Alexis Diamond Coaching

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Alexis Diamond Coaching ❤️ Homeschooling Mom of 3 ✌️Awake Not Woke 🍞Old School Not Trad 👽Prob A Conspiracy Realist


Tarot Tuesday is LIVE ❤️

Tune in for channeled message!

Client praise💃💃.

Client praise💃💃.

A three card spread designed to help you take full advantage of this Leo New Moon energy to show up fully expressed and ...

A three card spread designed to help you take full advantage of this Leo New Moon energy to show up fully expressed and manifest your deepest desires.

Questions Asked:

♌What new aspects of
myself want to be expressed?

♌How do I want to be seen?

♌How can I manifest my deepest desires?

Special Celebratory Price $8

Offer is valid until
midnight July 30, 2022

Click the link below to register

Can we talk about the fear that comes with choosing an “unconventional” (aka not organized religion) spiritual route?My ...

Can we talk about the fear that comes with choosing an “unconventional” (aka not organized religion) spiritual route?

My spiritual journey started the same way a lot of entrepreneurs do

I started a business, realized I was brainwashed and blocking my own success, started to de-condition and stumbled upon manifestation and the law of attraction

From there it progressed slowly but steadily…

👉Realizing everything is energy and we have the ability to move energy
👉Learning the power of the moon and planning my business around astrology
👉Waking up to the fact that I can not just manifest and co create, but channel and connect with source

All leading to me reclaiming my power as a sovereign, cosmic being living a human experience

And scaring the s**t out of myself

Because here’s the thing… even though I can literally feel the goodness and love around the work I do and light beings I connect with… conditioning is no freaking joke

The deep rooted societal narrative that everything my soul is calling me to do is evil

Religious conditioning
Decades of being into horror movies
A lifetime of strongly believing in evil entities

Mix that with having a crazy open third eye and being so clairsentient that I can feel beings touch me and what do you get? Me…scared af every night

Constantly in this tug of war between feeling so in alignment with being an intuitive medium and fear that maybe I’m wrong… maybe this is bad and I’m opening up the door for evil

Until a few days ago

I was in a deep energy healing session
My most intense yet

At the peak of it
In the moment where I was most connected to divine, I heard it

“Don’t be afraid of the darkness for it cannot touch you when you are in infinite love”

I saw my being full of and surrounded by the most beautiful, pure light I’d ever seen

That's when it all made sense

My fear of evil wasn’t irrational
It came from a higher knowing that darkness does exist

My guide didn’t say there is no darkness
They said the darkness cannot touch me

Because my soul works in infinite love

So if you’re scared, that fear is valid
But know that as long as you’re working in love darkness cannot touch you

Saturday Sillies!

Saturday Sillies!

A Spell For Your Next Launch✨Pre spell:Pick Your Desired Number (DN) of clients you want from this launchMake sure your ...

A Spell For Your Next Launch

✨Pre spell:
Pick Your Desired Number (DN) of clients you want from this launch
Make sure your offer is priced right. A price too high or too low will create an uneven energy exchange voiding the spell
Cleanse your space and your tools
Invite in your spirit team
Set your intention

(DN) of mine
(DN) divine
Soulmate client’s joining me
Ready to grow
Ready to show
The world how powerful they can be
An even energy exchange
Bringing positive change
To the lives of both them and me
(DN) of mine
(DN) divine
Soul contracts coming to the 3D
So mote it be

✨Optional tweaks:
If you help people with wealth (business coach, finance coach, etc) you can change “Bringing positive change, To the lives of both them and me” to “Bringing positive financial change, To the bank accounts of both them and me”
If you don’t feel like “Ready to show , The world how powerful they can be” resonates with your offer you can change out powerful for a more relevant word (i.e. at peace, aligned, committed, etc)

✨Closing Out The Spell:
You can write it down and bury it. Giving it to Gia to help bring it to life
You can burn it either in an actual cauldron or make shift cauldron maybe adding a green candle for prosperity
You can write it out and create a spell jar to add it to while you cast it. Adding elements such as crystals and herbs that represent prosperity and success, sealing the jar with green wax

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Here are some FUN (BUT UNEXPECTED) ways your spirit guides can communicate with you.Swipe➡️

Here are some FUN (BUT UNEXPECTED) ways your spirit guides can communicate with you.

We are moving into a whole new realm of entrepreneurship… and a lot of people will be left behindIt would be impossible ...

We are moving into a whole new realm of entrepreneurship… and a lot of people will be left behind

It would be impossible to deny the ever changing vibe of the collective

More and more people are waking up everyday

More and more awoken people are committed to growing and expanding even more to realms that only be experienced by a few

And as this happens…
As people awaken…
As the collective continues to shift you as an entrepreneur have to make a choice

Are you going to lean fully into embodying that intuitively guided, audaciously aligned, soul led entrepreneur?

OR are you going to keep giving your power away and subscribing to these traditional business practices that are keeping you in a tiny little box completely blocking your success?

Because in this new world we’re shifting into there is no playbook
No 12 steps
No ‘follow this method to reach a million dollars”

No… that time is over

These waters are uncharted
This world is too expensive for such concepts

The methods and techniques that are going to bring you abundance and success moving forward are going to be wholly unique to YOU

Forged from a deep, trusted, unwavering relationship with your intuition

Your Soul Strategy

Co-created with your spirit team to bring you closer and closer to fully embodying the highest most abundant version of yourself

But you have to choose

Choose to decondition
Choose to say no to the norm
Choose to love yourself so deeply that you can stand against the people that will think that you’re crazy… unwavering… in full surrender to YOUR truest truth

Or… get left behind

Which do you choose?

Stop forcing yourself to do s**t that's out of alignment in an attempt to grow your businessFake it till you make it is ...

Stop forcing yourself to do s**t that's out of alignment in an attempt to grow your business

Fake it till you make it is crap
It's outdated, motivational speaking type nonsense that's based in the old paradigms and isn't serving anyone in this new Era of entrepreneurs

Wanna really grow your business?

Take a look at everything you're doing day in and day out

Make note of where you're forcing it

And stop doing that s**t

If you're like most entrepreneurs...its those exact areas where you're trying the hardest to force things that you're struggling the most

What would become possible for you in instead of doing all these things you know deep down aren't for you, you could create an aligned strategy focused around doing the things that feel good to you

That you enjoy
That light you up

Because that's the way now

Watch and see

These old strategies are dead

It's just a matter of time before the mainstream messaging catches up

Join Greg and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature Today @ 12pm CST.We’ll be discussing “You Are Not Broken’’Greg spent years trying...

Join Greg and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature Today @ 12pm CST.

We’ll be discussing “You Are Not Broken’’

Greg spent years trying to fix himself from negative feelings and emotions. From “I’m not good enough” to “I don’t belong here”.

He then went on a personal journey to figure out some questions like why we are or why we have resistance to creating anything we choose.

After going through some online courses, he then found out a process which uses the superconsious to remove those sabotaging beliefs.

It removes those negative feelings and emotional trauma from your past memories.
AND…it’s done in minutes not months or years!

Greg is now fully certified and is helping others to achieve their true purpose and success without experiencing the pain from the past.

Want to find out how you can achieve this without experiencing the pain from the past?

Watch it LIVE this Friday!👈

Join Greg and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature this Friday @ 12pm CST.We’ll be discussing “You Are Not Broken’’Greg spent years ...

Join Greg and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature this Friday @ 12pm CST.

We’ll be discussing “You Are Not Broken’’

Greg spent years trying to fix himself from negative feelings and emotions. From “I’m not good enough” to “I don’t belong here”.

He then went on a personal journey to figure out some questions like why we are or why we have resistance to creating anything we choose.

After going through some online courses, he then found out a process which uses the superconsious to remove those sabotaging beliefs.

It removes those negative feelings and emotional trauma from your past memories.
AND…it’s done in minutes not months or years!

Greg is now fully certified and is helping others to achieve their true purpose and success without experiencing the pain from the past.

Want to find out how you can achieve this without experiencing the pain from the past?

Watch it LIVE this Friday!👈

Join  and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature today 6/10 @ 1pm CST.We’ll be discussing how to “Co-create Your Dream Business With Y...

Join and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature today 6/10 @ 1pm CST.

We’ll be discussing how to “Co-create Your Dream Business With Your Spirit guides”

As an intuitive coach and mentor, Jen's helped hundreds of online entrepreneurs tap into their inner guidance to allow more ease and abundance into their lives and businesses

Join us Live today 6/10 1PM CST

Join  and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature today 6/10 @ 12pm CST.We’ll be discussing how to “Co-create Your Dream Business With ...

Join and I LIVE on FRIYAY Feature today 6/10 @ 12pm CST.

We’ll be discussing how to “Co-create Your Dream Business With Your Spirit guides”

As an intuitive coach and mentor, Jen's helped hundreds of online entrepreneurs tap into their inner guidance to allow more ease and abundance into their lives and businesses

Join us Live today 6/10 1PM CST

Running Aligned Content Creation live has been one of the most fulfilling things I've done in life so farGetting to watc...

Running Aligned Content Creation live has been one of the most fulfilling things I've done in life so far

Getting to watch my clients grow, expand, find their trusest selves and then show the world what they found

Without attachment

Without fear

Knowing that they are more than enough and that when they let the world see their light AND darkness their soul mate clients will finally find them

This isn't about being more 'authentic'

It's about aligning your life, your business, your message, with who you are on a soul level

With what you are meant to create in this world

Because abundance is EVERYWHERE

All your manifestaitions are right in front of you
Just waiting to be pulled in the 3D

And if you've been trying nonstop to actualize your most abundant life and nothing is going 'right'...chances are the universe is trying to show you something

Some blind spot holding you back
Some part of you that is misaligned
Some story that is causing you not hold your power back

The time for that is over
The time for success is right freaking now

What is not saying YES to yourself costing you

How much time, energy, and money will you be giving up if you stay on that fence

Saying "Eh, maybe next time" every time... next time never coming

The is no better container, no better energy, no better community of amazing souls to be in to fully expand into that abundant af audaciously aligned entrepreneur than Aligned Content Creation

Yes we have our most aligned path, but we also have free will

Free will to choose whether or not to say yes when the opporunity for true soul growth and expansion presents itself

To choose to stay in your box or burn it down
To choose whether or not staying in stuck in your "safety zone" is worth sacrificing your inevitable success

What choice are you making?

If you choose growth, abundance, expansion and freedom... the doors to Aligned Content Creation are still open

But hurry...the close tonight at 11:59 pm CST

Are you with me?


Are you ready to STOP spending endless hours creating content that’s getting you mediocre results and start channeling a...

Are you ready to STOP spending endless hours creating content that’s getting you mediocre results and start channeling aligned content so you can spend less time chasing stats and more time enrolling soul clients?

If you’re like most content creators you’ve had the feeling that your audience “just doesn’t get it”?

Most coaches will tell you to create an extensive ideal client avatar and twist, turn, and contort your entire messaging to fit into that person's model of reality, but if that messaging isn’t authentic to who YOU are it’s a recipe for repelling your audience

Knowing how to get your audience to hear you doesn’t come from ICA profiles, it comes from connection

Connection with their heart, their energy, the wants and needs that remain unspoken in their life. In this lesson we go over how to merge your energy with your communities to allow a higher “knowing” of what it is they need to move instead of a series of guessing and hoping for the best

This is where Aligned Content Creation comes in!

You’ll learn how to:

💫 Find & Release Your Roadblocks
💫 Find Your 5%(and leave the rest)
💫 Initiate Your Intuitive Process
💫 Align with Your Audience
💫 Anchor Your Flow State
💫 Create Your Aligned Content Blueprint
💫 & Amplify Your Aligned Creations

You’ll also have exclusive access to

✨ My Aligned Instagram Bonus Bundle
✨ My Live Aligned Repurposing Workshop
✨ The Maximize Your Platform Launch Workshop
✨ And much more!

Are you ready to step into your most abundant life?

Join Today for Special, Founding Member Pricing!


We’ve been wired to believe that the reason we don’t have what we want is because we’re lacking something

That we have enough

And that once we have these things then we’ll finally get that successful, impactful business we’ve always dreamed of

But that hasn’t worked has it?

Because when you work from that space you’re working backwards

Listen, you were called to create this business for a reason

To put your message out there
To let your brightest light shine and allow it to act as a beacon for the souls you’re meant to impact

And you already have everything you need to be successful

All the strategy, content, funnels, courses…all of it in inside you

You were born for this… so why does it still feel so freaking hard?

You’re heavy

Weighed down by all the different strategies and rules that have been piled on top of you and your business from the moment you entered the online space… not to mention all the debt you’ve taken on just trying to keep up

And when you’re heavy you cannot fly

This is exactly what I help my clients navigate through in Aligned Content Creation

How to discover and release all the heaviness that’s keeping them spinning their wheels in business

Sift through everything they’ve learned and find the 5% that aligns with their vibe, core values, and soul’s purpose, dropping the other 95% in an instant

Seeing their highest timeline and reflecting it back so they can finally show up in this world fearlessly, fully expressed, and finally creating that life and business they always knew they were meant to create

And watching them tap into and own their magic is one of the greatest blessings in my life

Are you ready to drop the useless information weighing you down and step into being that audaciously aligned entrepreneur?

The doors for the next round of Aligned Content Creation are now open!




Do you feel like all these social media/ marketing gurus just don’t get you?

Like all the traditional, mainstream programs do is copy one or two strategies that worked in the past and try to force you and your business to fit the same model?

There’s a reason this never worked
There’s a reason you’ve never resonated with their methods

Because you ARE a unique, expansive being

You deserve to be in a container that allows you to exist in your fullest expression

To experiment, play, and create from a place of alignment and curiosity

And then to use those one of a kind creations to effortlessly turn your page into a revenue generating machine

Wanna hear more about Victoria’s massive shifts?

Click the link in my bio to check out her story and so many more


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Aligned Content Creation is NOT just another content course

In ACC we aren’t pushing trends, or reels, or content pillars

I’ll never ask you to make some generic, shot in the dark ICA profile


Because all of that is a big, giant, insane WASTE OF TIME!

And as an entrepreneur time is money…literally

I’m not here to help you double down on being whoever society or other coaches have told you have you to

I want exactly what your soul mate clients want…YOU

✨ To guide you through expanding and trusting your intuition so you can be guided to the most abundant version of yourself

✨ To be that sounding board when you’re going through yet another awakening and it’s taking its toll on you

✨ To call your ego out when I see it death gripping your consciousness because you’re growing so rapidly into the leader and successful CEO you’re destined to be

And you know what… not everyone is ready to go that deep

Not everyone is willing to look their ego, fear, limiting beliefs, and mountains of conditioning in the eye and so no freaking more

To declare that you are done allowing the lies about who you are and what you’re capable of keep you spinning in circle, never truly owning your power and therefore never calling in you success

👉If you’re reading this chances are you’re right there

Staring at the edge of the cliff, ready to jump

Let Aligned Content Creation be the net that appears

Click the link in my bio to check out his story and so many more

No Other Content Coaches Is Talking About This.Swipe to see.

No Other Content Coaches Is Talking About This.

Swipe to see.

If you're like most soul led entrepreneurs you've resented the fact that you have to create content to be successful mor...

If you're like most soul led entrepreneurs you've resented the fact that you have to create content to be successful more than once

"I wish I could just hire someone to do this"

"I've gotta post today but I can't think of what to say"

"No matter how consistent my content is it's still not working "

All these common complaints I hear from clients have same root cause

👉A Diluted Message

There's so many content "gurus" out there telling us what we "have" to do to create content that converts

Demanding that you
❌ Niche
❌ Agitate their pain
❌ Speak 'their' language

So you twist your message

Forcing out one piece of content after another

Consuming your energy but never converting the way the gurus said it would

🤚Until one day you're staring at a blank screen ...stuck

So disconnected from your content that your inspiration is just...gone

Because why keep doing it if it not only doesn't feel good...but doesn't work?

You are NOT the problem

It isn't your
👉 message
👉 copy skills
👉 or limiting beliefs

All these rules disguised as strategies have absolutely ruined your content

Because instead of creating from your soul's purpose, you're running circles in your head

Your soul mate clients don't want this contorted, half hearted message you forced out

✨They want YOU✨

Fully expressed

When you can not only own your truth, but put it out there for the world to see.. That is when you're fully in your power

And that power?

That's what creates an energy that is so freaking legit that your soul mate clients come flooding to you, engaged and ready to enroll

This is where Aligned Content Creation comes in

⭐ACC is a LIVE 8 week program designed to help you Discover How to Merge Intuitively Led Creation with High Level Marketing Strategies to Create Content that Converts⭐

In ACC you’ll…

👉Discover how to leverage high performing content to get 4x’s the organic reach (with minimal extra effort)
👉Be able to easily & effortlessly keep your favorite platform filled with meaningful, aligned & effective content that’s designed to turn your content into a revenue generating machine

Join Today for Special Pricing!



Are you being intentional in your content creation or are you stuck in the drudge of posting day in and day out?

What would become possible if you could create consistent, aligned content easily from a place of your heart's truth, who you are, and your deepest form of authenticity?

Watch the rest of Nick’s video to find out!

Click the link in my bio to check out his story and so many more



As an entrepreneur it’s our most valuable asset

We can’t create more of it
Can’t get it back once it’s gone

But you know what?

We can collapse it

When we’re tapped in
When we’re channeling
When we are accessing that flow state on demand and with intention

This is when things that took hours now take minutes
When those tasks you used to dread become easy

And when you get in the habit of collapsing time…

Well… that’s when the quantum leaps come without even trying for them

Wanna hear more about Georgie’s massive shifts?

Click the link in my bio to check out her story and so many more


I used to be jealous AF when people talked about being ‘in flow’You know what I’m talking about… When another entreprene...

I used to be jealous AF when people talked about being ‘in flow’

You know what I’m talking about…

When another entrepreneur would talk about how they were in such a state of flow that their content just flew out of them in minutes I’d both be happy for them and devastated that I couldn’t relate

Because for a long time I thought that one thing was getting in the way of my success… a lack of time

Now … I know it was just a story my ego was using to BS me but being a wife and mom of three small children it was an easy one to believe

It was leveraging whatever components of my life it could to keep me small
To keep me from realizing the success I was born to attract

So I envied this flow state I kept hearing about

Because when you are in that flow state, connected with your message, mission, and intuition you have the ability to collapse time

Until I not only found my flow… but created an intuitively let process to access it both on demand and with intention

When you join Aligned Content Creation we will create a process wholly unique to you that allows you to anchor in that flow state so you’re never stuck staring at a blank screen with no clue what to write again

Have questions about Aligned Content Creation?

I’m hosting a live Q + A right here on IG tomorrow at 12 PM CST to answer ALL your questions

What questions do you have?

LMK in the comments so I make sure I cover it!

Ever felt  like your audience “just doesn’t get it”? Like you keep spending hours on end writing, recording, posting but...

Ever felt like your audience “just doesn’t get it”?

Like you keep spending hours on end writing, recording, posting but in the end you're just yelling into the void?

Most coaches will tell you to create an extensive ideal client avatar and twist, turn, and contort your entire messaging to fit into that person's model of reality… but chances are you’ve already tried that

More than once

And it hasn’t worked

In fact, it’s probably repelling your soul mate clients

Leading to you wasting your time, pushing out this diluted message, and fighting to keep your business alive

I’m ALL about living your soul's purpose and you know what? I refuse to believe that your soul wants you to do anything besides show up FULLY expressed and allow the abundance to flow to you

In Aligned Content Creation we dive DEEP into the all the stories, rules, and limiting beliefs coming between you and your most aligned message and eradicate them for good

Still not sure if Aligned Content Creation is for you?

I’m hosting a live Q + A right here on IG tomorrow at 12 PM CST to answer ALL your questions

What questions do you have?

LMK in the comments so I make sure I cover it!


Do you feel like all these social media/ marketing gurus just don’t get you?

Like all the traditional, mainstream programs do is copy one or two strategies that worked in the past and try to force you and your business to fit the same model?

There’s a reason this never worked
There’s a reason you’ve never resonated with their methods

Because you ARE a unique, expansive being

You deserve to be in a container that allows you to exist in your fullest expression

To experiment, play, and create from a place of alignment and curiosity

And then to use those one of a kind creations to effortlessly turn your page into a revenue generating machine

Wanna hear more about Victoria’s massive shifts?

Click the link in my bio to check out her story and so many more


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
Saturday 09:00 - 11:00


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