Daylon TV

Daylon TV This is a Christian online Platform where Biblical issues are discussed.

On this platform we don’t stop at face value but we goes beyond the surface to discovered the unanswered facts and it effect on us as Christian.


Ladies and Gentlemens; the Daylon TV in collaboration with Dr. Eric Gbanlon Initiative is calling you to witness the Bible Quizzing semifinal games at the City of God International Church.
Game one: @3:00pm New Covenants Apost. Ministry VS Higher Ground International

Game Two: @3:30pm Winner Chapel International VS Free Pentecostal Global Mission
come let have a great time together with these young biblical scholars.


Good morning Guys
Pls be inform that this Sunday April 2, 2023, we will be climaxing the Quizzing Competition.
Please let us all come to grace this closing program award will be given to all the participants of this competition.


The Final today has been canceled
to next Sunday please be inform


Please be inform that today game has canceled


We are so sorry to inform you that today game with not be possible due to the Church were the game has been playing is having an honoring service.
The game has been rescheduled for first Sunday.
We are so sorry for this quick adjustment.

The Administration of Daylon TV and Dr. Eric Gbanlon Education Initiative want to congratulate Winner Chapel, New Covena...

The Administration of Daylon TV and Dr. Eric Gbanlon Education Initiative want to congratulate Winner Chapel, New Covenant Apostolic Ministry, Free Pentecost Global Mission for advancing to the Semifinals Stage of this competition. Please join me to congratulate Success Murphy for his brilliant performance. He was the match MVP
We are calling on the following Church to Please turn out this Sunday January 28, 2023 to compete for the last seat for the semifinals.
1. Higher Ground
2. Miraculous Power of Jesus
3. Upper Room AGM
4. City Of God International( Hope City)
Game start at 2:30pm.

Information! Information! Information! Information The Daylon TV is calling on you guys to gear up from today encounter ...

Information! Information! Information! Information
The Daylon TV is calling on you guys to gear up from today encounter back to the Bible Quizzing competition:
Today Game Fixture
2:30 game one : Free Pentecost Global Mission VS New Covenant Apostolic Ministry ( Match Continue)
Game two: City Of God International VS Winner Chapel International Church
Game three: Higher Ground VS Martha Tubman
Game Four : Upper Room VS Good New Fellowship
NB: those of you who have over tickets please come with it or you will be deny to play.
I see you at the City of God International Church

On this day 2012, the Almighty God blessed me with you, from there on i have been called Father. Emerald you my first bo...

On this day 2012, the Almighty God blessed me with you, from there on i have been called Father. Emerald you my first born, every year whenever you birthday arrived it help me to be better and wiser. Happy birthday my son. I stand as a father under the authority of the Almighty God and I prophecy over you life; My God will cover you under his shadow, you won’t lack anything’s, you will also be the first in everything you do, you are dangerou in the eye of you enemy. May God magnify you in the eye of you friend and no one! Will even look down on you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Happy birthday my Emerald.


Compliments of the Season.
The Back to the Bible Quizzing Tournament will resume on January 7, 2023.. This is because of the Christmas program lot of the Churches are engage into.
The Fixture will be up as soon as possible.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all.

Children of God let us gear up this weekend for another excited and exclusive biblical event. Come let us cheer our Team...

Children of God let us gear up this weekend for another excited and exclusive biblical event. Come let us cheer our Team to victory this super Sunday November 20, 2022 at the City of God International Church edifice.
Game time 2:30pm
Game One: Martha Tubman UMC VS Miraculous Power Of Jesus Christ
Game Two: City Of God Int’l VS Redemption Fellowship
Game Three: New Covenant Apostolic VS Tabernacle Of Refuge Ministry
Game Four: Winner Chapel VS Holistic Christian Fellowship
Game Five: Higher Ground VS Free Pentecost Global Mission
Game Six: God Glory Free Pentecost VS Good News Christian Fellowship
NB: please captain if you didn’t receive your ticket, you can call for your tickets. Remember tickets worth a bonus of 50pts.


Back to the Bible Quizzing Competition bought to you by Daylon TV.
Team in their various groups
Group A. P W L TP
1. Miraculous Power ……………………2 2 0 4
2. City Of God Int’l……………………….2 1 1 3
3. Martha Tubman UMC……………….2 1 1 2
4. Redemption Fellowship…………….2 0 2 1
5. Christ Redemptive Fellowship…..1. 0. 1. 0
Group B.
1. Higher Ground 2. 2. 0. 4
2. Free Pentecost Global Mission…..2 1 1 3
3. Good News Christian Fellowship 2 1 1 3
4. God Glory Free Pentecost 2 1 1 2
5. Peaceful United Lutheran…………..2. 0. 0. 0
Group C.
1. Winner Chapel Christian Fellow. 2. 2. 0. 4
2. Upper Room AGM. 2. 1. 0. 3
3. Tabernacle of Refuge Ministries. 2. 1. 1. 3
4. New Covenant Apostolic……………2. 1. 1. 3
5. Holistic Christian Fellowship. 1. 1. 0. 0

Let us all congratulate Nehemiah F. Bonorfah of the Free Pentecost Global Mission as Player of the week. He set a record of answering 22 of 27 question as he single handily defeated the Good New Christian Fellowship.
NB: tickets worth 50pts as bonus.


Let us be conscious of the time today;
The Quizzing Match will start 2:30pm

The Back to the Bible Quizzing Tournament Rule:Each Team are to register with the amount of $2500.00LRD to be eligible t...

The Back to the Bible Quizzing Tournament Rule:
Each Team are to register with the amount of $2500.00LRD to be eligible to participate in this competition. The Winner will receive a cash prize of $25,000.00 LRD and the first Runner-up will receive a cash prize of $15,000.00 LRD. Upon registration no fund will be refundable.
1. Each teams are to play three games before being eliminated from the tournament. Those Teams will the highest win will move up to the knockout stage.
2. The tournament is consist of two categories.
a. The Bible Knowledge
b. Bible drills
3. The Quizmaster has the power to throw away any questions that is not clear or has been read before in previous match
4. The captains of each team has the privilege of challenging the quizmaster decision on the question if they disagree. Any noise by players of the team on the bench or substitute will receive a penalty of minus 5.
5. Any question that is intersected and answer is awarded 15point. Unable to complete and answer a penalty of minus 5. Every completed question read by Quizmaster is quivalent to 10point when answer by either team.
6. More especially if any Team whose completed their ticket sell will receive 50 point automatically.
7. All coaches are to sit behind their opponent team.
8. Only coaches are permitted to make an observation on the match being play.
Bravo !! Bravo!! Bravo!! See you all on Sunday November 13, 2022.

Please join us on Sunday November 13,2022 @ 2:00pm, for another beautiful quzzing matches. Here are those Teams that are...

Please join us on Sunday November 13,2022 @ 2:00pm, for another beautiful quzzing matches. Here are those Teams that are to be playing on this day.
Match Day:
1. Redemption Fellowship VS Miraculous Power of Jesus
2. Free Pentecost Global Mission V S Good News Christian Fellowship
3. Peaceful United VS Higher Ground
4. Tabernacle Of Refuge VS God Glory Free Pentecost
5. Upper Room V S Winner Chapel
6. New Covenant VS Hollister Ministry
7. Tabernacle Of Refuge VS God Glory Free Pentecost
7. Martha Tubman UMC VS City Of God Int’l
Every Captain please come for the quizzing and your tickets.

Thank everyone for Sunday October 30, 2022, edition of Back to the Bible quizzing Competition.Back to the Bible is a you...

Thank everyone for Sunday October 30, 2022, edition of Back to the Bible quizzing Competition.
Back to the Bible is a youth Bible quizzing competition between Churches in Paynesville. This Competition is being hosted by Daylon TV.
Game Results.
Game One: Upper Room AGM 185 VS Tabernacle Of Refuge Ministry 95 ( woman of the match Deborah Kolleh)
Game Two: God Glory Free Pentecost 120 VS Peaceful United Lutheran Church 100 ( man of the match Robert S. Kendema)
Game Three: Martha Tubman United Methodist church 100 VS Christ Redemptive
Game Four : New Covenant Apostolic Ministry 124 VS Winner Chapel 195
See you this coming Sunday for another exciting matches.
For support: Here is our number 0886139353
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See you this weekend.

We extend our deepest appreciation and compliments to all who turn out for October 30, 2022,  edition of back to the Bib...

We extend our deepest appreciation and compliments to all who turn out for October 30, 2022, edition of back to the Bible quizzing competition held at the Miraculous Power of Jesus Christ Church edifice.
Back to the Bible is a Youth Bible quizzing competition between Churches in Paynesville City.
Here are photo of all the Churches Team that Compete yesterday.
Please show your love by following and liking our page.



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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
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Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00





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