Hey guys. As you may or may not be aware I haven't streamed in a while. Whilst I love chatting to you guys and interacting with you on a personal level, hearing your stories and debating important issues like how orange and chocolate definitely do not go together 😂😂, the actual gaming side of things has been a struggle for me lately, games just feel a bit meh, I know a lot of people are feeling the same way, and not having a regular game to play makes it even harder to hit that Go Live button and be confident you're going to be the best version of yourself. Fitting in streams around an ever changing work schedule, a lot of which is hundreds of miles from home, makes it extremely hard to dedicate enough time to maintaining, never mind trying to grow the small community we have. I don't feel like I am making worthwhile content anymore, its become samey and stale and I haven't really got enough time around family and work to make a real go of this channel like I hoped I would and I think it shows.
So unfortunately for the immediate future there won't be anymore streams, I'm gonna keep the channel alive and maybe in the future, circumstances change which mean I am able to dedicate more time and passion into creating something to be even more proud of.
Thank you to everyone of you for your support over the past 9 months you've been amazing, overwhelming, humbling and you'll never know how much I appreciate every single one of you. Hope to see you in the future.
Love to you all