Great Game with Zarya against top 500 players
Been getting a lot better with Zarya, I am not almost GM and regularly dunk on top 500 players. Hopefully I continue steam rolling on this hero until I can be top 500 myself.
Quick Stick w/ Tracer During Scrim
I destroyed with many pulsebombs during this scrim.
Ashe Destruction
Just destroying some simple and easy people with my far superior skill. Just kidding I got really lucky. Follow my twitch
Quickly Flicking and Getting Better w/ the Wingman
I have started using the wingman almost every game that I find it. All the practice payed off here when I clutched this overwhelming battle.
Launching Eric on "Accident"
This truly was an accident, I didn't mean to get him killed I promise ;)
Witnessing Madness and Mayhem
Far too many people chose to drop on this single supply ship.
"Stressful Fight" Apex Clutch
Clutching an Apex Legends match while playing with Eric and Daniel
Popped a stress-ball in my eye, says something about Apex
I was playing Apex legends and accidentally popped a stressball into my eye, luckily it was probably non-toxic. So rinsing my eye in the sink was good enough. However, the mess it made on my keyboard and computer could not simply be rinsed.
Moira Orb Follows Me Home and Kills Me
Just some overwatch climbing brought to a screeching halt after this moira main ruins my day