hi guys, how has codm community been? i just stopped by to say my codm account is now mainly being used by my cousin. so if you think i’m ignoring you when my account is online, i’m not 😂 i haven’t been active for a long time now, but thanks for the messages. i’d say i’ve been more immersed in the real world—gotten busier with work, travels, meeting new people, experiencing life and chasing dreams. nevertheless, my codm era was such a remarkable time. everyone was home and bored during the pandemic, it brought out the gamer girl in me which i never thought existed (although it only lasted for about 2 years). i met a lot of friends from different parts of the country and learned so much from them. so grateful to have been a part of this gaming community. i’ll still play once in a while. so see you in the battlefield, soldiers? 🤍
p.s. photos are from my recent travel as a digital nomad in siargao