 of each of the 2nd Press variants)

Third Press
175 Gold
600 Half in Half: Easter Yellow/electric Blue with Double Mint Splatter
600 A/B: Sea Blue/Bone A Side/B Side C/D: Blood Red/Bone A Side/B side

- First vinyl pressing was a co-release with strictly no capital letters
- Second pressing CD and vinyl discography number differs from other variants. The release number is CYLS 012R, where "R" stands for reissue.

Co-release with strictly no capital letters and Keep It Together Records. Japanese import from stiff slack records​.

CYLS Store:
Apple Music:

empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) is my band, and this album took for what seems forever to finish, so I have a lot to say about this album. For all of these features, I've been listening to each album as I write them and I can't honestly remember the last time I've listened to this album. So it feels a bit strange to write this.

I started writing this in 2006. The songs used on "Year of the Rabbit" were recorded during the same recording sessions to give you an idea of long it took. Empire was my still kind of my solo project, so most of this album was written by me. If we're talking about all the tracks on the reissue, Cathy played guitar on 4 tracks and sang backup on a song, a couple different drummers played on a few tracks (4 and a half songs in total), and our old bassist DJ played bass on a track and sang backup vocals on two tracks. Matt from Look Mexico​ did guest vocals on "An Idea...". I wrote the rest of it and recorded all of it.

The recording process was a nightmare and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone. If I had to do it all over again, I think I would have gone to an actual studio, but I was broke and this option also allowed me the luxury of taking as much time as I wanted. Sometimes too much time is a bad thing. Actually, I think it's almost always a bad thing.

I had recently graduated college and was living at home at my parents' house then. My mom worked from home as a tutor for students who had difficulty reading and obviously I couldn't record while her students were there. I remember a few instances running up to sessions where I was trying to finish guitar takes and her students would show up and I would have to stop.

For "When the Sea Became a Giant", I had recorded all the drums in the basement, but there were so many incidental background noises that it picked up (furnace, running water, general basement noises) and I didn't want that to come through on this recording. My parents' were ok with me recording at their house, but didn't want me to do the drums outside of the basement for fear of me ruining the carpet or scuffing up the walls, etc. Honestly not an unfounded fear, the walls in house near the basement had some chips taken out from loading equipment in and out before.

I did a couple things to get around that. My friend's mom Jeff let me use his mom's house when she was on vacation. Jeff had filled on bass for a while during that period and we've been friends since high school. I think that worked for a couple songs.

For the rest of the songs, I waited until my parents' would leave and I would haul all of my drums upstairs to the living room after clearing it out, record as much as I safely could without them knowing, and then rearrange the room again all before they got home. I don't know if they ever found out, but we never really talked about it, haha. It took a long time to record this way.

I wasn't terrible at recording, but I was very utilitarian. I didn't know how to punch in, so the take had to be right or I had to redo the whole thing.

I recorded it all on a laptop, which at the time did not really have the processing power to really handle it. I was using a PreSonus Audio Electronics​ Firepod to track everything, which allowed me to have up to 8 channels. I used them all for the drums, but it was far too much for my laptop to handle. It would often lag, so even if it was a good take, I wouldn't be able to salvage it.

To get around this process, I recorded the drums in sections, so I would record all the drums for a verse or chorus, etc. and then hit the cymbals to ring over the next part. Then I would record the next section. This process worked, but keep taking over the limited amount of hard drive space my computer had. I bet if you listen hard at the end of sections you could hear me shifting in my drum stool and the clicking of the space bar to stop the recording.

I am notoriously slow at writing lyrics/vocals, so the music was completed far before the time actually got around to writing lyrics.

The entire thing was mixed, mastered, and all set to go by the early summer of that year, but we had just added a new bassist at the time and he was out of state for a few more months, so we opted to wait for him to move back home so he could in the band picture/liner notes. He did exactly one tour with us before quitting. We're still friends, but it's funny to think that both he and our drummer at the time had nothing to do with the actual recording and are featured in the recording and that we waited for months for that very reason. That was my doing, I wanted them to feel included. The reissue is just a picture of me and Cathy though.

Year of the Rabbit was originally mixed by Alex Rose from Minus the Bear​, and he was slated to mix this too, but they got busy with their own band and he passed off the work to Chris Common of These Arms Are Snakes​. Chris also mastered it

Chris did an incredible job- he cleaned up a lot of my messes and made it sound like one cohesive piece. I remember him flatly telling me that this would never sound like something more than a demo though, haha. I don't know that I fully agree with him on that, but it certainly could have been recorded better. But it was our first full length, so when a band has a low-quality first recording, you say that it has charm. So, this album is full of charm, lol.

I have a problem with bonus and rare tracks. It's why Empire had over 50 songs and only two full lengths. Funnily enough, the only version to not have bonus tracks was the original CD version. This was the standard at the time, and vinyl was much more uncommon. So the vinyl had a bonus track, the cassette had a different one, and so did the Japanese import. They all shared the bonus track, "It was Your Heart that Saved You". That's why there are 15 tracks.

Some quick fun things:
- At the end of "It's a Plague" there are two drum tracks a la Lucky Denver Mint by Jimmy Eat World​.
- There is no bass on "It was Your Heart that Saved You". This was an oversight and I just forgot to write one and didn't realize it until it was too late.
- The first section where the drums are on "How to Make Love Stay" were added later. Our drummer at the time, Ryan Stailey, wrote that part and started doing it live, and we loved it so much that we had him add it in the recording and added a bass part to accompany it. I think it really beefed up the track. It was originally just going to have drums and bass for the build up at the end.
- My friend Joe Sak played drums on What Safe Means, and he accidentally cut out early. He was supposed to end with the bass, but we decided we liked it and kept it
- We did a five-year anniversary tour for this where we played the album in full in album order. I even brought my trumpet and we transposed the banjo to guitar for "With Your Greatest Fears...".
- Speaking of that song, that was originally going to be a bonus track for the Japanese release. I was visiting my best friend Andrew from Mountains for Clouds​, and he had one in his apartment. I had never played banjo before, but it isn't that dissimilar to guitar. I came up with that, and he recorded me playing it. We decided to keep it on the actual album because it helped break it up.
- We had a special album jacket printed for the tour, designed by Alex Brown​. Alex is so talented and this cover is still so cool to me.
- It was the first time at least three of those songs were ever played live.
- The art is mostly all from pictures I took in high school when I thought I was a photographer, lol. The ceramic angels on the cover were made by my mom and the doll house on the back cover was made by my dad for my sisters'.
- I took most of the pictures on the inside cover, Other photo credits go to Rich Ayers (an old bassist), Jon Steinhoff (our on-and-off again drummer), Conor Cary (co-label owner at the time), and Cathy.
- The cassette tape album cover is a picture of our cat. Abby. The bonus song on it (Archival Footage) is about her passing away as she was passing away
- The Stiff Slack version had art by Edgar McHerly.


If you haven't seen, we are also doing a series of contests to celebrate this project. Every day, we are giving away $5 in store credit to use on anything! There will 2 winners each day, here is how you can enter:

1) If you have the release of the day, take a selfie with it and reply to this post with a picture in your comments.

2) You can recreate the album cover of the album of the day. You can draw it, use Photoshop, MS Paint, whatever! Just get creative! You don't have to be a pro to win, we just want everyone to have some fun.

YOU HAVE EXACTLY ONE WEEK FOR EACH ALBUM. That is to say, you can enter for this album for up to an entire week before we hold our drawing for the winner. That means you have 7 days! Good luck!



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