August was a great month here at Great Scott Voice Media! I got some more opportunities for eLearning narration, I got to sit in the voice casting chair as well as using my production skills to make a great radio spot (thanks CHARLIE TORO)! Some
More YouTube narration and some corporate videos, and the most exciting part was being cast as “Reverend Carl Eschbach” in an audio drama podcast called, “The Forbidden Diary”.
Here is a fun little business voicemail I made for a service that’s really gone to the dogs!
If you need voice over, a radio commercial or any media invoking the human voice, contact me and together, we can make your project great!
#media #voicemail #voiceover #voiceactor #business #b2bservices
Ruthy's BigTime Burger Ad!
I got to produce another radio commercial today and I think it turned out pretty good! The VO talent that I hired knocked it out of the park! Tell me what you think?
If you need an voice over, radio commercial, podcast intro or an ad for for you podcast, click the link below and let's get your message out there!
#voiceover #voiceoverartist #voiceactor #voiceacting #audioproduction #audioproductions #radiocommercials
I was hired to do a voice over where the client wanted something that sounded, “Spongy”. I had a great time with this one.
Did a really fun job last night with my new podcast intro gig. A bank in Kansas who hired me to do their IVR last year called on me again to do an intro for an original podcast series they are doing. They even trusted me to write the script and choose the music and encouraged me to be creative. I truly love doing voice overs!