•We subjected our jeans to 30 washes and conducted technical tests to estimate their durability.
•Did you know that how and how often you wash your jeans directly affects their longevity?
•Our denim is made of cotton, a natural fiber that needs your care to last.
What can you do to keep your jeans looking sharp forever?
1 · Wash with cold water, use less energy.
2 · Use short cycles (maximum 40 minutes). Less exposure for your jeans and less water consumption for the planet (which is already in short supply).
3 · Avoid tumble-drying. This exposes the cotton to a lot of abrasion.
4 · Wash your jeans as infrequently as possible.
👖Oxford Oxest:
Washed every 3 wears = 3,5 years of durability
Washed every 6 wears = 5,1 years of durability