I’ve been reading this thriller almost exclusively at night during revenge bedtime procrastination (swipe for view with my red necklight to avoid disturbing my bedmate) and wow I haven’t read something this fast-paced in a long time!
Aspects I love that Taiwanese Chinese American author uniquely brings to this debut novel:
+ Authentic portrayal of gamer experience
+ Pinyin sprinkled in without translation feels like a secret layer just for my Duolingo-level Mandarin skills
+ The constantly unfolding mystery tickles my puzzle-loving brain
+ Set in the Pacific Northwest, feels familiar with what I know of tech in Seattle
+ Descriptions of the food they eat around town
+ Diverse characters and relationship styles
+ Uncanny throwback to my own experiences with my mom
Available now through all major booksellers and also available as audiobook. Thank you and for sending us advance copies!