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Get Your World On Voted the Most Honest Podcast 109 Years Running!

My take on the choices Putin faces as he contemplates war in The Ukraine.

My take on the choices Putin faces as he contemplates war in The Ukraine.

Articles Putin: Will He or Won’t He? The world is waiting and watching with baited breath to see whether Vladimir Putin will start (actually, expand) a war in The Ukraine–a country already partially occupied. This is the fun part for Putin: Having the whole world treat him like a dangerous man, ...

A good level-headed discussion on Omicron virus.

A good level-headed discussion on Omicron virus.

Eric Topol is a world-renowned cardiologist and geneticist, bestselling author, editor-in-chief of Medscape (and a graduate of the UCSF Medicine residency pr...

An important, balanced, and nuanced piece on Omicron/Covid by the trustworthy Ed Yong.  I recommend reading it. -“The le...

An important, balanced, and nuanced piece on Omicron/Covid by the trustworthy Ed Yong. I recommend reading it.

-“The level of care that we’ve come to expect in our hospitals no longer exists.”

-“some of the absolute worst-case scenarios that were possible when we saw its genome are off the table, but so are some of the most hopeful scenarios,”

-The variant’s threat is far greater at the societal level than at the personal one, and policy makers have already cut themselves off from the tools needed to protect the populations they serve.

The new variant poses a far graver threat at the collective level than the individual one—the kind of test that the U.S. has repeatedly failed.

GREAT EXAMPLE OF THE POSITIVE SIDE OF AUTOMATION FOR WORKERS--better wages, easier work.  "Scott Lawton, CEO of the Arli...


"Scott Lawton, CEO of the Arlington, Virginia-based restaurant chain Bartaco, was having trouble last fall getting servers to return to his restaurants when they reopened during the pandemic.

So he decided to do without them. With the help of a software firm, his company developed an online ordering and payment system customers could use over their phones. Diners now simply scan a barcode at the center of each table to access a menu and order their food without waiting for a server. Workers bring food and drinks to their tables. And when they’re done eating, customers pay over their phones and leave.

The innovation has shaved the number of staff, but workers aren’t necessarily worse off. Each Bartaco location — there are 21 — now has up to eight assistant managers, roughly double the pre-pandemic total. Many are former servers, and they roam among the tables to make sure everyone has what they need. They are paid annual salaries starting at $55,000 rather than hourly wages."

Ask for a roast beef sandwich at an Arby’s drive-thru east of Los Angeles and you may be talking to Tori — an artificially intelligent voice assistant that will take your order and send it to the line cooks. “It doesn’t call sick,” says Amir Siddiqi, whose family installed the AI voice at ...

Great description of the 7 stages of Severe Covid.  It's not about scare-mongering, it's about people understanding what...

Great description of the 7 stages of Severe Covid. It's not about scare-mongering, it's about people understanding what this virus can do to the body that has no immunity whatsoever. From the Honolulu Department of Emergency Management.


In the future, we will all consider ourselves as having 2 ages. The age based on our date of birth. And our age based on how old our body is as determined by portable body scans which monitor all aspects of our health minute by minute. Some of us will learn that due to our diet and exercise, we are older physically than our age. Others of us will learn that we are younger physically than our numerical age.

DEATH FROM COVID IS NOT THE PRIMARY CONCERN for those in countries with good medical systems.  The prime concern is long...

DEATH FROM COVID IS NOT THE PRIMARY CONCERN for those in countries with good medical systems. The prime concern is long-term neurological impairment. Covid is a circulatory disease and Corona viruses permeate the brain and blood stream. The UK Biobank study is showing significant changes in brain structure and thinning of the grey matter in regard to memory, smell, and taste. The Lancet highlights another study coming to the same conclusion. Parkinson's is one disease that can be accelerated by Covid. CONTINUE TO TAKE COVID and HYGENE SERIOUSLY.

Our study provides evidence for substantial neurological and psychiatric morbidity in the 6 months after COVID-19 infection. Risks were greatest in, but not limited to, patients who had severe COVID-19. This information could help in service planning and identification of research priorities. Comple...

People misunderstand what "Efficacy" percentages mean in the various vaccines available.  They think one that is at 99% ...

People misunderstand what "Efficacy" percentages mean in the various vaccines available. They think one that is at 99% is more effective than one at 60%. It doesn't quite work that way. This video helps to explain how you should view vaccine statistics"

What a vaccine's "efficacy rate" actually means.Sign up for our newsletter: the US, the first two available Covid-19 va...


The current lack of workers for jobs in the USA is not simply due to stimulus checks. It's part of a bigger trend of re-evaluating our work/life balance. Do wealthy corportions owe employees higher wages, better health care and retirement plans, and more humane working conditions? Is a pursuit of material acquisition all that there is to life? Is losing valuable time with family worth it? All of this will re-set expectations about work over the coming years--putting the pressure on employers and companies. It's the retalliation of labor after 40 years of the emphasis being on capital.

Every once in a LONG while, I'll read an article that absolutely blows my mind.  This is one of those.  Regardless of wh...

Every once in a LONG while, I'll read an article that absolutely blows my mind. This is one of those. Regardless of what you think of this, the metaverse is real, it's more developed than people realize, and it's coming soon.

The Kentucky Derby may be the best-known stakes race happening in the equestrian world this weekend, but it’s hardly the


On the podcast, I talked about how there will be a coming wave of companies and technology that aim at companies like Google and Facebook selling our data for money. Now Apple's new version of the i-phone will be monitoring when apps are giving away your data. The pendulum will keep swinging toward anonymity and privacy.


I have a friend my age in India who is barely breathing because of COVID-19. His whole family has it. India doesn't have enough vaccines, has run out of oxygen, and there's no reason for him to go to the hospital. India has had 1.7 million cases in the last week. Pray for him and his family.

Meanwhile, in the USA, half the population doesn't want the vaccine and clinics are having a hard time even filling appointments. Millions of J&J, A-Z, Pfeizer, etc. vaccines sit unused and wasted.

Then there's Taiwan where one of my other friends moved to after Covid. Even though they had a lot of direct flights from Wuhan during the peak outbreak, ONLY 10 PEOPLE have died of Covid-19. The difference in Taiwan: 1) A culture that cares about the community and feels a sense of obligation to each other 2) A massive lock-down 3) Contact tracing and mitigation efforts 4) A culture of mask wearing.

India is a big, poor country with a lack of medical infrastructure. Taiwan is a tiny country with good medical infrastructure. The USA is big, rich, and has the best medical infrastructure and laboratories in the world. The USA has everything to deal with a pandemic---except the most important thing: selflessness toward their neighbor.

It's amazing that China and the USA have dominated the world economically and still have managed to be financially insol...

It's amazing that China and the USA have dominated the world economically and still have managed to be financially insolvent. My latest:

It's hard to believe that in the year 2001 when the 21st Century began, most people still thought that China was a country filled with starving peasants. When I packed my bags to move to Hong Kong that January, the world had still not awoken to the fact that China had already spent 22 years comi...


In the USA, the government is saying there is 1% inflation. At the same time, 20% of all the U.S. Dollars ever printed, have been printed in the last 1 year. These are the current post-Covid inflation rates. Are you seeing prices go up in your state or country?

Steel +145%
Lumber +126%
Oil +80%
Soybeans +71%
Corn _69%
Copper +50%
Silver +38%
Cotton +35%
Coffee +34%
Wheat +25%
FAO Food Index +25%
Cattle +21%
Bitcoin +470%
Stock Market +23%
Home Values + 8%
Hourly Wages +5%
Money Supply Up +24%

Reported Inflation +1%


THE "GREAT RESET" IS COMING: You will be hearing the term Great Reset a lot in the coming months and years. As I mentioned in the GYWO podcast, the world's biggest problem is the $300 Trillion of corporate, private, and government debt. Climate change can't even be dealt with if there's no money to spend on inventing new technology and changing infrastructure. Most countries in the world were technically insolvent BEFORE Covid-19. The spending needed post Covid-19 will force the world to either declare bankruptcy with every economy and society disentegrating, or they will have to coordinate a global response. That is what will happen, and that is why you are hearing the term "Great Reset" from the IMF, the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, the European Central Bank and others.

To achieve that Great Reset will require re-inventing the Global economy, as I said in the podcast. That will mean devaluing all of the world's currencies (which is happening now). A dollar, a pound, a yen, a Euro will buy less tomorrow than it will today. Your $100,000 savings will be worth $50,000 in 10 years or less. Every country will need to make their currency worth less to compete globally in trade (sell cheaper products).

Another step (already underway) is an attempt at controlled inflation. Prices for everything from coffee, to meat, fuel, sugar, wheat, housing, clothes, etc. will go up. Inflation will allow countries to inflate the debt away. This is done through money-printing. If you owe $1 billion dollars and you can print $1 billion dollars, you can pay off your debts. If interest rates are kept artificially low or negative, you can pay down the interest on your debt easier. Unfortunately, this also devalues the average person's paycheck. The only thing that retains value are assets that hold their value and it's mainly rich people who can own gold, silver, precious art, or expensive real estate properties that will retain their value--thus exacerbating the rich-poor divide.

Some form of Great Reset has to be done. It doesn't matter what country, President, or political party we are talking about. Most nations are borrowing or printing their money and it's the result of decades of poor saving habits and reckless financial policies. Now the bill is due.

Part of paying that overdue bill will be replacing the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. A wave of new Central Bank digital currencies will be rolled out (and are being rolled out now). Reserve currencies tend to only last 50 years and 2021 marks the 50th year since the U.S. dollar abandoned the gold standard under Nixon. Facebook still wants to launch its own currency/coin and is already experimenting with one in Mexico.

This will add further fuel to the conspiracy theories that are already growing out of control. We'll hear about "the one world government," "the mark of the beast," "the illumnati," "the Jews" etc. Behind the scenes, however, the countries that re-do their social safety net to make sure the rich-poor gap shrinks, the countries that embrace new decentralized finance banking systems with greater transparency, and the countries that are willing to bring labor, capital, technology, and worker's rights together will emerge as the winners in a whole new economic system. There will emerge, ultimately, a more stable, equitable, and responsible system. But getting there will be filled with turbulence.


TECH COMPANIES WILL HAVE TO GIVE BACK MORE TO THE CONSUMER: Slowly but surely, tech commerce and tech companies will have to empower the consumer more; instead of just taking data and acting like priviledged monopolies. Look for some pretty exciting changes and new models. In China, there is a company called Pinduoduo. It's a place to get basic products, like But the difference is that there are three prices to everything. The regular price of an item, a deeply discounted price if you get 3 or 4 more friends/family to buy the item with you (maybe you all need to stock up on school supplies for the kids, so why not buy them all together at the same time for a cheaper price), and if you get enough people to join you, it's free!


1998-2010 seemed like the age of internet introduction and convenience.
2010-2020 seemed like the age of internet invasion of privacy and social division.
2021-2030 will be about recovering privacy, re-establishing truth norms, and creating deflation in healthcare, banking, and education.

We live in an age of disruption.  The next 3 industries lined up for major disruption are 1) Banking 2) Higher Education...

We live in an age of disruption. The next 3 industries lined up for major disruption are 1) Banking 2) Higher Education and 3) Health Care. Of those three, only Health Care will add jobs. The other two will be dramatically scaled down.

Check out my podcast for more info about what is coming up in the next 10 years.

Podcasts Episode 1008: What 2030 Will Look Like Read more December 19, 2020/by Patrick Nachtigall 1707 2560 Patrick Nachtigall

Remember when a movement of angry Muslims were terrorizing the world after 9/11 and Christians were saying, "Why aren't ...

Remember when a movement of angry Muslims were terrorizing the world after 9/11 and Christians were saying, "Why aren't Muslims speaking out and marching against this?" A lot of those Christians aren't marching now that Christian nationalism and "Christian" terrorism is growing around the world. Money quote:

'Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God. This pretty much sums up my life. It's a pretty good life,' stated a tagline on an Instagram account believed to be Longs.

A student who he went to high school with in 2017 told the Daily Beast that he was keen on religion but never seemed violent.

'He was very innocent seeming and wouldn't even cuss. He was sorta nerdy and didn't seem violent from what I remember. He was a hunter and his father was a youth minister or pastor. He was big into religion.'

A youth pastor at the Crabapple First Baptist Church confirmed he was the suspect in the shootings and that a statement would be forthcoming." How about a march and a complete and total denunciation of Christian nationalism instead?"

Robert Aaron Long, 21, has been captured in southwest Georgia, hours after eight people were killed in shootings at three Atlanta-area massage parlors.


Example #1001 of Why East/Southeast Asia is kicking the West's ass.

THE WEST: "The pandemic is over-blown, it's a conspiracy, it's a hoax, it ruined our economy, it was political! Let's have a civil war against each other about it!" Hundreds of thousands dead.
EAST ASIA: "It was real and we only had to close down for a couple of months and have been enjoying life ever since. All you had to do was follow the scientific blueprint we created on how to deal with pandemics 20 years ago." Not even hundreds dead.


A new stronger Covid19 strain, of the new weaker strain (B117) that is now spreading in Europe (E484K mutation). It weakens the power of vaccines and allows re-infections. It will be more important for people to keep wearing HIGH QUALITY masks (even if vaccinated); although, this is unlikely to happen in most countries outside of East and Southeast Asia unfortunately. It's confusing because rates were starting to drop in many countries, and more virulent, but less dangerous strains were taking over. But there is something new in the air.

When the number of COVID-19 cases began to rise again in Manaus, Brazil, in December 2020, Nuno Faria was stunned. The v...

When the number of COVID-19 cases began to rise again in Manaus, Brazil, in December 2020, Nuno Faria was stunned. The virologist at Imperial College London and associate professor at the University of Oxford had just co-authored a paper in Science estimating that three-quarters of the city’s inhabitants had already been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the pandemic coronavirus—more than enough, it seemed, for herd immunity to develop. The virus should be done with Manaus. Yet hospitals were filling up again

So far, the virus does not appear to have become resistant to COVID-19 vaccines, says vaccinologist Philip Krause, who chairs a WHO working group on COVID-19 vaccines. “The not-so-good news is that the rapid evolution of these variants suggests that if it is possible for the virus to evolve into a vaccine-resistant phenotype, this may happen sooner than we like,”

Scientists worry mutations found in Brazil and South Africa could help SARS-CoV-2 evade human antibodies

s horrific as the U.S. Covid-19 outbreak looks right now, it is almost certainly about to get worse...“I’m very, very co...

s horrific as the U.S. Covid-19 outbreak looks right now, it is almost certainly about to get worse...“I’m very, very concerned that we’ve now gone from a virus that we could control to a virus that we really can’t, unless we do something very dramatic,” said Kristian Andersen, an infectious diseases expert at Scripps Research Institute.....“Even if B.1.1.7 (or some other more transmissible variant) isn’t any more likely to cause severe disease or death, we may see a larger volume of deaths in its presence simply because there will likely be more infections than there would be without it.,”

As horrific as the U.S. Covid-19 outbreak looks right now, it is almost certainly about to get worse.

"I dismissed the news initially because viruses mutate all the time and there have been too many baseless “mutant-ninja ...

"I dismissed the news initially because viruses mutate all the time and there have been too many baseless “mutant-ninja virus” doomsaying headlines this year.....However, as data on the new variant roll in, there is cause for real concern.....To put it another way, a small percentage of a very big number can easily be much, much bigger than a big percentage of a small number...The Covid Tracking Project at The Atlantic, points out that infections from the new variant are increasing very rapidly among the population in the U.K. Bedford also notes that this new variant seems to have a higher secondary-attack rate—meaning the number of people subsequently infected by a known case—compared with “regular” COVID-19. Finally, the new variant seems to result in higher viral loads.

There is much we don’t know about the new COVID-19 variant—but everything we know so far suggests a huge danger.

The Season Finale!  What will the year 2030 look like?  It's the GOOD NEWS episode!  I cover health-care, the disruption...

The Season Finale! What will the year 2030 look like? It's the GOOD NEWS episode! I cover health-care, the disruption headed for major industries, the future of travel and housing. Most importantly: 5 pieces of advice for surviving the next 10 years.

The Good News Episode! The coming revolution in health care; the disruption and by-passing effect of major global systems; the future of travel and housing; and five pieces of advice for surviving the next 10 years.



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Get Your World On and Turn the Ignorance Off!

In a world of fake news and untruthful media, understanding today’s global headlines is difficult and depressing. The Get Your World On podcast breaks down today’s most important news stories and global trends in a way that is fun, understandable, and low in calories. Voted the World’s Most Honest Podcast 103 Years Running!