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Kevin Coen Annual Republican commemoration
On next Sunday January 21st at 11 AM Sooey Sligo
Assemble at entrance to St. Josephs Graveyard Sooey Sligo
Oration by Martin Kelly Tyrone Vice President Republican Sinn
Refreshments in Kelly Bar after commemoration


Citizen Weekly Issue 60 Saturday April 29th 2023
England has no right in Ireland - JFCT2 – End internment by remand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples Sovereign Right______________________

Solicitor Orla Ellis daughter of former TD John Ellis who was suspended as a solicitor for deflects of hundreds of thousands of Euros in her clients account lands a top job with the civil service. Lucky being of the elite sect assures her of no crime in skinning her customers and being highly awarded by elite friends.
Seeing the report reminded me of the election in 1981 I was at the count in Sligo and as it was looking like Joe McDonnell was favoured to win the seat and John Ellis (Orla’s father) was losing. Ellis became very angry he insist-ed that Charlie Haughty and Fianna Fail were the true republicans that would stand up to Margaret Thatcher. He accused Joe McDonnell and his like of outside interference and creating trouble in the north and extending it by upsetting the electoral process in the south.
Joe McDonnell was a close call and missed taking the seat by a few hundred votes and Ellis and his cronies went into hysterical glorification of themselves the selected few. I left that place saddened and angry thinking of them soldiers of justice in a cold hungry cell and the elected elite on this side of the border had no thought or care for them or the suffering people of the 6-occupied counties.
One never forgets the dark times but with other happenings in one’s life there are mind-slips but there are al-ways reminder momentary thoughts that bring them to the fore again the mind-dwelling may be short and the mind-slips again. That’s what being human is but then there may come an unthinkable happening that tear away any reasonable thinking and confusion of why or what - when respect for the cause is spit upon and trust and principle is scutched in favour of dwelling and dining with the Ellis-type in their house of deceit.
The sadness and anger subside into hurt when comrades past not only turn away from the cause but tramp it into the ground by betrayal and a seat at the enemies table. Glorifying their traitorous actions by claiming it is the way of right to sit and dine with the enemy whose brutal actions is destroying rightfulness in our country. While slave-minding and lapping up the royal stolen food of eight centuries there will be no thought of the comrades that they betrayed and the generations of tortured republicans or the hungry Irish child.
Sinn Fein now is the sword in the heart of the Sovereign Irish Republic and the blood of betrayal on the easter lily it hurts every time I see or hear the traitorous thimble Sinn Fein. It hurts me and I am sure all republicans who stand by the republic as proclaimed in 1916 to see this once sacred thimble of the republic (Sinn Fein) adorn the crown and dragged into the gutter of slum politics of corruption and deceit. It sure always brings back the thought of John Ellis T.D slur on Joe Mc Donnell on that election count evening – now those who were with me that evening on the side of Joe McDonnell – betrayed the very cause that Joe stood for and rub shoulder to shoulder with the Ellis type in house of betrayal in Dublin and are the main-stay of British occupation in Ireland. They dine at the royal table with the chief of the British military Murder squads that murder and terrorise the people in occupied Ireland. The recognising of the imperial Royal family and lap-dogging at their dinner table is the final act of betrayal dare they call themselves Republicans.
Con Darcy


Citizen Weekly Issue 58 Saturday April 15th 2023
England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by remand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples Sovereign Right

Con Darcy
Joe Biden received a tremendous welcome on his home coming visit - his old mother “Ireland” pushed back her tears of sorrow and turned out her delightful side and her children threw themselves at his feet. it is only right for the comfort of their mother that her children wrap their arms around one of their homecoming siblings.
It was all glorifying praise of this great son of Erin there was no talk not even a whisper of his abuse of power in killing of Justice and equality by interference in the affairs of weaker countries.
It was only right that this boy be allowed to enjoy his family homecoming without speaking of the devil work of America whom we are led to believe is the leader of the free world. Our visiting son should have respected our right as an inde-pendent, but he set about praising Ireland now as part of the world warmongers sect. Sadly, his elite Irish siblings lapped it all up with delight and are all worked to get the cannon loaded not in the interests our own independence but in oppres-sion of the foreigner who never ill-treated Ireland in any way and whom we should have no gripe with. When the axe falls, and it will our political children who slave up to the evil strong of the world will be classed in the annuals of history for what they are enemies of the oppressed.
There was tremendous talk of our people who had to leave this country to escape Britain’s genocidal cruelty and survived to breath fresh air again. Little was the mention of those whose dreams of a better life were scuttled because they died before they got a gasp of that fresh air nor was there talk of those who did not and were not able get out of the country and died of starvation because of Britain genocide.
It was lost in the excitement and cheering of Joe Biden the successful son and sibling who made it good there was not even a silent moment in word or thought for those who didn’t make it.
In the end I am sure poor old mother Ireland though she held back her tears of sorrow in heart-breaking anger at the praise of her elite children and no thought of her fallen.
I spent some time listening to USA President Joe Biden repeating himself over and over when first hearing his family’s sad emigration story it was heart-breaking. Yet his praise for Ireland’s participation in warmongering angered me. But as the days passed like the cuckoo he seemed to have nothing else to talk about and it became a bit of a sickening.
It is past time for the silent children who care about the welfare of our old mother Ireland and her abused and neglected children to speak up and shout down the destruction of what is right.


Citizen Weekly Issue 57 Saturday April 8th 2023
England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by remand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples Sovereign Right

Con Darcy
Political abuse
The actions of the constitutional politicians over the Easter period were disgust-ing. Their hypocrisy was nothing new for over a century easter after easter they have been reading the 1916 proclamation, yet they never honoured one iota of it. They did everything that was possible to avoid any kind of discussion on the continued British occupation of our country – and silently stood by while British rule disgracefully ill-treated the nationalist community in the occupied territory. Their neglect of British abuses in the 6-counties and their co-operation with the orange government in Belfast is unforgivable. They interned and executed re-publicans who stood by the Irish Republic as proclaimed in 1916. Yet through all their anti-republic actions they continued to falsely proclaim their right as Irish republicanism. They doused anything and everything in history that may en-courage the Irish people to oppose British occupation. When they realised that the nationalist uprising of 1969 in the occupied territory was not a flash-in- the-pan they suppressed Irish republican history more - even the 1916 proclamation disappeared from the schools. The uprising in the occupied territory intensified and by the 1976 the 60th anniversary of the 1916 rising the free state again hop-ing to dampen any public encouragement in opposition to British occupation decided to not commemorate. To their disappointment their brutal anti-republican laws and actions failed to discourage republicanism and in defiance the republican movement very successfully commemorated our patriot dead carrying out commemorations throughout the country and an extremely suc-cessful one in the capitol. The risen people in occupied Ireland in their demand for Justice and equality were supported and led by the republican movement because a true democratic and equal society is only possible in the Sovereign Democratic Republic as proclaimed in the 1916 proclamation.
In conjunction with Britain the Dublin authorities continuously support the occupation of our country by implementing and enforcing anti-republican laws.
Sadly, the Pro-Free State republican leadership of the day abandoned their republicanism and were part and parcel of British Good Friday Peace Agreement of 1998 the folly of which will be confirmed with the passing of time.
Sinn Fein has joined the play-acting republican sect and it is disgusting the scan-dalous deception by the elitest Sinn Fein leadership by enticing their followers in the misconception of republicanism and playing on their emotions by com-memoration our patriot dead.
Con Darcy


Citizen Weekly Issue 56 Saturday April 3rd 2023
England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by remand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples Sovereign Right

Con Darcy
Easter Time
With easter approaching we must one again endure the shame of the constitutional politicians for having not only turned their back on the sovereign Republic. But we must condemn them for their brutal slurring of those who stand by the Republic. More so we must condemn their abuse of using our patriot dead in the advancement of their anti-republican agenda. Their defilement of the republic for their own interests is unforgivable. Their full endorsement and strengthening of British occupation is an insult on the present and past generations who worked for the creation of the Sovereign Republic and those who gave the supreme sacrifice. The slaughtering of the republican principle in favour of the anti-people political system renders them not worthy of the space that they stand in.
The abuse of the Easter Lily is unacceptable. The Easter Lily is the thimble of respect of our Patriot dead. The wearing of the Easter Lilly in Leinster House and Stormont or any British elected house is to spit in the face of our patriot dead.
Introduced the easter as the thimble of honouring our patriot dead and it was sold to raise funds for the families of Republican prisoners not to be sullied by traitors of the republic or by British collaborators.
Wear the Easter lily with pride and honour of our patriot dead and have the courage to challenge those who wear it in their own interests.
The British good Friday agreement
We are back to the 25th anniversary of the British Good Friday agreement. Bertie Ahern says one of his biggest regrets is the instability of Stormont. He said about the Good Friday agreement “the changes to the Irish constitution worked well”
The public voted to amend the republic’s constitution to remove an explicit territorial claim over Northern Ireland.
He also pointed out the demilitarisation of British army personnel in the North as providing people with a sense of freedom again.
The man must be living in cloud cuckoo-land removing articles 2 and 3 from the constitution made British occupation stronger and the British army presence in the north is as active as it ever was. If this is providing people with a sense of freedom Mr Ahern must not know what freedom is.
Micheal Martin also was ranting and gloating about how surprised and delighted at the great achievement of the British peace accord. Past, and present generations who lived, fought and died for the Irish republic must feel scotched-up by the success of the Good Friday agreement in Iron-casting British occupation. We will be cursed by future generations because of our endorsement and acceptance of the Good Friday British peace accord and of our inability stand strong against the deceitful politicians.

Con Darcy


Citizen Weekly Issue 55 Saturday March 26th 2022
England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by remand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples Sovereign Right

Con Darcy
The anniversary of the British Peace Acord.
In the run up to the 25th anniversary of the British Good Friday agreement there is sadness, and scring-ing anger in the political circles from Belfast, Dublin, about the up grading by MI5 raising the terror threat level in North from substantial to severe meaning “A strike for freedom from the enemy of occu-pation is highly likely.”
The first to echo angry-annoyance was the British First Minister in waiting Michelle O’Neill she said “To-day’s announcement that the level of threat has been increased comes against the backdrop of the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday agreement. A quarter century on there is no place or space for paramilitary groups in a modern, democratic society. They must go”
The only politician to air any common sense of it all was Jeffery Donaldson who said, “It is a sad day for Northern Ireland.” It sure is a bad day for Northern Ireland because it is evident that the foreign occu-pier sees there is still a severe treat to their illegal occupation.
The politicians especially Michelle O’Neill should know while there is a foreign occupying power dictat-ing the way of Ireland’s future there will be opposition. The tongue of condemnation or the bloody sword of terror will not quench the spirit of freedom.
There will always be opposition to the occupation of Ireland and the treat of a strike at the enemy will always be there. It doesn’t matter how well ingrained the occupier is or how much support it has from the slave-minded or greedy native. The occupier’s insecurity is that the soldier of justice will al-ways be silently lurking in wait to strike a blow for freedom because only in freedom will come human rights. True democracy or justice does not come with occupation this is the occupiers weakness that no slave, soldier, army, or politician of the occupying master can strengthen. The belief of a strong wall of support to deter the oppressed is a myth because the invisible soldier of justice in wait is undefeata-ble, yet no one wants peace more than this soldier.
It is disgraceful how the word peace is so bandy around by the establishment and their tit-suckers. A make-believe peace or forced peace is a false piece. A false peace is no peace. To talk of peace in an oc-cupied territory is defaming and deceitful because all terms and conditions no matter what way they are packaged or presented must always be in the interest of the occupier. The British Good Friday peace accord has failed in that it delivered nothing for the people, its only delivery has been the belly rubbing of the good-feel politicians who claim this lost cause as a victory for peace. The Good Friday agreement can never deliver peace because it not only endorses but is a main stay of British occupa-tion.
It doesn’t matter how much the native Irish British politicians endorse or up-hold British occupation Irish freedom is inevitable because there are always honest trustworthy Republicans who take up the mantle of the Independent Sovereign Democratic Republic.
The power-grabbing politicians must recognise that there will be no lasting peace while any part of Ire-land is in occupation and demand Ireland’s right to freedom - so the Irish can come to terms of creating the Irish Republic as proclaimed in 1916.
‘Let us be silent rather than talk of peace in occupied Ireland.

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England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by demand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples sovereign Right

Republic not finished
Clasp down British occupation
Citizen Weekly Issue 53 Saturday March 10rd 2022
The leader of Sinn Fein one of the key holders of British occupation has met with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on the need to get the British occupational parliament Stormont restored. She is delighted that two foreign powers put a framework in place to make this possible “We are ready to go” she said. Her side kick British minister in waiting Michelle O’Neill said there “shouldn’t be any more delays” and went on abegging “We need to be in the executive today”
Another member of this declining British political party Niall O’ Donnghalle wherever he crept in from - he has proposed a motion to mark the 25th anniversary of the failed British Good Fri-day agreement.
Is this party not of understanding or do they not want to come to terms of the failure of their traitorous actions against the Democratic Sovereign Irish Republic in favour of continued Brit-ish occupation. Since their abandonment of the republic can they not face up to the truth and accept what Senior Sinn Fein Member Francie Molloy said of the Good Friday agreement “We been sold a pup.” It was an expensive to the cause of Irish Freedom.

British joke
British Government dictator in the occupied 6-counties Heaton-Harris is considering the idea of appointing and independent person or people to carry out exploratory engagement with paramilitary groups that want to transition away from violence. Heaton Harris said that he has also discussed this with this Irish Government. How foolish can these Jokers be in not facing up to the reality of the cause of all the political turmoil in the 6-counties is British occupation. Nothing less than a declaration from the British that they will leave Ireland with an attach-ment withdrawal date will bring peace.

Anniversary of failure
World leaders are coming together in Belfast to Gloat over the greatness of the good Friday that has been dragged along for quarter of century. One of the greatest political failures in the west running into two centuries – the good Friday agreement which delivered nothing for the common people - but extravagant wealth for the select politicians and their close cohorts.


Citizen Weekly Issue 52 Saturday March 3rd 2022
England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by demand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples sovereign Right

Con Darcy
New United Ireland
I saw a post on face book by a prominent Sinn Fein Member – he would be in the high ranks of the party. He was telling us how we should honour the hunger strikers and he quoted Bobby Sands RIP. “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children - when we see the new united Ireland.” So now we have the added word “new” united Ireland whatever that means?”
Then I saw Patrick Kielty the comedian on RTE speaking with Tommy Tiernan and he said “We have a million Unionists down the road we are expecting to join this country, so we have to move around some of the furniture. When Ternan asked like what we do we need to give them. Kielty replied “like not singing Up the RA” Tiernan replied “That was harmless.’
Then Kielty went on to say if we were asked to join the Common wealth and hear the unionists singing the Up to the neck in Fenian Blood or the Sash how would we feel.
It is common to hear people in authoritative positions talk as the 26-counties and the 6-counties are two different countries. So often we hear Ireland and Northern Ireland mentioned by politicians and the sections of the media and Kielty’s phrase confirms that since the Good Friday Agreement that it is accepted by the constitutionals that the Island is made up of two different countries.
Patrick Kielty and Sinn Fein need to accept reality that the Orange Unionist Sect (no matter what enticement they are given) will never voluntarily accept the Unification of Ireland even the watered down “New” united Ireland (whatever that means) that Sinn Fein is now talking of.
We must come to the realisation that there is not a million unionists in the North – there may be a million protestants but all are not unionists. The million figure had been bandied about for years yet the protestant population in the North has declined. The orange order and the elite wealthy protestant property owners are the only hard-line unionists in the north. The Orange order has a membership of less than one hundred thousand and they control and dictate the ways of all the protestants. These masterly-controlled brow beaten protestants have the right to be part of a Sovereign Demo-cratic Irish Republic with a community based political system whereby the people control their own destiny.
New protocol
It’s Yepee from all the politicians about the new deal Protocol yet it means nothing to the ordinary working-class people in the north. It is only to the benefit of big business and the politicians. The Brits got their way by playing the Orange card and the game is not over yet. The British Nationalist parties in the north are screaming to get on the Stormont gravy train but that will not happen in the short-term because the whole pollical establishments both Dublin and London don’t want to see Nationalists heading the occupational government in Belfast.
It is likely that the next step will be the brits playing their Ace card – The DUP is probably tutored to want an election so the unionist can endorse the Shiny new Protocol. In the Glory of their success of bringing the EU to submission the planter offspring will overwhelming endorse the agreement and Jef-frey and his clan will be the largest party in the north and Sinn Fein’s want to lead the occupational parliament will be doomed to the lasting forever.
It is sad and unbelievable that the defunct English Empire and the new EU empire are framing Ire-land’s future to their own suitability. This is where we are after all the tears, broken hearts and blood shed for the the Independent Sovereign Democratic Irish Republic. The courage and spirit of freedom is doused by Irish political constitutionalists who see our destiny in the hands of others. All the cruel happenings of our past especially the great hunger created and mastered by England should have taught us that the ruling outsider is the insider torturer. Learning from past history we can be assured that full integrated membership of the EU (Where we now are) in time to come will be the prevention of justice and and prosperity for the majority of our people. Any attempt to take control of our own destiny may bring more tears, broken hearts, and the shedding of more blood than ever before. The greatest curse on any nation is the native political collaborators who work in their own interest and who strive for and put internationalism before the welfare of their own. A nation who people have no control of their own destiny is a lost nation.
Looking after the elite gamblers
The AIB has written of massive loans to 1900 of their customers and insist that there was no favourit-ism the dogs in the streets know that this was the looking after the elite customers. There are thou-sands of ordinary hard-working people who got into debt through no fault of their own and the AIB screwed them into the ground by treating demands. Many of these unfortunate people lost everything some ending up in an unhopeful situation with broken health, many in a poor mental state of mind and and some even ending their lives.
There has been silence from the political circles about this national crime committed by the public owned bank. The owners this the AIB the Irish tax-payers need to know who the names of these gam-blers whose debt was written of. We also need an explanation that if the bank was in the position that it could write of such large amounts of money why did its generously not apply to all.


Citizen Weekly Issue 51 Saturday Frbuary 25th 2022
England has no right in Ireland
JFCT2 – End internment by demand
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples sovereign Right

Con Darcy
The week has been dominated by the shooting of PSNI Chief Inspector John Caldwell and the politicians from cork to Derry Dublin to London are on their high horse of condemnation. It is sad that families still must suffer because the poli-ticians will not face the reality that the problem is British occupation.
The first thing must be realised is that the unrest will not end by condemnation and politicians standing in line with the persecutors of republicans.
No one wants peace more than the persecuted, short-term sticking plaster unworkable solutions only prolong a lasting peace.
The news media and the politicians are in the continuous yelp that the Republicans are opposed to the British Good Friday agreement, and this is the reason for the shooting of Mr Caldwell.
Republicans interest is in the freedom of Ireland because they know like all the Irish politicians that there will never be British justice for the Irish and without justice there will be no peace.
The occupiers police immediately pointed the finger at Republicans, yet Caldwell has been involved in many investiga-tions of highly dangerous criminals. Any police force in such circumstances would have an opened mind until they had certain evidence to point the finger. But the PSNI is so anti-republican that they see no other reason for the attack on their colleague and sadly all the politicians stand in lines with the bias police force.
Since the British peace agreement was signed there has no condemnation of this police harassment of and brutality against republicans nor is there any mention of the brutal treatment of republicans prisoners many innocent. There is questioning by any politician of the interment by remand where republicans are arrested charged and held in custody for long periods before the charges are dropped.
The final word on this matter is why did it happen if the Good Friday agreement is so wonderful it is yet again evidence that the sacred Good Friday agreement has failed.

Jarlath Burns
I had to come back to matter of Burns adorable trust in the Orange order he has said “that he has the orange order in the college talking to his pupils all the the time” I am sure he means by all the time that bigoted orange order are in quite often in the college on a continuous basis. He has not mentioned if the orange order has anyone from the nation-alist community going into any protestant school explaining the nationalist position. It is unbelievable that Mr Burns would even consider members of such a bigoted organisation into to preach their ways to children.
Mr Burns should be aware that the orange order lives and preaches bigotry and are master of their anti-Catholic armies The UVF/UDA/ UFF. Yet they only have the support of the protestant people because dare a protestant or a unionist politician question their actions and out of the fear they must either support the order or stay silent.
I could understand if Burns had people from the general protestant community coming and talking to the students but to have the Orange Order into to lecture students is either insane and criminally anti-nationalist.

One year into wests and Russian war on the plains of Ukraine the western politicians are in line condemning Russia and fuelling the war with weapons. There is no talk and seem to be no effort being made to encourage peace and sadly Ire-land is in it to the neck they are now training Ukrainian troops.
The Russian invasion was wrong and never should be condoned but there are other illegal wars that are never con-demned or is there concerns and in some cases condoned by the western powers including Ireland.
In the Past week Israel has been on a continuous murder campaign against Palestinians - sent tens of rockets into Leba-non and 150 savage Israel solders entered a market in Gaza creating a murder rampage in broad day light killing ten innocent people and injuring more than 100 people in a separate instant in another area Israel troupes killed two peo-ple and injured more.
There was no disgust or condemning these Israel war crimes by any of the western powers including Ireland. What-ever it good enough for the gander should be good enough for the goose but the west is disgracefully turning a blind eye and silently condoning the Israel war crimes.

Maggie Thatcher Spy
Maggie Thatcher’s spy former MI5 and British army agent who infiltrated the IRA in Derry has died. Willie Carlin who also work the British army’s murder squad Force Research Unit. He was Martin McGuinness’s right-hand man and en-couraged Mc Guinness to move in the direction that the British wanted. Sadly, this MI5 agent was the sacred leader of the Provo republican movement Sinn Fein for from the early seventies until the mid-eighties he had Maggie thatcher continuously informed of republican movement including during the hungers strikes. According to Carlin his book his closeness to Martin McGuiness was a blessing to Maggie Thatcher.


Citizen Weekly Issue 50 Saturday Frbuary 18th 2022
England has no right in Ireland
Republican Unity the guarantor of the peoples sovereign Right

Con Darcy
Northern Ireland Protocol
The story of the week is the Northern Ireland Protocol as if it is the sacred cow to save a hard British border on mainland Ireland. Friday evening brought a gasp of relief to the EU and the Dublin Govern-ment and of course the British nationalist parties in the occupied 6-counties. The good old brits after calling in to say hello and goodbye to their political nationalist bedfellows spent all night through and all-day long scheming with their orange unionist sect.
The EU and all the Irish constitutional parties “The fools – The fools” were in swinging delight that a deal was nearing competition. They cannot be so stupid to not realise that the British were playing the orange card. The changes that are agreed red line and green line and whatever else has been the British stance from the beginning and the EU has bent to the British satisfaction. The orange card game is not over yet the Brits are looking for more and the Unionist sect will get it for them. Jeffery and his pack will move when the Brits say so and interestingly even when the British get the deal that they want they may encourage the DUP to demand an election so their tribesmen can endorse the deal. In such circum-stances the planter tribe will step out in force and vote for the DUP and the British belly-licking Sinn Fein will be pushed back to second in line to the delight of Dublin and London.
The green line is an opened door for for illegal exports into the EU and will be exploited to the ex-treme and when this comes to light the EU will move to save its free market and if the necessity to do so it will be at the expense of Ireland so be it.
The Irish people must realise that the EU is not Ireland’s friend and Ireland will be used and abused in the interests of the EU free market.

Jarlath Burns
The GAA has moved a long distance from its Irish cultural roots by the election of the pro-British Jarlath Burns as its president. To even allow such a person put forward a nomination for president was a slight on the founding members of the Association and it members who have been terrorised by British occupation forces. Those who supported him and voted for him were aware of his apologetic stance regarding the flying of the national flag and the play-ing of National Anthem at Gaelic games.
In 2015 he said “it wouldn’t cost him a thought” to have the trapping removed. To use the words trapping was a total disrespect for the both the National flag and the National Anthem.
In an interview he boosted of his obsession with Unionism and who has engaged positively with the Orange order on a number of occasions. He talked “about what the unionist people suffered down through the years”
Has this man been living with his head in the sand the suffering people in the 6-occupied counties were the Nationally minded who just wanted their human right to justice. The brutal injustice lashed out on the nationalist people by the Unionist orange sect and not one single unionist raised an eyebrow. No one in the comfortable Unionist setting cared because they were all party to it.
To engage positively with the sectarian Orange Order can be nothing less than accepting their ways. This organisation is entrenched in sectarian hatred and believe they are supreme to say one positively engaged with them regarding equality or any issue regarding the national community is the action of simpleton.
The constitutional politicians told us that the removing article 2 and 3 from the constitution would bring a positive approach from Unionists and we see how disrespectful Unionists have been with that decision.
Jarlath Burns cowardice stance on Nationality and his swinging British policy will not wear well with the thousands of GAA members who suffered in long kesh and other British institu-tions for their national beliefs.
Making Jarlath Burns President of the GAA is bowing-the-knee to the occupier and an insult for what the organisation stands for.

World War 111
The writing is on the wall for world war 111 if NATO supply fighter planes to Ukraine Russia will most likely challenge with a vicious response. A response that the west will have no option but to defend itself and there is no defence from nuclear weapons. It would be foolish to be-lieve that Russia will not use such weapons and we can be assured that if there is any sign of such a situation America will move first.
It is sad to see all the west and especially all the EU countries war mad there seems to be no interest in trying to bring about a peace process. The Irish authorities should be ashamed to be part of the west war machine.




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