If you find yourself playing comparison games in your mind, take the time to determine whether you genuinely want what you believe you're lacking.
#Comparison #ComparisonIsTheThiefOfJoy #DontCompare #DontCompareYourself #LifeAdvice #Mindset
Insecure people will do what they can to make themselves feel better than you. Don't take their words or actions to heart. If an insecure person targets you, it likely means you're on the right path.
#InsecurePeople #Haters #HatersGonnaHate #HatersBeLike #HaterProof #LifeAdvice
Anger can be a challenging emotion to manage. In this short video, I share some effective tips for handling anger in healthier ways.
#Anger #Angry #AngerManagement #AngerIssues #AngerProblems #AngerControl
It’s important to maintain trust in yourself throughout your life journey. Actions that diminish your self-respect will inevitably erode your self-trust as well.
#SelfRespect #SelfRespectFirst #RespectYourself #TrustYourself #SelfTrust #LifeAdvice
Aim to date people who know what they want. Otherwise, you risk wasting time and experiencing avoidable heartache.
#Dating #DatingAdvice #DatingTips #DatingHelp #DatingWithAPurpose #ConsciousDating
Aim to prioritize your mental health; it usually enhances your overall contentment.
#MentalHealth #MentalHealthMatters #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthIsImportant #LifeAdvice #LifeTips
Things not going the way you wanted can often be a blessing in disguise. It's helpful to think of the bigger picture and analyze when it's actually beneficial that you didn't get what you wanted.
#BlessingInDisguise #BiggerPicture #BigPicture #LifeAdvice #LifeTips #Mindset
It's incredibly important to speak your truth—and doubly so if you're afraid of doing it. You can only build an aligned life by speaking your truth.
#SpeakYourTruth #BeAuthentic #BeReal #BeVulnerable #SelfHelp #PersonalGrowth
In this video, I share my thoughts on getting older and not being where you want to be in life.
#GrowingOlder #GrowingOld #GettingOlder #GettingOld #Aging #LifeAdvice #LifeTips #SocialCommentary #LifeGoal #LifeGoals #GoalsAndDreams
Some birthday thoughts on aging.
#Aging #GrowingOlder #GrowingOld #GettingOlder #GettingOld #LifeAdvice