So here we are a week after the 2020 Election and Donald Trump still has not conceded after losing to Joe Biden. Let us remember 2016 where Donald Trump claimed that the election was "Rigged against him" and said he would only accept the results if he won...And then He did win, and we promptly never heard another word about it...But wait, I thought it was rigged against him? If so, how did he win?....Anyway he is back in a big way making the same claim and this time since he's a sitting President he has a lot more power and options to throw a monkey wrench into the whole works...and he is doing that...All the while Giving The Middle Finger to the Greatest of American Institutions....A Free and Fair Election!
So let's dissect this claim and Mr. Trump while we are at it...I never thought I would give Trump kudos for anything But I must say He Is A Really, Really Good Liar. Good at making them up, Good at telling them over and over and Good at getting others to believe them! I have been reading Michael Cohen's book about Trump titled "Disloyal". He was Trump's personal lawyer and fixer for over 10 years and this is what he wrote about him and his lying...
"This was the pattern I had grown accustomed to, not since Trump had entered politics, but in all the years I had represented the Boss. If your caught in a lie, double and triple down. It was the opposite of Occam's Razor: Instead of the simplest explanation being the likeliest, this strategy involved complicating the narrative, throwing sand in the eyes of the onlooker, claiming that transparently implausible stories were true unless proven
otherwise, and even then denying the obvious truth. It was a variation of the old joke: Are you going to believe me or your Lying Eyes? It was surprisingly effective over time, if your willing to be brazen and relentless. It helped if you never truly thought about the past, or the consequences of lying, and if you always lived in the present tense, like a shark swimming through water only able to survive through constant motion"..."Trump's mind was so permeated with deception and delusion -of others and himself-that I had to be prepared to literally depart from reality and enter a kind of fantasyland when I spoke to the President"
I think those words sum up what we have watched for 4 years pretty well But let's dig a little deeper...Here's a few more quotes..."A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth"...and...."If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself" These are a couple of quotes by Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister for the N**is during WW2 who is widely aknowledged to be the father of propaganda. I mention these 3 quotes because they speak to the method that Trump uses to spread his propaganda.
At least 6 months ago Trump began stating that if we used mail in voting that it would result in a corrupt and rigged election. Now rigged elections are just not something that has ever been a subject during national elections in this country in all the years I have been voting. If any candidate would have claimed ahead of OR after a Presidential Election that the election was "Rigged" people would have looked at him like he was crazy...It's just not something we think about...We have a great system...Not that it's perfect BUT it is pretty damn good. So here comes Trump, claiming once again that the election is "Rigged" against him. In 2016 he claimed it was "Rigged" because of Illegal Aliens voting against him and he actually formed a commission after he was elected to investigate that because he was convinced that that was the only way Hillary Clinton could have beat him in the Popular Vote. Well that commission, with the full force of the government behind it was quietly disbanded less than a year later because they could find NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER of Election Fraud!!! Of course we never heard about that part did we?
Anyway, so now Trump starts talking about Election Fraud, because of mail in voting, this time around and now because he is the President, every time he mentions it, it gets reported. Over and over and over again he repeats this Lie...After a while it becomes a subject that is discussed on news programs, talked about at the water cooler and so on...Something that never would have been considered just a few years before is now, magically, a subject of conversation...Like it is actually a viable subject to talk about....BUT WAIT...! Trump just made it up...Do You see what I'm saying here? There never has been any evidence at all that mail in voting was ripe for fraud...NEVER! And it's been in use almost 200 years. So Donald Trump, makes up this scenario, repeats it over and over using his Presidential Megaphone and magically it becomes a topic. Then, knowing that mail in votes will be counted last in certain states, especially in a few battleground states, and that most mail in votes will skew Democratic, he tells all his base to vote in person on election day knowing that votes for him will spike election night and the next day...Then when the mail in votes start coming in later and states Votes start becoming more Democrats, he can claim that he was ahead and then the Democrats used phony mail in votes OR votes that came in after the polls closed or whatever the lie is that he decides to make up, and he then claims that He Was Robbed of the Election...But let's remember,
In reality we just had a hard fought election, with a Pandemic thrown in that made Mail In Voting a major player in the election in a way it had never been. The result of mail in votes counted last and in great volumes was predicted by everyone. Nothing was nefarious or suspect, it was exactly as everyone in the know thought it would go. Trump's people knew that too and He took that info and spun it into another Bogus Conspiracy...
Here's the thing, We have been having Elections in the country for 240 years....In Every Presidential Election One Guy Lost... Statistically, every Candidate has a 50% chance of losing before any votes are even counted...Donald Trump didn't even believe he would win in 2016 but he did...This election was exceptional in that we had a very high turnout and mail in voting was used in volume because of the Pandemic...In reality it was a really great election but in another way it was just like every other Presidential Election we've ever had in that One Guy Was Victorious and the Other Guy Lost...It's Happened Every Single Time...How Normal and Unexceptional...There is no Fraud Here...Just A Sore Loser... and in my View a Man who is careening toward Treason if he doesn't stop what he is Doing and Concede an Election He Lost...
What He Does Not Understand Is That The Act Of Concession and The Peaceful Transition of Power Is...
"THE" Thing That Makes America Great!