"It all started by a lovely shot of Ouzo." - GPP_Films
We love a good drink
Jack Daniels Commercial (Unofficial)
#freelancer #videoediting #globalproductionpictures #jackdaniels
The Team and I wish all of you guys a happy Short-Clip-Thursday. This one is from one of my journeys, Cape Town.
Enjoy your day and more importantly - do it with us.
#film #videoediting
Screenwriting challenge #1
Our developers created extra for your entertainment a function that spits out a random plot.
Every week one of our writers will take the challenge and create a screenplay scene within a twenty-two seconds time frame.
Can we beat it?
#screenwriting #screenplay
Touch me like never before...
While you are busy not to burn your butt off we'll use this moment to tell you that we are there whenever you are about to create your next video, visual, text or screenplay. No matter what, no matter when - we are there for you.
#gaming #freelancer
Did we already mention that we're fun?
Ladies, gentlemen and dear freaks,
we're happy to announce that the world how we knew it is about to end.
Luckily for you that a new, crazier, funnier and faster one is about to emerge.
Well to be honest for most out there it will get more complicated as most of the stuff is not self-explanatory. But don't you worry - we are there to help.
We carefully observe what's going on and are more than happy to consult and provide you with video, visual and text material that will help you promote your brand and/or yourself.
Like your favorite stripper is our service not for free.
Children, books and netflix subs are expensive - thanks Hastings.
Anyways, check us out and don't miss out on the revolution.
#videoediting #videoedit #ad #freelancer #filmmaking
#globalproductionpictures #advertising #future
Do you dare to beat the competition?
Dear reader,
as my job is depending on your engagement with this post, let us skip the dinner, flowers and embarrassing moment with your parents, and go right away into business.
I don't ask for your trust because our rates are so affordable that foundations start to raise donations for us.
I don't ask for your trust because our videos and visuals are so creative that even Picasso would consider it crazy.
I don't ask for your trust because your wish is more important to us than the prom night to a fondling high school couple.
I ask for your trust because my job depends on it and well - we really sell good stuff. Especially our screenplays!
You don't believe me?
I dare you to check the link in the bio and see for yourself.
People kept asking why we do what we do...
We are not doing what we do because we understand how important good relationships are.
And not because we’re spending more time online then anyone else.
We do what we do because finding the right match is often not as easy.
We know how to get the best out of you and make the right impression online.
From Ads till 2D Animation we’ve got you covered.
Why should you spent huge amounts of money on inefficient advertisement and campaigns when you can easily give your money to us - or at least some of it.
The point is - We do what we do because we understand the digital market and love putting smiles on faces of every new lead.
Don't waste your money with others - give it to us.
#freelancer #videoediting #2danimation #videoistheneworange
Do you dare to beat the competition?
We could list here statics, customer reviews or quotes
to make the importance of good video marketing clear.
But you already knew this.
What you didn't know is that we offer a wide range of editing services for video and visuals to upgrade your social media or business account.
- Wide range of editing services.
- No long contracts, no hourly rates.
- Creative, cheeky, and yet very classy (wife material).
- Affordable (Who was Fiv-Five-F again?).
Look into the comment section if you dare to be better than most.
#videoediting #freelancing
Do you dare to beat the competition?
We'd stayed up all night to accumulate pieces of evidence that proof that
we are to your online appearance what Kim and Kylie are to Instagram.
The boost into the next level.
Unfortunately, we sank down on the couch binge-watching Scrubs.
Anyway, we hope the video does the job.
See you in the comment section. #JDrocks
We could list here statics, customer reviews or quotes
to make the importance of good video marketing clear.
But you already knew this.
What you didn't know is that we offer a wide range of editing services for video and visuals to upgrade your social media or business account.
- Wide range of editing services
- No long contracts, no hourly rates
- Creative, cheeky, and yet very classic (wife material)
- Affordable (Who was Fiv-Five-F again?)
We could write more but why when the solution is right in the comments.