Studies like this incorrectly portray Ketogenic and Carnivore as harmful and dangerous. In all actuality, Keto, when done correctly, is healing.
There are numerous testimonials of folks getting off medication and reversing their conditions/issues/diseases, such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Eczema, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Depression, and so many more. Even I have reversed my prediabetes, lowered my blood pressure, and lost 40 pounds.
Do your research and ask yourself this, "Who is actually paying for these studies?" You may or may not be aware but these studies are usually paid for by big pharma and the processed food companies, who are oftentimes one and the same.
Also think about this: if you are sick and on meds and continually getting prescriptions filled, who is making a profit off of you? Wouldn't they want to keep you sick so they can continue reaching their financial goals and increasing their bottom line?
And for those that think that long-term effects of Keto are not known...actually, they are. Keto Adapted - Maria Emmerich has been keto and helping others for over 20 years. She has numerous testimonies on her website, including her own story about reversing PCOS and losing weight.
Other practitioners to research and follow: Anthony Chaffee (medical doctor), ⚜️ DR. KEN BERRY ⚜️ (medical doctor), Ovadia Heart Health (Cardiologist), Keto Adapted - Maria Emmerich (Keto, PSMF, Carnivore Coach) Healing Humanity: The Power of a Proper Human Diet (documentary movie-in-the-making).
Want to see what a really bad study looks like? And with completely misleading headlines and likely an agenda behind the articles and titles? Check this out!
This “study” was a really poorly done observational study of 305 people. They gave them a one time, 24 HOUR, food survey. You read that right, they asked them what they ate over the last 24 hours.
And here is the worst part. They then labeled anyone eating less than 25% of calories from carbs (and more than 45% from fat) the Keto group. Yup, on a 3,000 calorie a day diet, that is up to 187g of carbs a day. That is TEN times what a good keto diet would have for carb intake. So that group basically ate high fat and high carb.
This is complete garbage, but it will be broadcast across every media channel as fact. And it give keto a really bad unfair rap!
Just ridiculous!