Slow mo if the first swing of the day. Swing is bad. Don’t @ me.
Took a little time off to get myself in order. Did a few things, went and did the things that made me, me. It’s been really good.
Sorry for the lack of streams. I have something to tell you guys tho. See you soon!
Not again…. @seaofthievesgame
#seaofthieves #gunpowderkeg #sot #boom #explosion #oops #ithappens #mistakesweremade
@idrawhomer doing the loopdy loops for us in @seaofthievesgame!
#loopdyloop #loopdyloops #seaofthieves #sot #funnymomenta #notabug #itsafeature #itsafeaturenotabug
Messing with the pilot car and instant karma gets me… @truckersmp.official #tmp #truckersmp #americantrucksimulator #ats #karma #instantkarma #wreck
Battling a sloop, going for the board…. Then this happened!
@seaofthievesgame #seaofthieves #sot #meg #gotmegged #woah #didntseethatcoming
Wreckfest shenanigans! Everyone has that one person who lines themselves up perfectly for an epic shot. Falcon was that guy in this clip!!
@wreckfestgame @wreckfest_official #wreckfest #wreckfestgame #gottem #getwrecked #getrekt #targetacquired
Wreckfest shenanigans! Everyone has that one person who lines up perfectly for an epic shot! Falcon…. Was that person in this clip!
@wreckfest_official @wreckfestgame #gottem #wreckfest #getwrecked #getrekt #targetacquired
You all know about Country’s Corner by now. Did you know it catches more trucks. More than than just me!!
@scssoftware #americantrucksimulator @truckersmp.official #ats #18wheeler #inthedrink
The beginning of Country’s Corner. If you ever go by the Yakima Bridge, stop just for a minute and remember me for who I was, not how I went out
Hey and @truckersmp.official how many likes to get a sign that says “Country’a Corner” by this bridge?
#americantrucksimulator #howmanylikes #upsidedown #themomentwhen #whoops #twitch #affiliate
This is what happened when you let @jeefberkee75 and I get to close in our trucks together… #americantrucksimulator content!! LETS GO!!! #wrongside #wrongsideoftheroad #otherside #truckersmp #whoops
When life gets choppy. Clear your head, take a drive down some country roads, blast some country music and let the sounds take you in. #PureBliss #countrythings #exhaust