Dear Readers,
After a Gap of almost 3 months after Kapish 2 released in December end, we are now coming out with 2 new releases, one in English and the other in Malayalam.
English - OTHELLO (Release on 25/3/24)
Malayalam - A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM (Release on 30/3/24)
Yes, we are aware that our dear Subscribers may not be happy with the delay in between releases, atleast some of them have expressed to us their unhapiness. One thing we can tell you is that we are a small business house now, desperately trying to get a foothold on things, also trying new titles in between, apart from classics series, KAPISH is one such title we tried, also we are working on VIKRAM, which we plan to bring out in April. This 2 new releases, this month, is the 16th title in malayalam and 19th title in English, apart from KAPISH series and other childrens books. Maintaining the stock of these titles needs investment in terms of money, time and efforts. It also goes without saying that Publishing is not a lucrative business these days, people who are in this are there, because of their passion for publishing books. So, we need to maintain a balance, hence, we intentionally hold back printing new books, especially in those months when sale is generally dull.
So, request you all to kindly bear with us for the intermittend delay, we would also assure you that, while we are comitted in bringing out new books in Classics series, we also plan to bring out other series aswell. Thanks for all your support dear readers.
Happy Reading !!