Felling those autumn vibes @cafeartista ❤️
Today and tomorrow only @shopatflirt downtown Pullman. Go stock up while the getting is good. ❤️ #sidewalksale -
#pullmandeals #flirtpullman #pullmanlocal #dealsdealsdeals #pullmanwashington #pullmanwsu #shoppullman #shoplocal #flirt #supportlocalbusiness #localdeals #gottalovegooddeals
Exciting announcement! — I’ve teamed up with some awesome local makers again to bring you some incredible giveaway baskets. 😍
My hope is to do a weekly giveaway leading up until Christmas. The baskets will feature local made goodies and no purchase will be necessary to win. -
My hope is to bring attention and support to all handcrafted items that are being produced in our community as we approach the season of giving. (You can never go wrong with a one of a kind item that was made with love.😉)
Each week the rules will be posted, but I really plan on keeping it simple. I’ll probably just ask people to follow all the local makers accounts as a way to say thanks for their generosity and to support their awesome local businesses.— It should be a ton of fun.❤️🥳
I’m still collecting the goodies to fill the first week’s basket so please stay tuned.-
Feel free to comment with questions. You can also join our email list if you want a reminder right before I post the giveaway so you don’t miss out. -
I might even start next week if everything comes together over the weekend.🤞- #sorrythatwaslong
#pullmanlocal #giveawaybaskets #localmakers #supportlocal #locallymade #pullmanwashington #pullmanwa #getawesomestuff #pullmanmakers #loveonyourlocals #giveaways #giftideas
🎵on — Let’s do this Pullman. Together we can get the @pullmangoodfoodcoop started!-
Did you see any yards you recognized? Give your neighbor a shout to say thanks for helping grow our community.-
*Sorry to the people who got weirded out when I was running around taking photos of their yard signs. I promise I wasn’t trying to be a creeper. 😘-
Hop over to the @pullmangoodfoodcoop account now and consider becoming a founding member today.❤️
#pullmangoodfoodcoop -
#iownityoucantoo #pullmanlocal #letsdothis #shopsmall #pullmanwa #localtastesbetter
Yes, please!!— If you haven’t visited Tan’s Chinese on Bishop Blvd. here’s the closer on why you need to go check them out. -
Shout out to @spokane.guild for sharing this video with us. 😍 These are my husband’s favorite menu item there. #pullmaneats -
#tanschinese #pullmanfood #yum #pullmanlocal #porkbuns #foodie #shopsmall #pullmantakeout
Guess where I’m headed? — Downtown to scope out the 50% off racks that @shopatflirt has out today for their annual sidewalk sale.-
My summer clothes are a little tighter than last year, if you know what I mean, so I’m hoping to score something cute on the deals rack. 😜#crazydayspullman #cantbuttonmypants -
#pullmanlocal #shopatflirt #shopsmall #pullmandeals #50offsale #ilovedeals #shoplocal
Summer Issue Alert! 🎉 — I’ll be emailing the magazine link to all our subscribers this week. -
Want this issue of Pullman Local? — Subscribe free using the link in our bio.❤️-
#pullmanlocal #pullmaneats #pullmanlocalmagazine #pullmanwa #localmakers #smallbusiness #localmag #spreadkindness #summer2020 #loveyourneighbors #localshelpinglocals
Reopening Alert — @monroelifestyles will be open to the public again this Wednesday (6/3) -
Father’s Day is just around the corner, so don’t miss out on there sale. — Today is the last day to save 20% off online for all men’s clothing.🤩 USE CODE: SPRING2020. #spoilyourman
#fathersdaygifts #pullmanreopens #monroemens #pullmanwashington #sweetdadshirt #shoplocal #supportsmallbusiness #pullmanlocal #pullmandeals #openingsoon
🎧 on. — Stay strong Pullman, we’ll get through this. ❤️ #loveyoupullman -
#pullmanlocal #shoplocalpullman #supportsmallbusiness #locallove #betterdaysahead #lentilfestival #pullmandowntown #bestlittletown
Is everyone ready for our Spring issue?😍— I’m so excited for everyone to see this issue.
Believe it or not, I personally hand bundle all 10,000 copies into the specific mailing routes in town. 😘
Let me know when you get yours and remember to keep your eye out for those winning stickers —Thank you Pullman! -
#pullmanlocalmagazine #imasmallbusinessownertoo #pullmanlocal #laboroflove #pullmanbusinessowner #owneroperated #pullmanlove #pullmanproud #lovethistown #gratefulheart #loveyourneighbor
Mailing out this week. Are you as excited as we are?! #pullmanlocal
This week’s “Shop Local Saturday Spotlight” is @michellesclosetpullman
Have you been there yet?
Comment below and tell us what you loved! Tag you most fashionable friend just for fun.😜
#pullmanlocal #pullmanproud #shoplocalspotlight #pullmanwa #shoplocal