F**k. I think the past is leaking.
("Bring a bucket and a mop…"?)
As dayllight fades in Berlin and discourses everywhere grow darker, it felt just like the right time to dig up an old track of mine from 2012.
Tech House, I guess… feat. the choir of ghosts from under my bed. I haven't slept a single night in 11 years because they just wouldn't stop chanting their eerie aah's and oh's.
I really hope I'll get some rest now.
Yes, it’s been awfully quiet around here chez UNBOXING SHADOWS.
But that’s just because we have big plans for our next release, and we want it to be perfect. And, well, because of executive dysfunction… 🫣
But because it’s the spooky season (hm… will it ever end?) we have a little treat for you this Friday!
Exildiscount #trickortreat #thehorrorthehorror #music #techno #house #techhouse #theundead #traumaqueen
OK, fine!
One week before the release of Exildiscount‘s EP “Next Big Thing“ here’s a cute little snippet from track #2: “Going to Bed Hungry”.
#goingtobedhungry #okfine #nextbigthing #exildiscount #techno #house #ebm #unboxingshadows
We are excited!
More info about USX001 coming soon!
#unboxingshadows #techno #house #ebm #newbeat #queer #berlin #glitchplease